
The real-time order flow of coking coal futures shows that at 22:15, the main contract price of coking coal appeared in a short accumulation zone, and the price was below multiple short accumulation zones. It is now reported at 1616.5 yuan/ton, a decrease of 0.37%. For the specific accumulation zone price range, please refer to "...

The real-time order flow of coking coal futures shows that there is a short accumulation zone in the main contract price of coking coal at 22:15, and the price is below multiple short accumulation zones. It is now quoted at 1616.5 yuan/ton, a decrease of 0.37%. For the specific accumulation zone price range, please refer to "Database-Coking Coal Staking Artifact" or click the link to view.

2024-06-12 14:19:07


2024-06-12 14:19:07
1. 曾罕见对中国恒大作出“卖出”评级的瑞银分析师转向唱多中国楼市。2. 超40城支持住房“...

1. 曾罕见对中国恒大作出“卖出”评级的瑞银分析师转向唱多中国楼市。2. 超40城支持住房“以旧换新”:“卖旧”仍是痛点,“换新”受量价限制。3. 人民银行广东省分行:3月辖内个人住房贷款加权平均利率为3.72%,同比下降0.48个百分点。4. 旭辉24个项目获得“白名单”融资支持,权益后贷款展期及置换金额超55亿元。5. 中信银行:首批房地产白名单项目放款金额超30亿元。6. 江苏淮安:提高公积金最高贷款基准额度,扩大多子女家庭贷款政策支持范围。7. 房地产项目“白名单”拉长,银行“敢贷、愿贷”仍需加力。8. 香港3月私人住宅楼价按月升逾1%,结束10个月连跌。9. 中原按揭:香港3月转按登记量环比下降40.9%,创2017年以来新低。10. 城投宽庭保租房REIT:两个底层资产均获保租房认定书,享受税收优惠。

2024-04-26 07:45:57
The real-time order flow of the container shipping index (European line) futures shows that the main contract price of the 13:35 container shipping index (European line) runs above the long accumulation belt, and is now up 4.86%, reporting 2882.1 points, please pay attention. The real-time accumulation belt price range can be referred to "...

The real-time order flow of the container shipping index (European line) futures shows that the main contract price of the 13:35 container shipping index (European line) runs above the long stacking belt, and is now up 4.86%, reporting 2882.1 points. Please pay attention. The real-time stacking belt price range can be referred to "Database-Shipping Monitoring Artifact" or click the link to view.

2024-04-26 05:39:04


2024-04-26 05:39:04
The real-time order flow of the container shipping index (European line) futures shows that the main contract price of the 9:15 container shipping index (European line) runs between the two accumulation belts, and is now up 2.32% at 2812.6 points. Please pay attention. The price range of the real-time accumulation belt can be referred to "...

The real-time order flow of the container shipping index (European line) futures shows that the main contract price of the 9:15 container shipping index (European line) is running between the two accumulation belts, and is now up 2.32% at 2812.6 points. Please pay attention. The price range of the real-time accumulation belt can be referred to "Database-Shipping Monitoring Artifact" or click the link to view.

2024-04-26 01:21:45


2024-04-26 01:21:45
The real-time order flow of iron ore futures shows that the main force of iron ore futures has formed a short accumulation zone at 9:30. At present, the price is running below the accumulation zone, and the price is quoted at 861.5 yuan/ton, a decrease of 0.63%. The price range of the real-time accumulation zone can be referred to "...

The real-time order flow of iron ore futures shows that the main force of iron ore futures has formed a short accumulation zone at 9:30. At present, the price is running below the accumulation zone, and the price is quoted at 861.5 yuan/ton, a decrease of 0.63%. The price range of the real-time accumulation zone can be referred to "Database - Iron Ore Staking Artifact" or click the link to view.

2024-04-22 01:34:00


2024-04-22 01:34:00
1. 美联储风向标沃勒:不急于降息,应更晚或更少的降息。2. 标普评级确认美国主权评级为“...

1. 美联储风向标沃勒:不急于降息,应更晚或更少的降息。2. 标普评级确认美国主权评级为“AA+/A-1+”,认可美国经济韧性。3. 摩根士丹利:中国版QE不会发生。4. 富时罗素继续暂缓将韩国、印度纳入主要债券指数。5. 印度债券一年来最大的抛售显示出卢比的风险。6. 株洲市市长在市资源集团调研,降低负债水平,优化债务结构,积极争创3A信用评级。7. 南京未来科技城:鉴于近期市场波动较大,取消发行“24未来科技SCP001”。8. 工商银行:房地产业务不良率有所下降,地方债务风险可控。9. 陕西完成2024年全省地方政府融资平台专项审计试点,重点审查存量债务化解等。10. 运城市:建立防范化解地方债务风险长效机制,完善债务结构优化、债务利息降低等工作协调机制。11. 青海省:加强新增融资管理,持续深入化解非融资平台债务风险,及早处置化解高风险平台债务。

2024-03-28 08:42:11

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