Writer Benjamin Wallace's forthcoming book, The Mysterious Mr. Nakamoto (The Mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto), will be released on March 18, delving into the mystery of the identity of the founder of Bitcoin. Although the book fails to reveal the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, it provides a detailed review of the Cypherpunk movement and the birth of Bitcoin, and analyzes potential candidates such as Hal Finney, Nick Szabo, and Len Sassaman. Wallace uses text style analysis in his book...
作家Benjamin Wallace即将于3月18日发布新书《The Mysterious Mr. Nakamoto》(神秘的中本聪),深入调查比特币创始人的身份之谜。虽然书中未能揭示中本聪的真实身份,但详细回顾了密码朋克(Cypherpunk)运动及比特币的诞生背景,并分析了Hal Finney、Nick Szabo、Len Sassaman等潜在候选人。 Wallace在书中使用文本风格分析...