


2024-12-30 01:27:48


2024-12-30 01:52:42
1. OpenAI据悉签订大型办公室租赁协议,扩建旧金山园区。2. 前苹果设计总监确认正与OpenAI...

1. OpenAI据悉签订大型办公室租赁协议,扩建旧金山园区。2. 前苹果设计总监确认正与OpenAI开发一款新设备,iPhone元老级人物加盟。3. OpenAI首款具备“推理”能力模型o1现已向企业/教育用户开放,每周最多使用50次。4. AIGC产业联盟在京成立,推动AI生成内容技术创新与应用。5. 部分科技巨头请求欧盟对AI“从宽”监管,避免数十亿美元罚款风险。6. 中国发布全球首个百亿级遥感解译基础模型“空天·灵眸”3.0版。7. 华知大模型5.0发布:同方知网与华为云打造,7B~135B尺寸。8. 古农文垂直领域大语言模型“齐民”发布,基于我国大量农业古籍文本训练。9. 武汉大学首个人形机器人“天问”亮相:身长1.7m、体重65kg、36个自由度。10. 微软亚洲研究院与上海市精神卫生中心展开联合研究,借助多模态大模型为认知障碍患者带来全新训练方法。11. 研究称生成式AI耗水量巨大:使用GPT-4生成100字文本需消耗3瓶水。

2024-09-23 04:02:55


2024-09-18 22:52:10


2024-08-23 12:42:11


2024-08-23 12:42:59
1. 雄安新区向5个保障性租赁住房项目授牌。2. 广州7月租房成交环比增长7.56%。<br/...

1. 雄安新区向5个保障性租赁住房项目授牌。2. 广州7月租房成交环比增长7.56%。3. 0首付买房重出江湖,多地政府发文警示风险。4. 保利发展:在郑州、金华等地已进行存量房收购。5. 福建泉州:买新建商品住房、保障性住房、二手房可提取本人及家属公积金付首付。6. “以购代建、以旧换新”,多地收储商品房用作保障房。7. 哈尔滨市拟出台保障性住房配售管理办法。8. 融360研究院:7月存款利率全线下行,三、五年期利率仍“倒挂”。9. 远洋集团拟采用“英国重组计划”避开清盘,或成为首家以该方式重组的房企。10. 经济日报:推进收购存量房用作保障性住房。11. 杭州西湖区、萧山区和余杭区5宗拟出让地块公布,总面积21.73公顷。

2024-08-21 07:41:30


2024-08-10 03:04:15


2024-08-01 07:42:23

7x24 快讯

19:24 2025-03-14
Goldman Sachs acknowledges the importance of cryptocurrencies in its first shareholder letter
Goldman Sachs has mentioned the popularity of cryptocurrencies for the first time in its 2024 shareholder letter, calling it one of the important trends in the fintech space. "The growth of electronic trading and the introduction of new products and technologies, including...
18:29 2025-03-14
Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister: Ukraine is ready to sign a mining agreement with the United States at any time
On March 14 local time, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Stefanishina said that Ukraine is ready to sign the Mineral Resources Framework Agreement with the United States, and pointed out that the negotiation of the text of the agreement has been completed. She said that the United States has not yet decided when and under what conditions to sign the agreement.
18:26 2025-03-14
El Salvador has added a bitcoin to its reserve fund
According to market news, El Salvador has added a bitcoin to its reserve fund.
18:26 2025-03-14
Zelensky calls on the United States to put pressure on Russia to promote a ceasefire
On March 14 local time, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said that Russian leader Vladimir Putin had proposed conditions attached to the ceasefire, which showed that he did not want a ceasefire. Zelensky said the war could not be allowed to drag on and called on the United States to "take strong measures to help, put pressure on Russia and take decisive action to stop this conflict that has lasted for many years."
18:23 2025-03-14
The United States has proposed extending the Gaza ceasefire until April
The United States has proposed a plan to extend the current ceasefire in Gaza through April, making it last across Ramadan and Passover. The proposal is intended to give more time to negotiate a permanent end to hostilities, according to a statement released by the White House on Friday. The proposal, known as the "transition" plan, was made on Wednesday by U.S. Special Envoy for the Middle East Witkov and National Security Council official Eric Trager, according to a statement from the relevant...
17:47 2025-03-14
Argentina's securities regulator finalizes rules for virtual asset service providers
Argentina's National Securities Commission (CNV) has formally approved General Resolution 1058 establishing final regulatory guidelines for virtual asset service providers (VASPs). The new regulations cover registration obligations, cyber security, asset custody, anti-money laundering measures, and risk disclosure, with the aim of safeguarding the transparency, stability, and user protection of the crypto ecosystem. According to the new regulations, VASPs are required to ensure that companies ar...
17:22 2025-03-14
CZ proposes 4 proposals to optimize the X comment algorithm, including banning robots from automatically replying
Musk previously initiated a discussion on optimizing the X commenting algorithm in the community, and CZ replied with four suggestions: 1. Prohibit robots from automatically replying, or allow authors to restrict replies and prohibit the use of robots; 2. Support sorting comments by the number of account followers, account registration time, etc. (priority is given to displaying account replies that have been followed for a long time); 3. Support sorting comments by "people I follow"; 4. Remembe...
17:18 2025-03-14
Canadian Prime Minister Carney: We will never be a part of the United States in any way or form.
Canadian Prime Minister Carney: We will never be a part of the United States in any way or form.
17:05 2025-03-14
The US has put forward a "bridge" proposal to extend the Gaza ceasefire, according to statements by US envoys and the National Security Council.
The US has put forward a "bridge" proposal to extend the Gaza ceasefire, according to statements by US envoys and the National Security Council.
17:01 2025-03-14
US stocks extended their gains, with the S & P 500 up 2 per cent.
US stocks extended their gains, with the S & P 500 up 2 per cent.
17:01 2025-03-14
The total number of oil rigs in the United States in the week to March 14 was 487, compared with 486 previously.
The total number of oil rigs in the United States in the week to March 14 was 487, compared with 486 previously.
16:55 2025-03-14
The Kentucky cryptocurrency bill has been sent to the governor's desk for signature without a single vote in both houses
The US state of Kentucky's cryptocurrency bill HB701 has passed the Senate and has been sent to the governor's desk for signature. The bill, which protects custodial rights, exempts nodes from money transmission rules and prohibits new taxes on payments, passed without a single vote in both houses.