
AI Agent 平台 FanTV 完成 300 万美元融资

Sui 生态的内容创作 AI Agent 平台 FanTV 宣布完成 300 万美元战略融资,Mysten Labs、Cypher Capital、CoinSwitch Ventures 和 Illuminati Capital 参投。

2025-02-27 14:08:26
Berachain TVL has risen 16.52% in the past 7 days, surpassing Base to rank sixth

According to DeFiLlama data, Berachain's total lock-up value (TVL) rose 16.52% in the past seven days to $3.271 billion, surpassing Base's $3.27 billion and jumping to the sixth place in all public chains.

2025-02-24 06:20:00
Berachain TVL过去7天上涨16.52%,超越Base排名第六


2025-02-24 06:20:00
BNB Chain:TVL激励计划延长1个月

BNB Chain 在 X 平台发文宣布,TVL 激励计划(TVL Incentive Program)延长 1 个月,新的截止日期是 2025 年 3 月 21 日。

2025-02-23 11:38:50
According to CCTV, Li Qiang chaired an executive meeting of the State Council to consider and approve the Action Plan for Improving the Recycling and Utilization System of New Energy Vehicle Power Batteries.

According to CCTV, Li Qiang chaired an executive meeting of the State Council to consider and approve the Action Plan for Improving the Recycling and Utilization System of New Energy Vehicle Power Batteries.

2025-02-21 11:11:38
South African Listed Firm Altvest Capital Apply to Raise $10 million to Buy Bitcoin

Altvest Capital Ltd. said it will become the first listed company in Africa to adopt bitcoin as a major treasury reserve asset, a strategy that follows Michael Saylor's strategy in which shares have soared more than 2,400 percent since it began buying bitcoin. Altvest CEO Warren Wheatley said in an interview that the company bought one bitcoin and has applied to regulators to raise about 200 million rand ($10 million) by selling shares to increase its treasury reserves. He added that no final de...

2025-02-21 07:32:45
南非上市公司Altvest Capital申请筹集1000万美元购买比特币

Altvest Capital Ltd.表示,它将成为非洲第一家采用比特币作为主要国库储备资产的上市公司,该策略效仿了Michael Saylor的Strategy自开始购买比特币以来股价飙升超过 2,400% 的策略。 Altvest 首席执行官Warren Wheatley在接受采访时表示,该公司购买了一枚比特币,并已向监管机构申请通过出售股票筹集约 2 亿兰特(1000 万美元)以增加其国库储备。他补充说,尚未就筹集资金做出最终决定...

2025-02-21 07:32:45
usdx.money enter the top 10 ranks of stablecoin TVL

On February 20th, according to DefiLlama data, according to TVL ranking, usdx.money entered the top 10 ranks of stablecoins. Among them, on BNB Chain and Arbitrum, usdx.money ranked in the top 3.

2025-02-20 04:48:43

2 月 20 日消息,据 DefiLlama 数据,按 TVL 排名,usdx.money 进入稳定币前 10 行列。其中,在 BNB Chain 和 Arbitrum 上,usdx.money 均位列前 3。

2025-02-20 04:48:43
Binance Wallet and Bitlayer launched the 6th week task of BTCFI, and the total weekly prize pool 140,000 USD Token

On February 19th, the first Bitcoin two-layer solution based on the BitVM paradigm Bitlayer launched the BTCFI carnival event has entered the sixth week of activities. This week, the interactive task of the decentralized trading platform BitZap will be launched on the Binance wallet. Users who complete this week's task have the opportunity to share the total value of 140,000 dollars of Token rewards. The event jointly launched by Bitlayer and Binance Wallet will last until February 28. At presen...

2025-02-19 02:21:43

2月19日消息,首个基于BitVM范式构建的比特币二层解决方案Bitlayer推出的BTCFI狂欢节活动已进入第6周活动,本周将在币安钱包上线去中心化交易平台BitZap的交互任务,完成本周任务的用户有机会瓜分总价值14万美金的Token奖励。 本次Bitlayer与币安钱包联合发起的活动将持续至2月28日,目前,用户可登录币安钱包页面完成Bitlayer及生态项目上线的所有...

2025-02-19 02:21:43
Russian presidential aide: Russia and the United States will establish a special group to discuss the details of the Ukraine issue

Russian presidential aide Ushakov said in a live broadcast on Russia's First Channel TV that Russia's principled position on the Ukraine issue was expounded during talks with US officials in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, on the 18th, emphasizing the need to consider the root causes of the conflict. The two sides agreed to set up a special group to conduct in-depth and thorough discussions on all the details of the Ukraine issue. Ushakov also said that before the inauguration of US Preside...

2025-02-18 18:19:14
Argentine President Millet clarified that he did not promote LIBRA, but shared LIBRA information

"I acted in good faith, and the result was a blow," Millet, Argentina's president, said on television. "Did the country lose money? No. Did the Argentines lose money? Four or five at most. Absolutely...

