

2月19日消息,去中心化AI神经网络算法协议Uswap.ai宣布完成150万美元融资,Waterdrip Capital领投。 据介绍,Uswap是一个去中心化的AI神经网络算法协议,将AI Agent融入去中心化交易所(DEX)和链上交易,能够快速创建各类共识资产的流动池等。

2025-02-19 01:15:11

马斯克宣布即将对X算法进行修改,将优先推广被认为具有信息性或教育性的内容,此举遭到了广泛反对。 马斯克称,计划中的修改是为了应对X上“太多负面消息”。他在1月3日的社交媒体帖子中写道:“我们的目标是最大化用户不后悔的使用时间。太多的负面消息被推送,从技术上来说会增加用户使用时间,但不会增加用户不后悔的使用时间...

2025-01-05 02:12:40


2024-11-24 07:09:19

美 SEC 主席 Gary Gensler 表示,无论是使用算法还是人工智能模型来欺诈公众都是诈骗,这不仅仅是我们所面临的问题,其他机构如联邦贸易委员会等也将面临类似情况。美 SEC 每天都在专注于如何在系统中降低成本,需要通过竞争、透明度等方式来降低成本,并确保市场的可及性。同时还要关注市场的韧性,例如通过中央清算等措施来增强后端和基础设施的稳健性。

2024-10-22 16:07:08
Frax Finance与再质押层Karak达成合作,引入原生再质押及DSS

混合算法稳定币协议 Frax Finance 宣布与再质押层 Karak 达成合作,在 Frax Finance 生态系统中引入原生的再质押功能和 DSS(去中心化安全服务),并在 Fraxtal 上原生支持这一功能,加速实现普遍可验证金融的愿景。

2024-09-25 21:45:35


2024-09-25 08:08:22
Sui 主网将集成基于 DAG 的共识算法 Mysticeti

Sui发推称,其主网将集成基于 DAG 的共识算法 Mysticeti,将在未来几周内分几个步骤展开升级过程。官方表示,Mysticeti 在测试网上达成共识的时间为 390 毫秒,最终结算时间为 640 毫秒,相比 Narwhal-Bullshark 减少了 80%。除了将延迟与吞吐量解耦之外,该算法还能保持极高的吞吐量(即使在网络和节点出现故障的情况下)。此外,Mysticeti 验证者无需认...

2024-07-26 03:29:15

1. 算法加密交易平台Tread.fi完成350万美元融资; 2. Web3基础设施协议ThirdFi.org完成200万美元代币融资; 3. Dora完成550万美元融资,Dragonfly与Lemniscap共同领投; 4. 人工智能初创公司Captions完成6000万美元融资,Index Ventures领投; 5. Frumtak Ventures第四支基金已募集8400万美元,关注AI和深度技术交叉领域; 6. Frictionless Capital宣布其Frictionless Fund I基金已筹集2000万美元,用于投资区块链...

2024-07-11 00:01:39

由摩根士丹利前员工创立的算法加密交易平台Tread.fi完成350万美元种子轮融资,本轮融资由New Form Capital领投,Aquanow、Varys Capital、GBV Capital、Thanefield Capital等参投。Tread.fi创始人兼首席执行官、前摩根士丹利量化研究副总裁David Jeong拒绝就估值发表评论,但其表示此轮融资采用滚动未来股权简单协议(SAFE)结构,并附有象征性附函,为2025年第一季度的下一轮融资奠定了基础。

2024-07-10 16:34:43


2024-07-10 15:07:06

提供算法交易指标和工具的金融科技初创公司Material Indicators LLC表示,比特币面临200天移动平均线处强大的技术阻力,如果多头能够在周日收盘时突破该阻力,那么这应该会推动一些短期势头。如果比特币未能做到这一点,请准备好市场将测试 50,000 美元至 53,000 美元范围内的支撑位。

