
Chain game developer Mint Town completes approximately $4.75 million in financing

Japanese chain game developer Mint Town recently completed a 700 million yen (about $4.75 million) financing. The main investor is the fund "X & KSK" established by Japanese football star Keisuke Honda. This round of financing brings the company's cumulative financing total to 2 billion yen (about 13.56 million US dollars). The financing will be used to promote the marketing activities of the Web3 game "Captain Tsubasa - Competitor -" mini-Dapps of Mint Town's "Little Football", and to carry out...

2025-03-11 10:18:30
链游开发商Mint Town完成约475万美元融资

日本链游开发商Mint Town近日完成7亿日元(约475万美元)融资,主要投资方为日本足球明星本田圭佑设立的基金「X & KSK」。本轮融资使该公司累计融资总额达20亿日元(约1356万美元)。 此次融资将用于推动Mint Town旗下《足球小将》漫改Web3游戏《Tsubasa队长-竞争对手-》迷你Dapps的市场推广,同时围绕其专属代币「约翰」开展战略布局。公司计划在2025年Q2进行代币TGE。

2025-03-11 10:18:30
The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council: Urban residents are not allowed to buy farm houses and homesteads in rural areas, and retired cadres are not allowed to build houses in rural areas

On February 23rd, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued opinions on further deepening rural reform and solidly promoting the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. The opinions put forward that we should solidly do a good job in the confirmation, registration and issuance of the rights of housing bases integrated with real estate and land. Explore the effective realization forms of the housing legally owned by farmers through leasing, equity inv...

2025-02-23 09:59:30
This time is different from 2018? Wall Street is urging investors in U.S. stocks to maintain confidence, and risk sentiment among global investors has reached its most aggressive level in 15 years. Click to view...

This time is different from 2018? Wall Street is urging investors in U.S. stocks to maintain confidence, and risk sentiment among global investors has reached its most aggressive level in 15 years. Click to view...

2025-02-18 12:22:36
Hong Kong media: TEDA coin distribution company was registered in Hong Kong

Hong Kong's Wen Wei Po revealed that the capital chain of Myanmar's Asia-Pacific New Town is inextricably linked to cryptocurrencies, among which Tether (USDT) is a cryptocurrency commonly used by electronic fraud groups and even global illegal activities. Tether's distribution company Tether and its parent company iFinex were both registered in Hong Kong and are closely related to Bitfinex, one of the world's largest cryptocurrency trading platforms. Hong Kong's Secretary for Financial Services...

2025-02-13 05:05:35
Vancouver mayor proposes adopting bitcoin to fight inflation

Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim has urged the city council to explore the integration of bitcoin into municipal finance strategies, emphasizing the potential of cryptocurrencies to enhance financial stability in a volatile fiat market. At the Dec. 11 meeting of the city council, Sim introduced a bill entitled "Maintaining the City's Purchasing Power by Diversifying Financial Reserves - Becoming a Bitcoin Friendly City", arguing that Bitcoin has built a "good reputation" over its 16-year history as a saf...

2024-12-10 09:21:51
The Syrian opposition has taken control of the town where the Russian air base is located

On December 8, witnesses said that Syrian opposition fighters had taken control of the town of Jablai, where Russia's Hmeimim air base is located.

2024-12-08 15:40:00
Israeli army spokesperson: The Israeli army has issued a warning to five towns in southern Syria, urging residents to stay at home until further notice.

Israeli army spokesperson: The Israeli army has issued a warning to five towns in southern Syria, urging residents to stay at home until further notice.

2024-12-08 15:05:52
The document shows that Indian steelmakers have urged the government to immediately impose a temporary tax to discourage imports.

The document shows that Indian steelmakers have urged the government to immediately impose a temporary tax to discourage imports.

2024-11-19 09:12:14
National Bureau of Statistics: The employment situation is generally stable, and the urban survey unemployment rate has declined; from January to October, the average urban survey unemployment rate across the country was 5.1%, down 0.2 percentage points from the same period last year.

National Bureau of Statistics: The employment situation is generally stable, and the urban survey unemployment rate has declined; from January to October, the average urban survey unemployment rate across the country was 5.1%, down 0.2 percentage points from the same period last year.

2024-11-15 02:02:38
Coinbase executives urge SEC to adopt a regulatory framework that favors open dialogue and innovation rather than litigation

Coinbase Chief Legal Officer Paul Grewal has publicly urged the Securities Exchange Commission to change its approach to cryptocurrencies following Donald Trump's re-election as president. Grewal expressed hope that the SEC would adopt a regulatory framework that favors open dialogue and innovation over litigation, reflecting growing sentiment among cryptocurrency advocates who are increasingly frustrated with the actions of U.S. regulators over-enforcing.

2024-11-06 12:32:57
The results of the "midnight vote" in the small town of New Hampshire in the United States are out, and Harris and Trump are tied

On November 5th local time, the small town of Dixville Pass in New Hampshire announced the voting results of 6 registered voters, and Harris and Trump were tied by 3 votes to 3. At 0:00 on November 5th eastern time, voters in the small town of Dixville Pass in New Hampshire started voting first, marking the official start of voting for the 60th US presidential election.

