
The amount of STRK pledged exceeded 90 million, accounting for about 4.05% of the circulating supply.

According to the latest data from Starknet blockchain browser Voyager, the amount of STRK pledges has exceeded 90 million, reaching 91,459,779.733 STRK at the time of writing, accounting for about 4.05% of the circulating supply of 2,259,283,720. According to validator data, the current smart contract wallet Argent pledges rank first, with about 32,292,580.055 pledges, accounting for 35.3%; Karnot's pledges rank second, with about 17,954,358.431 pledges, accounting for 19.63%.

2024-12-10 07:51:17


2024-12-10 07:51:17
STRK pledges have temporarily exceeded the critical point of centralized risk, and the proportion of pledges by two head validators has reached 54%.

On December 8th, according to the latest data from Starknet blockchain browser Voyager, the amount of STRK pledges has exceeded 88 million, currently reaching 88,824,576.64 STRK, accounting for 3.93% of the circulation supply of 2,259,283,720. According to the validator data, the current smart contract wallet Argent is ranked first in temporary pledges, with a pledge volume of about 31,789,734.747, accounting for 35.78%; Karnot's pledge ranks second, with a pledge volume of about 16,734,057.944,...

2024-12-08 11:50:57

12月8日消息,据Starknet区块链浏览器Voyager最新数据显示,STRK质押量已突破8800万枚,当前达到88,824,576.64枚STRK,约占到2,259,283,720枚流通供应量的3.93%。验证者数据显示,目前智能合约钱包Argent暂列质押排名第一,质押量约为31,789,734.747枚,占比35.78%;Karnot的质押排名第二,质押量约为16,734,057.944枚,占比18.83%。 由于两个头部验证者的质押总量...

2024-12-08 11:50:57
The current STRK pledge volume exceeded 70 million, accounting for about 3.47% of the circulating supply.

According to the latest data from Starknet blockchain browser Voyager, the amount of STRK pledges has exceeded 70 million, reaching 72,790,354.718 STRK at the time of writing 3.47% of the circulating supply of 2,099,455,075 pieces. According to the validator data, the smart contract wallet Argent is currently ranked first, with a pledge volume of about 26,553,252.709 pieces, accounting for 36.47%; Karnot's pledge is ranked second, with a pledge volume of about 13,341,603.94 pieces, accounting fo...

2024-11-30 03:32:06

据Starknet区块链浏览器Voyager最新数据显示,STRK质押量已突破7000万枚,本文撰写时达到72,790,354.718枚STRK,约占到 2,099,455,075枚流通供应量的3.47%。验证者数据显示,目前智能合约钱包Argent质押排名第一,质押量约为26,553,252.709枚,占比36.47%;Karnot的质押排名第二,质押量约为13,341,603.94枚,占比18.32%。

2024-11-30 03:32:06
Data: STRK pledges have exceeded 35 million, accounting for about 1.75% of the circulating supply

According to the latest data from Starknet blockchain browser Voyager, the amount of STRK pledges has exceeded 35 million, reaching 36,737,638.653 STRK at the time of writing, accounting for about CIRCULATING SUPPLY 1.75% of the circulating supply of 2,099,455,075. According to the validator data, Karnot currently ranks first with about 11,427,464.749 pledges, accounting for 31.1%; the smart contract wallet Argent pledges rank second with about 9,789,137.774 pledges, accounting for 26.64%.

2024-11-27 03:35:47

据Starknet区块链浏览器Voyager最新数据显示,STRK质押量已超3500万枚,本文撰写时达到36,737,638.653枚STRK,约占到CIRCULATING SUPPLY 2,099,455,075枚流通供应量的1.75%。验证者数据显示,目前Karnot的质押排名第一,质押量约为11,427,464.749枚,占比31.1%;智能合约钱包Argent质押排名第二,质押量约为9,789,137.774枚,占比26.64%。

2024-11-27 03:35:47
Judge approves $2.40 million settlement between sports star and Voyager

A Florida judge has given preliminary approval to Robert Gronkowski, Victor Oladipo and Landon Cassill's $2.40 million settlement with crypto firm Voyager Digital. The trio faced a class-action lawsuit for promoting the company, with Gronkowski paying $1.90 million. The settlement does not include former Mavericks owner Mark Cuban. Meanwhile, Voyager is still dealing with other legal issues, including funding claims with FTX and Three Arrows Capital.

2024-06-11 19:31:44

佛罗里达州法官初步批准了Robert Gronkowski、Victor Oladipo和Landon Cassill与加密公司Voyager Digital的240万美元和解协议。三人因推广该公司面临集体诉讼,Gronkowski支付190万美元。此次和解不包括前小牛队老板Mark Cuban。与此同时,Voyager仍在处理其他法律问题,包括与FTX和Three Arrows Capital的资金索赔。

2024-06-11 19:31:44
Tabi Chain will airdrop 800 million TABI tokens to Voyager event participants, GG holders, etc

On May 7th, the EVM-compatible game blockchain Tabi Chain on Cosmos started the first season of airdrops, and will airdrop 800 million TABI tokens to Voyager event participants, GG holders, public sale participants, Captain node holders, ecosystem project builders, and testnet contributors.