2024-07-07 22:01:13

7x24 快讯

13:45 2025-03-28
Circle issues 250 million USDC on Solana chain
According to Whale Alert monitoring, Circle issued 250 million additional USDC on the Solana chain about 5 minutes ago.
13:42 2025-03-28
SEC begins admitting government efficiency officials
According to employee emails, the Securities Exchange Commission began admitting government efficiency officials. (Jin Ten)
13:42 2025-03-28
ARK Invest currently holds over $550 million worth of Coinbase stock
Cathie Wood's ARK Invest currently holds more than $550 million worth of Coinbase stock through three ETFs: ARKK ($390.20 million), ARKW ($91.40 million), and ARKF ($70.20 million).
13:29 2025-03-28
CZ: $24,000 in revenue on Reachme platform in the past 2 days
Binance Lianchuang CZ posted on the X platform that according to Dune data, the revenue on the Reachme platform in the past 2 days reached 24,000 US dollars, 3262 members, including 1358 KOLs (the status of these KOLs shows that the number of fans is more than 1).
13:23 2025-03-28
Dominari Holdings disclosed the adoption of bitcoin strategy, the current vault size of about 2 million dollars
Nasdaq-listed Dominari Holdings has released unaudited financial results for 2024, in which it disclosed that it has adopted a bitcoin strategy, Dominari Bitcoin Treasury, which will use a portion of the company's surplus cash and proceeds to purchase BlackRock's bitcoin exchange fund IBIT, currently worth about $2 million of its bitcoin vault holdings and expects to consider further additions to other token vaults before the end of the year.
13:20 2025-03-28
Cross-border chemical industry ketchup producers and processors issued a delisting risk warning, class A share of the second ST shares locked in the face value delisting, the head of the brokerage in 2024 net profit of 5.69 billion yuan...... What are the announcements worth paying attention to after the market today?
Cross-border chemical industry ketchup producers and processors issued a delisting risk warning, class A share of the second ST shares locked in the face value delisting, the head of the brokerage in 2024 net profit of 5.69 billion yuan...... What are the announcements worth paying attention to after the market today?
13:17 2025-03-28
Binance Wallet Airdrops 10 million PARTI to Some Users
On March 28th, according to the official announcement, Binance Wallet has airdropped additional 10 million PARTI to users who meet the following conditions: Successfully participated in PARTI TGE Use the Binance Wallet native exchange function to redeem PARTI (≥ $10) before 00:00 (UTC + 8) on March 26. Users who withdraw BNB (≥ $10) to Binance Wallet between 18:00-19:00 (UTC + 8) on March 25 but experience delays.
13:16 2025-03-28
Position change warning
The Shanghai tin marking artifact shows that as of 21:15, the Shanghai tin 2505 contract increased by 10% and is now reported at 289,390 yuan/barrel, an increase of nearly 3%. Click to view the relationship between variety holdings and prices.
13:14 2025-03-28
Market news: European Union plans to make concessions to Trump after mutual tariffs
According to market news, the European Union plans to make concessions to US President Trump after imposing tariffs on each other.
13:13 2025-03-28
Hong Kong media: Li Ka-shing's port sale deal suspended
On March 28, Hong Kong media "Xingdao Toutiao" reported on March 28 that senior sources close to Changhe revealed that Changhe will not sign any agreement on the sale of Panama ports next week. Previously, it was reported that Changhe was scheduled to sign a final agreement before April 2.
13:11 2025-03-28
ZachXBT: A Coinbase user was suspected of being defrauded of $34.90 million BTC yesterday
On March 28th, on-chain detective ZachXBT posted on the official channel, I suspect that a Coinbase user was defrauded of $34.90 million (400.099BTC) yesterday. After discovering this fraud, I noticed that in the past two weeks, there have been multiple incidents of suspected Coinbase users being defrauded. Each time the stolen funds were crossed from Bitcoin to Ethereum via Thorchain/Chainflip and exchanged for DAI. Although these scam addresses appeared in multiple victims' funds, Coinbase did...
13:09 2025-03-28
Trump tariffs stick hard to stop European Union plans to make "concessions"
On March 28, the European Union was finalizing a list of concessions it was willing to make to the Trump administration in order to get the United States to partially remove tariffs that had already begun to hit European Union exports and would increase further after April 2. At a meeting in Washington this week, European Union officials were told that new auto tariffs and so-called reciprocal tariffs that Trump will introduce next week could not be avoided, according to people familiar with the...