Stablecoin company Noble has launched a revenue-based stablecoin, USDN, and a new "points" campaign that offers users another way to earn money. It is reported that USDN programmatically distributes the income generated by its short-term US Treasury holdings to developers, app builders, validators, wallets and trading platforms, thereby "creating a new model of incentive alignment".
稳定币公司 Noble 推出收益型稳定币 USDN,并推出一项新的“积分”活动,为用户提供另一种赚取收益的方式。 据悉,USDN 通过程序化方式将其持有的短期美国国债所产生的收益分配给开发者、应用构建者、验证者、钱包和交易平台,从而“创造一种全新的激励对齐模式”。