
Uniswap基金会:gRHO平台已在Uniswap v4上启动

据官方公告,Uniswap基金会宣布Panoptic的gRHO平台已在Uniswap v4上启动,该项目此前获得了Uniswap基金会 提供的379,000美元创新资助,以支持该平台开发,gRHO是Uniswap v4被动流动性配置的流动性接口,预计该接口将于2025年第二季度开源并可分叉。

2025-02-24 12:30:33

据币安官方公告,币安将于 2025 年 2 月 24 日 09:30(UTC)调整 1000PEPE/USDT、1000SHIB/USDT、WLD/USDT、WIF/USDT、GLM/USDT 和 OM/USDT 永续合约杠杆及保证金阶梯。 公告指出,此次调整将影响在更新前开设的现有仓位。同时,由于杠杆和保证金档位的更新,期货网格策略可能会失效,建议用户在变更前及时进行相应调整。

2025-02-24 08:42:37

据Binance官方公告,自2025年2月24日16:00(北京时间)起,Binance将USDⓈ-MBANUSDT永续合约的资金费率结算频率从每四小时一次调整为每两小时一次。最大资金费率区间维持在+3.00%至-3.00%之间不变。 公告指出,为防范极端市场波动风险,Binance可能会在不另行通知的情况下采取额外保护措施,包括调整最大杠杆倍数、持仓价值、维持保证金比例、更新资金费率组成、调整价格指数构...

2025-02-24 06:35:10
Bybit 启动“赏金追回计划”,奖励高达失窃资金的 10%

据官方公告,Bybit 现正式启动“赏金追回计划”,面向全球网络安全和加密分析领域的精英发出号召,共同追查加密历史上最大规模盗窃案的肇事者。 成功追回资金的贡献者将获得 10% 的奖励,赏金总额基于事件发生时价值超过 14 亿美元的被盗 ETH 的可验证追回金额计算。若全部资金追回,赏金总额可能高达 1.4 亿美元。 Bybit CEO Ben Zh...

2025-02-22 15:41:31
BinaryX 宣布正式更名为 Four

据官方公告,GameFi 项目 BinaryX 宣布正式更名为 Four。该项目于 2024 年 9 月 21 日至 23 日期间进行了社区投票,获得 BNX 持有者的支持。项目方表示,所有 BNX 代币将以 1:1 比例映射为新代币 Four,最大供应量及分配方案保持不变。

2025-02-21 11:03:56

据官方公告,韩国加密货币交易所Upbit宣布,因计划进行数据库维护任务,NFT服务拟于2月27日06:00~08:00暂停2小时,期间Upbit的NFT 服务内以太坊和基于Polygon的NFT的存入和提取将无法进行,根据市场情况本次检查可能延期或取消。

2025-02-21 06:23:25
Bithumb宣布拟于三月下旬终止VALOR 代币交易支持

据官方公告,Bithumb宣布拟终止VALOR 代币交易支持,交易(买入/卖出)终止时间计划于2025年3月24日星期一15:00,提款支持终止时间计划于2025年4月23日星期三15:00。据悉当交易支持结束时,该虚拟资产的API交易支持将停止,所有未完成的订单(买入/卖出)将被取消。

2025-02-21 06:20:24

据官方公告,Upbit将上线ARKM BTC和USDT交易对。

2025-02-21 05:14:02
Binance将上线KAITO 1-75倍U本位永续合约

据官方公告,Binance 将上线 KAITO 1-75 倍 U 本位永续合约。

2025-02-20 12:34:58

2月20日消息,据官方公告,币安合约将于2025年02月20日17:30(东八区时间)更新1000BONKUSDT、INJUSDT、EOSUSDT和OMUSDT U本位永续合约杠杆及保证金阶梯。

2025-02-20 08:35:50


2025-02-20 05:03:55
OKX将上线 KAITO (Kaito) 现货交易

据官方公告,OKX即将上线 KAITO (Kaito)。Kaito AI 正在构建一个由人工智能驱动的 InfoFi 网络,使市场能够更有效地重新分配注意力和资本,同时奖励所有参与者。具体时间安排如下: 1. KAITO 开放充币时间:2025 年 2 月 19 日下午 6:00 (UTC+8) 2. KAITO 集合竞价时间段:2025 年 2 月 20 日下午 8:00 至 9:00 (UTC+8) 3. KAITO/USDT 现货交易开盘时间:2025 年 2 月 20 日下午 9:00 (UTC+8) 4. KAITO 开放提币时间:2025 年 2...

