
Matrixport subsidiary Fly Wing receives major payments institution license from Monetary Authority of Singapore

Matrixport Official said on the X platform that its subsidiary Fly Wing has officially received a Major Payment Institution (MPI) license from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

2025-03-05 02:25:35
Matrixport子公司Fly Wing获得新加坡金融管理局颁发的主要支付机构许可证

Matrixport Official于X平台表示,其子公司Fly Wing正式获得新加坡金融管理局(MAS)颁发的主要支付机构(MPI)许可证。

2025-03-05 02:25:35
SlowMist: Bybit attackers exploit backdoor functions sweepETH and sweepERC20 in malicious contracts

SlowMist said on the X platform that the following are some details of the Bybit hackers: - The malicious implementation contract was deployed at 7:15:23 UTC 2025-02-19: 0xbDd077f651EBe7f7b3cE16fe5F2b025BE2969516; 2025-02-21 14:13:35 UTC, the attacker used three owners to sign a transaction to replace the Safe implementation contract with a malicious one: 0x46deef0f52e3a983b67abf4714448a41dd7ffd6d32d32da69d62081c68ad7882; - malicious upgrade logic is embedded in STORAGE [0x0] via DELEGATECALL: 0...

2025-02-21 17:24:17
Nigeria is amending regulations to allow taxation of cryptocurrency transactions and digital transactions

February 18 news, according to Bloomberg, Nigeria is amending regulations to allow taxation of cryptocurrency transactions and digital transactions, with the aim of increasing fiscal revenue. The Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission said that the agency is working on new rules "to ensure that all eligible transactions can enter regulated exchanges and be included in the formal taxation system", the agency said in response to questions via email. Currently, bills on taxation of cryptocurre...

2025-02-18 14:04:32
The idea of "resetting" the price of gold is being accepted by more and more financial giants. These two points will profoundly affect the future trend of the gold market...

The idea of "resetting" the price of gold is being accepted by more and more financial giants. These two points will profoundly affect the future trend of the gold market...

2025-02-18 02:27:28
The idea of "resetting" the price of gold is being accepted by more and more financial giants. These two points will profoundly affect the future trend of the gold market... Click to view...

The idea of "resetting" the price of gold is being accepted by more and more financial giants. These two points will profoundly affect the future trend of the gold market... Click to view...

2025-02-17 15:32:53
Apple is reported to be bringing TikTok back to the US App Store

According to foreign media reports, following the U.S. Attorney General's letter to Apple (AAPL. O), Apple will put TikTok back on the U.S. App Store on Thursday. (Jin Ten)

2025-02-14 01:10:21
Trump Signs Reciprocal Tariff Memorandum, Here's Key Information Known

On February 14, US President Donald Trump signed a memorandum on Thursday that will introduce reciprocal tariffs. White House officials said the tariffs will not take effect on Thursday, but could begin to be implemented within weeks; the tariffs will take into account other countries' exchange rates, taxes, tariffs, non-tariff barriers, and any "unfair restrictions". Trump's nominee for commerce secretary said the administration will deal with each country on a country-by-country basis, and the...

2025-02-13 19:41:26
The main contract of precious metals futures rose in the short term, the decline of Shanghai gold narrowed to 0.06%, and the rise of Shanghai silver, now up nearly 1%.

The main contract of precious metals futures rose in the short term, the decline of Shanghai gold narrowed to 0.06%, and the rise of Shanghai silver, now up nearly 1%.

2025-02-12 14:00:28
pump.fun: Most technical counterfeit products have the same value proposition as Meme

pump.fun co-founder Alon Cohen said most techno-counterfeit products have the same value proposition as Meme, but they typically have low liquidity, overly high full dilution valuations (FDVs), and involve venture capital (VC) institutions that often use retail investors as exit liquidity. Cohen was responding to a tweet that suggested pump.fun flat...

2025-02-09 23:15:25
Nezha 2 tops the list of people who watched movies in Chinese film history

February 9th news, according to the cat's eye professional version of the data, the movie "Nezha's Devil's Child" viewing number (including pre-sale) broke through 160 million, exceeding the "Wolf Warrior 2" viewing number, and topped the list of Chinese film history viewing people!

2025-02-09 09:50:06
The U.S. labor market is slowing but healthy, strengthening the case for the Federal Reserve to be in no hurry to cut interest rates

On February 7, a report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on Friday showed that the number of non-farm payrolls increased by 143,000 last month, and the revised increase in December was 307,000. The Bureau of Labor Statistics said that wildfires in Los Angeles, as well as severe winter weather in other parts of the United States, had "no significant impact" on employment this month. Changes in the January employment data and the latest employment data in early 2023 show that the labor m...

2025-02-07 13:43:13
Although the US labor market has slowed down, it is still healthy. The reason why the Federal Reserve is not in a hurry to cut interest rates is once again added... Click to view...