2024-05-07 02:20:15
游戏区块链Tabi Chain将向Voyager活动参与者、GG持有人等空投8亿枚TABI代币

5月7日消息,Cosmos上EVM兼容游戏区块链Tabi Chain开启第一季空投,将向Voyager活动参与者、GG持有人、公售参与者、Captain节点持有者、生态系统项目建设者、测试网贡献者等空投8亿枚TABI代币。

2024-05-07 02:20:15
FTX debtors reach $450 million settlement with bankrupt Voyager Digital

After approval by a bankruptcy judge, FTX's debtors reached a $450 million settlement with bankruptcy firm Voyager Digital. In an April 29 filing in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court of Delaware, Judge John Dorsey approved the terms of the agreement between FTX and Voyager, allowing Voyager to settle all claims with FTX as part of a plan to compensate creditors. Upon approval, the parties will agree to return to the company's debtors the $5 million held in trust by Voyager, as well as an additional $445...

2024-04-29 20:39:46
FTX债务人与破产公司Voyager Digital达成4.5亿美元和解协议

经过破产法官的批准,FTX的债务人与破产公司Voyager Digital达成4.5亿美元的和解协议。在4月29日向美国特拉华州破产法院提交的文件中,法官John Dorsey批准了FTX与Voyager之间的协议条款,允许Voyager与FTX解决所有索赔,作为补偿债权人计划的一部分。经批准,双方将同意将Voyager托管的500万美元以及Alameda Research涉及贷款偿还诉讼的另外4.45亿美元退还给该公司的债务人。FTX...

2024-04-29 20:39:46
Bitcoin.com Announces Verse Voyager NFT, Public Sale Begins April 24

Bitcoin.com announced the launch of the Verse Voyager NFT, airdropping nearly 10% of the supply to early community participants, and the public sale will begin on April 24. It is reported that the Verse Voyager series consists of 10,000 algorithmically generated NFTs. The series was developed in collaboration with Evan Luza, co-founder of Cool Cats, a blue-chip NFT series with a historical transaction volume of nearly 500 million dollars. The lead artist behind the Verse Voyagers series is Alex ...

2024-04-18 05:25:43

7x24 快讯

00:30 2025-03-28
00:27 2025-03-28
3月28日消息,据Hyperliquid公告,因JELLY市场异常交易事件,持有JELLY多头头寸的用户将在结算时按0.037555的价格获得补偿,除标记地址外,此次补偿对所有JELLY交易者均有利。Hyperliquid已加强风险管理,包括: • HLP Liquidator管理: 设置更严格的账户价值上限,减少再平衡频率,并引入更复杂的回购清算逻辑。Liquidator若损失超出...
00:21 2025-03-28
专注于人工智能的云服务公司CoreWeave成功完成首次公开募股(IPO),以每股40美元的价格筹集15亿美元,公司估值达到约230亿美元。由于股市低迷,公司将IPO规模从最初计划的4900万股(每股47-55美元)缩减至3750万股。 AI巨头Nvidia作为CoreWeave的投资者,在此次IPO中认购了价值2.5亿美元的股份,加强了其在该AI云服务公司的持股地位。CoreWeave与比特币矿企CoreSci...
00:21 2025-03-28
美国个人投资者协会的调查显示,对美股的看跌情绪连续第五周超过50%。根据Bespoke Investment Group,这创下自1987年开始这项调查问卷以来持续时间第二长的连续看跌记录。本周早些时候高盛的数据显示,对冲基金对美国个股的净卖出规模达到七周以来最高水平,其中做空操作超过做多买入。(金十)
00:18 2025-03-28
3 月 28 日消息,据 Bitcoin Laws 披露,南卡罗来纳州比特币储备法案(H4256 法案)将允许州财政部长将州资金的 10% 投资于比特币。比特币储备的上限为 100 万枚 BTC。该法案由众议员 Jordan Pace 提出。
00:12 2025-03-28
00:12 2025-03-28
405,353枚SOL从未知钱包转入Coinbase Institutional,价值超5600万美元
据链上数据追踪服务Whale Alert监测,北京时间上午8:05左右,405,353枚SOL(56,011,998美元)从未知钱包转入Coinbase Institutional。
00:12 2025-03-28
00:09 2025-03-28
00:00 2025-03-28
1.Abound完成1400万美元融资; 2.Arcium完成天使轮融资,总融资额达1100万美元; 3.De Charge 完成 250 万美元种子轮融资,Lemniscap 领投; 4.Warlock Labs完成800万美元融资,Polychain Capital领投; 5.AI 代理项目 Capx AI 完成 314 万美元种子轮融资,Manifold 等领投。
23:29 2025-03-27
福克斯记者Eleanor Terrett发推表示,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)已正式结束对Crypto.com的调查,并未对该交易所采取任何执法行动。消息人士透露,Crypto.com在去年10月收到SEC的威尔斯通知后,曾主动起诉SEC,指控其越权。但在2024年12月,美国前总统特朗普宣布计划任命支持加密货币的Paul Atkins接替Gensler担任下一任SEC主席后,Crypto.com撤回了该诉讼。
23:26 2025-03-27
金色晨讯 | 3月28日隔夜重要动态一览
21:00-7:00关键词:GUNZ、Maven 11、Paul Atkins、Pectra 1.Coinbase宣布开源MPC加密库; 2.币安Launchpool上线GUNZ(GUN); 3.加密风投Maven 11旗下第三只基金完成1.07亿美元募资; 4.美SEC正式撤销对Kraken、Consensys及Cumberland的诉讼; 5.美SEC候任主席Paul Atkins:若提名得到确认将会与DOGE合作; 6.法国国有银行Bpifrance推出2500万欧元基金,用于投资法国新兴加密代币; 7.以太坊核心开发者 Terence:...