Previously, crypto community analysis found that CZ's first TST purchase transaction was sent through the privacy RPC, but the transaction information was still leaked. CZ's transaction set a minimum purchase amount of 363,225 TST, but due to the slippage of the blockchain, 365,564 TST could actually be received, the difference is about 0.7%. If the transaction does not use the privacy RPC, it may lead to more than $200 worth of profits being earned by the "clip robot". CZ responded: "Not using ...
In response to community users asking why Zhao Changpeng bought TST, Zhao Changpeng responded that TST is a test token for testing.
According to Lookonchain, a smart money that recently made a profit on TST bought 268.60 million ANDY 2 hours ago and spent 171 BNB (113,000 USD).
据 Lookonchain 监测,某个最近在 TST 上获利的聪明钱于 2 小时前买入 2.686 亿枚 ANDY,花费 171 枚 BNB(11.3 万美元)。
Google CEO: The work of the DeepSeek team is excellent, which shows the high degree of globalization of artificial intelligence.
Whetstone announced the completion of a $1.30 million Pre-Seed round of funding from Variant, Nascent, Credibly Neutral, Uniswap Ventures, Ambush, Figment and several angel investors. Whetstone launched the Doppler protocol, which aims to optimize on-chain asset issuance and liquidity guidance, reduce robot panic buying, improve price discovery efficiency, and introduce programmable auditable attribution periods to improve long-term incentive alignment between project parties and the community. ...
据官方消息,Whetstone 宣布完成 130万美元Pre-Seed轮融资,投资方包括 Variant、Nascent、Credibly Neutral、Uniswap Ventures、Ambush、Figment 及多位天使投资人。 Whetstone推出Doppler协议,旨在优化链上资产发行与流动性引导,减少机器人抢购、提高价格发现效率,并引入可编程可审计归属期,提升项目方与社区的长期激励对齐。Doppler已部署至Unichain,并通过Pure Markets率先提供前端支持。
On February 11th, according to official news, announced a partnership with TST. TST's CTO team has officially joined partner ecosystem.
据Straitstimes报道,英国男子James Howells考虑买下其丢失比特币硬盘的垃圾填埋场,继续寻找损失的10亿美元比特币。 James Howells的前伴侣曾于2013年误将装有8000枚比特币的硬盘当作垃圾处理。他曾试图起诉市议会,要求进入垃圾填埋场寻找或获得4.95亿英镑的赔偿,市议会最近宣布关闭垃圾填埋场并将部分土地改造成太阳能发电厂。
According to the chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, the first address of TST position 0xe14... 16ec4 has sold 7.65 million tokens in the past 18 hours, making a profit of 1.726 million US dollars, and the profit of single currency has reached 4.547 million US dollars. He distributed 10.79 million tokens to two addresses and sold 7.65 million of them. The original address still holds 8.32 million tokens, and the number of remaining tokens is currently ranked as TOP2 for personal positions.