Although the US labor market has slowed down, it is still healthy. The reason why the Federal Reserve is not in a hurry to cut interest rates is once again added... Click to view...

2025-02-07 13:50:49
The 2025 Spring Festival file continues to set new records for the number of movie viewers in film history

February 4th news, according to the Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of 10:00 on February 4th, the total number of people in the 2025 Spring Festival file (January 28-February 4) broke through 170 million, breaking the highest record in the history of Chinese film.

2025-02-04 02:44:14
The European Stoxx 600 index narrowed its decline to 0.9%.

The European Stoxx 600 index narrowed its decline to 0.9%.

2025-02-03 15:27:04

7x24 快讯

05:59 2025-03-25
Mt.Gox地址于10分钟前向Kraken充值0.000017 BTC或用于测试
05:55 2025-03-25
05:43 2025-03-25
Mt. Gox热钱包转出893枚BTC,价值逾7736万美元
3月25日消息,链上数据显示,北京时间13:30,Mt. Gox热钱包(1Jbez)向地址1FodPLS4pkAqh8vtyLteDkTtD1yLfb28DB等转出893.417枚BTC,按当前价格约合7736万美元。
05:40 2025-03-25
美联储宣布放缓缩表后,比特币自 83000 美元下方反弹并短暂突破 88000 美元,有分析师认为,市场波动可能很快平息,许多利空因素可能已被市场消化。21st Capital 联合创始人 Sina G.表示,围绕关税和政府支出的市场不确定性可能在未来几周内得到解决,市场焦点可能转向减税、放松监管和降息,这些政策可能吸引更多资本流入比特币和数字资产领域。 N...
05:22 2025-03-25
彭博高级大宗商品策略师Mike McGlone表示,比特币相对于黄金的价格可能已经达到顶峰,现在可能即将迎来一次大重置,他分析指出2024 年比特币与黄金的比率(即多少盎司黄金等于1枚BTC)达到峰值40倍,这意味着一枚比特币的价值是一盎司黄金的40倍。然而McGlone似乎认为这种情况可能无法持续并且2025年很可能会逆转。 总体而言,McG...
05:13 2025-03-25
05:04 2025-03-25
Binance宣布BNSOL超级质押将上线第七期项目Solv Protocol (SOLV)
3月25日消息,据官方消息,Binance宣布BNSOL超级质押将上线第七期项目Solv Protocol(SOLV)。2025-03-2700:00(UTC)至2025-04-1023:59(UTC)期间,在币安账户或币安钱包中持有BNSOL或将SOL质押为BNSOL的用户将分别获得SOLV APRBoost空投奖励。
05:01 2025-03-25
Ripple CEO:将探索美国本土支付、证券等领域,此前SEC诉讼导致95%客户流至海外
在美国证券交易委员会(SEC)同意撤销诉讼案件后,Ripple首席执行官Brad Garlinghouse接受Fox Business专访讨论该公司的下一步行动,他指出美SEC的诉讼阻碍了Ripple的美国业务,导致其95%的客户都在海外,但这种情况即将发生变化。 Brad Garlinghouse强调特朗普的加密行政命令,特别是战略比特币储备和数字资产储备的建立为美国加密公司创造更加友好的环境,因此Ri...
04:49 2025-03-25
在美联储宣布放缓缩表后比特币自83000美元下方反弹并短暂突破88000美元,加密研究平台Hyblock Capital首席执行官Shubh Varma指出,缩表减速或提升流动性,利好加密货币等风险资产,但特朗普关税政策不确定性的担忧一直在打压股市和加密货币,有分析认为技术面看BTC或下探7万美元后方能重启升势。另据芝加哥商品交易所的美联储观察工具显示,联邦基金期货价格反映出美...
04:40 2025-03-25
Vest Labs完成500万美元种子轮融资,Amber Group、QCP Capital等参投
基于实时风险定价的金融基础设施公司Vest Labs宣布完成500万美元种子轮融资,Jane Street、Amber Group、Selini Capital、QCP Capital和Big Brain Holdings等参投,新资金将用于支持其构建基于零知识证明的实时、可验证的风险定价模型来提升金融市场透明度和效率,同时还将推出支持Arbitrum、Solana、Base等L2的永续期货交易平台。
04:37 2025-03-25
特朗普媒体科技集团拟与 Crypto.com 合作推出一系列 ETF 产品
3月25日消息,特朗普媒体科技集团宣布与加密货币交易所 Crypto.com 达成一项非约束性协议,将合作推出一系列交易所交易基金和相关产品,这些 ETF 预计将包括数字资产以及以美国制造为重点的证券,涉及能源等不同行业,计划于今年晚些时候推出,但需获得监管机构的批准。
04:21 2025-03-25
据The Data Nerd监测,过去24小时内,Cumberland向交易平台(Binance、OKX、Kraken、Bybit、Coinbase)共存入了1.1754亿稳定币,其中包括:·2980万枚USDT·8734万枚USDC