2025-02-17 23:34:42
BASE network lock volume is currently $3.283 billion

According to DefiLlama data, BASE network TVL is now $3.283 billion, a 24-hour increase of 0.26%. The top three ecological protocol TVL is as follows: Aerodrome TVL reached $1.036 billion, an increase of 6.74% on the 7th; Morpho Blue TVL reached $542.60 million, up 11.9% on the 7th. AAVE V3 TVL reached $434 million, up 0.8% on the 7th.

2025-02-16 22:31:48

7x24 快讯

08:47 2025-03-23
疑似某Binance Wallet员工关联地址通过交易Meme币UUU已获利11.36万美元
3月23日消息,据 GMGN 数据,某疑似 Binance Wallet BD 员工 Freddie Ng 关联地址通过交易 BSC 的 UUU 上已实现利润 11.36 万美元,未实现利润仍约 18 万美元。 Freddie Ng 曾推文公开发布个人 0x77C1 开头地址,该地址多次与 0xEDb0 开头地址交互。三小时前,0xEDb0 开头地址花费 10 枚 BNB 以均价 0.00026 美元买入 2,410 万枚 UUU,并全部转入 0x44a 开头钱包后,以均价 0.0188 美元卖出 602 万枚 UUU,获...
08:29 2025-03-23
据Atmos研究,阿联酋的加密货币拥有率为 25.3%,采用率为 210%,尽管只有一台比特币 ATM,但仍处于领先地位。 新加坡(97.5)和 美国(85.4)分别位居第二和第三。加拿大排名第四,拥有 3,500 多台比特币 ATM。与此同时,加密货币拥有率高的土耳其 因采用率低而排名第五。 Atmos 的 Nick Cooke 表示,加密货币的采用正在重塑全球金融体系,其驱动力是可访...
08:08 2025-03-23
慢雾余弦:Coinbase曾遭GitHub Actions CI/CD机制供应链攻击,建议企业自查相关风险
3月23日消息,慢雾创始人余弦在社交媒体上发文表示,「利用GitHub Actions CI/CD机制供应链攻击Coinbase,所幸没有继续成功,否则下一个被爆的安全事件就是针对Coinbase了。在GitHub上的供应链攻击路径:reviewdog/action-设置-> tj-actions/changed-files -> coinbase/agentkit ->窃取GitHub个人访问令牌 (PAT)、云服务有关密钥等。余弦建议,如果企业用到reviewdog或tj-actions,应该进行自查。」
08:05 2025-03-23
Astherus在X平台发文称现阶段尚未发行代币,但是正在筹备代币生成活动TGE,更多细节即将公布,提醒社区保持警惕诈骗。据悉,多资产流动性中心Astherus是Binance Labs(现已更名为YZi Labs)第七季孵化项目,并且获得了Binance Labs的投资。
07:50 2025-03-23
CZ:BUSD在美国Operation Chokepoint 2.0行动中被扼杀
币安创始人CZ在X平台回应社区询问稳定币BUSD情况时表示:“BUSD是一种非常优秀的美元支持稳定币,但是在美国的Operation Chokepoint 2.0行动中被扼杀,但从好的方面来看,现在有许多新的稳定币在BSC上推出。”(注:Operation Chokepoint 2.0是一项由拜登政府主导的针对加密货币行业的清盘行动,让美国金融机构不配合或不提供加密货币项目服务。)
07:41 2025-03-23
Ethena TVL突破65亿美元,创历史新高
据 DeFilama 平台数据显示,截止 3 月 33 日,Ethena TVL 突破 65 亿美元,创历史新高,达 65.58 亿美元。其中 USDe 供应量达 54.13 亿枚,USDtb 供应量达 11.42 亿枚。
07:19 2025-03-23
据相关页面显示,Binance 投票上币榜中 BANANAS31、SIREN、Broccoli(CZ's Dog)目前暂列前三。
07:04 2025-03-23
06:40 2025-03-23
据链上分析师余烬监测,“从币安提出 200 万枚 AUCTION 巨鲸/机构”在 20 多分钟前将最后的 20 万枚 AUCTION(价值约合 490 万美元)也转进了币安。该鲸鱼/机构前段时间囤积的 200 万枚 AUCTION 已经全部转进了币安。 从今天凌晨 4 点到现在,“从币安提出 26%总量的鲸鱼/机构”向币安转移了 150 万枚 AUCTION(价值约合 4988 万美元)。 项目方地址在凌晨 3 点向币安、OKX、Gate 转移了 35.9 万枚 AUCTIO...
06:25 2025-03-23
据 Coinglass 数据,若比特币突破 8.6 万美元,主流 CEX 累计空单清算强度将达 6.51 亿。反之,若比特币跌破 8.2 万美元,主流 CEX 累计多单清算强度将达 6.72 亿。
06:00 2025-03-23
港股上市公司港亚控股(01723)发布公告,于 2025 年 3 月 20 日,该集团在公开市场进一步购入约 10 枚比特币,总代价为 667.12 万港元(约 85.85 万美元)。目前公司共持有 18.88 枚比特币,总代价 13,365,636.46 港元(约 1,720,157.41 美元)。
05:15 2025-03-23
据链上分析师 @ali_charts 监测,在 Binance 平台比特币期货交易者中 60.52% 押注比特币价格将上涨。