
Coinbase acquires Utopia Labs team to accelerate on-chain payment deployment

Coinbase announced that the Utopia Labs team will join its Ethereum Layer 2 Network Base to accelerate the development of on-chain payments for Coinbase Wallet. The Utopia Labs team has extensive experience in the field of on-chain payments and will help Coinbase realize its vision of low-cost, fast global on-chain payments in the future.

2024-11-13 23:39:45
Coinbase收购Utopia Labs团队以加速链上支付布局

Coinbase 宣布 Utopia Labs 团队将加入其以太坊二层网络 Base,以加速 Coinbase Wallet 的链上支付发展。Utopia Labs 团队在链上支付领域经验丰富,未来将助力 Coinbase 实现低成本、快速的全球链上支付愿景。

2024-11-13 23:39:45