2025-02-19 10:16:54


2025-02-19 08:09:44
OKX将上线HYPE 永续合约

2月19日消息,据官方公告,OKX将于2025年2月21日下午3:00(UTC+8)在网页端、App端及API正式上线HYPEUSDT永续合约,并将于2025年2月21日下午6:00(UTC+8)交割HYPEUSDT盘前交割合约。 据悉,Hyperliquid是一款从零开始优化的高性能L1,其愿景是打造一个完全链上的开放式金融系统。旗舰原生应用程序是一个完全链上的订单簿永续合约交易所,即HyperliquidDEX。

2025-02-19 03:55:34


2025-02-18 05:08:51

7x24 快讯

18:18 2025-03-28
CFTC staff withdraws advisory opinion on listing of virtual currency derivatives
According to market news, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has withdrawn its advisory opinion on the listing of virtual currency derivatives.
17:17 2025-03-28
US stocks continue to decline, with the S & P 500 index falling 2%.
The US stock market continued to decline, with the S & P 500 index falling 2%, the Nasdaq index falling 2.7%, and the Dow index falling 1.74%.
16:59 2025-03-28
An Ethereum ICO participating address deposited 1,700 ETH into Binance after 7 years of dormancy.
According to Onchain Lens, an Ethereum ICO participating address deposited 1,700 ETH (about $3.18 million) into Binance after 7 years of dormancy.
16:59 2025-03-28
The FDIC has issued new guidance to clarify the process for banks to participate in cryptocurrency-related activities
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has issued new guidance that states that agencies regulated by the FDIC can participate in'permitted 'crypto activities without prior approval from the FDIC.
16:44 2025-03-28
SEC meets with Wintermute representatives to discuss solutions to crypto regulation-related issues
The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) released an announcement saying that the staff of the cryptocurrency working group met with representatives of Wintermute Trading Ltd. and Morrison Cohen LLP on March 28. The topic of discussion at the conference was solutions to issues related to crypto asset regulation. Representatives of Wintermute Trading Ltd. and Morrison Cohen LLP provided an accompanying paper, the topics in which were discussed during the conference. Wintermute discussed trading a...
16:05 2025-03-28
Futures Hotspot Tracking
So far this year, tin prices have risen by 24%, supply in Myanmar and the Democratic Republic of the Congo has been blocked, and inventories have hit a two-year low. Can the price of tin break through the $37,100 mark?
15:44 2025-03-28
Staring Artifact · Agricultural Product Analysis
Brazilian soybean exports are expected to record, Chinese demand continues to rise, and the outlook for the US soybean market is worrisome.
15:43 2025-03-28
A whale deposited more than 650,000 LINK with Coinbase.
According to Onchain Lens, a whale deposited 659,415 LINK (about $9.42 million) to Coinbase, earning $3.53 million.
15:40 2025-03-28
Analysis: Traders are keeping a close eye on Bitcoin's $81,000 support level
Greeks.live publishes a community daily summary saying that overall market sentiment appears to be mostly cautiously bearish as the discussion revolves around bitcoin moving around key trend levels and multiple mentions of'gap covering 'coming soon. Traders are eyeing the $81,000 bitcoin support level.
15:14 2025-03-28
Trump said he had a phone call with Canadian Prime Minister Carney and planned to meet, and the Canadian dollar rose in response
On March 28, U.S. President Donald Trump said he had a phone call with Canadian Prime Minister Carney on Friday, and the two will meet after the Canadian election. The meeting comes as Canada's tariff war with the United States, a neighboring ally and major trading partner, is intensifying. "It was a very productive call, we agreed on a lot of things, and will meet immediately after Canada's upcoming election to work together on politics, business and all other factors, which will ultimately be ...
15:12 2025-03-28
President Trump has agreed to meet with Canadian Prime Minister Carney after the Canadian election.
President Trump has agreed to meet with Canadian Prime Minister Carney after the Canadian election.
15:07 2025-03-28
BTC falls below $84,000
The market shows that BTC has fallen below $84,000 and is now trading at $83,992, a 24-hour decline of 3.71%. The market is volatile, so please do a good job in risk control.