2024-11-05 05:28:43
Nearly half of Schwab's respondents said they plan to invest in crypto ETFs rather than bonds

According to Bloomberg analyst Eric Balchunas, nearly half of respondents said they plan to invest in crypto ETFs rather than bonds, international equity, or alternative investments.

2024-10-10 14:27:23
French blockchain securities trading platform Kriptown completes 4.20 million Euro Series A financing

French blockchain securities trading platform Kriptown announced the completion of 4.20 million Euro A round of financing, led by BNP Paribas, Bpifrance and Centilux Family Office, and BNP Paribas and Bpifrance became shareholders of the company. Kriptown plans to use the new funds to create a financial marekt based on blockchain technology, providing liquidity through the 24/7 secondary market to make up for the difficulties of SMEs equity financing. It is reported that Kriptown has now officia...

2024-10-10 04:21:27

法国区块链证券交易平台Kriptown宣布完成420万欧元A轮融资,法国BNP Paribas银行、Bpifrance和Centilux Family Office领投,BNP Paribas和Bpifrance成为该公司股东。Kriptown拟利用新资金创建基于区块链技术的金融市场,通过24/7二级市场提供流动性来弥补中小企业股权融资困难等问题。据悉,Kriptown目前已正式向欧洲DLT试点制度下的法国审慎监管和解决局 (ACPR) 提交了DLT TSS(交易和结算系统) 许...

2024-10-10 04:21:27

7x24 快讯

03:38 2025-03-28
美国证券交易委员会主席提名人Paul Atkins承诺将进一步调查FTX崩盘事件
美国证券交易委员会主席提名人Paul Atkins出席参议院银行委员会的确认听证会,他在证词中重点强调制定数字资产管理规则的必要性并称这对创新和投资者保护来说都是一个紧迫的挑战。Paul Atkins还对Gary Gensler任期内的某些工作提出批评,并且承诺将进一步调查FTX崩盘事件以确保该事件得到彻查,继而保护投资者、促进高效市场和促进资本形成。 Paul Atkins在回答Elizabet...
03:29 2025-03-28
管理着约158亿美元多元化资产的贝莱德全球配置基金Global Allocation Fund已通过比特币交易所交易基金IBIT增加了BTC投资敞口,根据 提交给美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的文件显示,截止2025年1月31日该基金已持有821664股IBIT(价值达4740万美元,投资组合占比0.25%),相比之下2024年一季度末时仅持有43,000股,表明贝莱德全球配置基金对比特币的投资持续呈上升趋势。
03:20 2025-03-28
欧盟保险和职业养老金管理局(EIOPA)在3月27日向欧盟委员会提交的技术建议报告中提出,要求保险公司为其加密货币持有量维持等同于其价值的资金,作为降低保单持有人风险的措施。这一提议的标准远比其他资产类别(如股票和房地产)更为严格,后者的资金要求甚至不需要达到一半。 EIOP...
03:11 2025-03-28
疑似DWF Labs做市地址于11小时前将1335万枚MOVE充值进Ceffu
据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,时隔两天,疑似DWF Labs做市地址于11小时前将这1335万枚MOVE(价值660万美元)充值进了Ceffu,暂时不会流入市场。
03:08 2025-03-28
Dolomite通过Botanix Labs的Spiderchain扩展至比特币网络
3月28日消息,去中心化借贷协议Dolomite(TVL约8亿美元)宣布通过与Botanix Labs开发的Spiderchain集成,将扩展至比特币网络。Spiderchain是一个基于比特币的Layer 2解决方案,采用专有的权益证明(PoS)共识机制,并将比特币从UTXO模式转化为类似以太坊的账户模型,从而支持智能合约。Dolomite此前已在多个以太坊兼容网络上运行,包括Polygon zkEVM、Arbitrum、Berachain和OKX的X Layer。值得注意的是,特...
03:05 2025-03-28
3月28日消息,波场TRON创始人、火币HTX全球顾问孙宇晨登上《福布斯》英文版封面。《福布斯》以《帮助特朗普家族赚得4亿美元的加密亿万富翁》为题对孙宇晨进行了采访报道,称孙宇晨“正在通过波场TRON平台加速构建一个全球支付系统,其用户已达3亿人,并且还在不断增长。” 孙宇晨是继马云后又一位登...
02:58 2025-03-28
02:58 2025-03-28
02:40 2025-03-28
美SEC专员Hester Peirce:加密工作组欢迎合理的豁免和不采取执法行动申请
美国证券交易委员会(SEC)举行首次加密货币圆桌会议后,专员Hester Peirce分享了一些要点,她指出美国证券交易委员会需要将加密交易与资产分开考虑,许多加密资产本身并不是证券,但用于融资目的的加密资产的主要发行是证券交易,因此,美SEC愿意接受有关如何以注册或豁免交易的形式进行此类发行的询问,加密工作组欢迎合理的不采取行动函或豁免救济请求(Task Force welcomes well-reasoned requests f...
02:37 2025-03-28
据The Information报道,三位知情人士透露,Manus AI的团队正在与包括美国风投机构在内的潜在投资者进行谈判,计划以至少 5亿美元(约合 37.5 亿人民币)的估值进行新一轮融资,这一估值比之前的估值增长了约五倍。 报道称,Manus使用Anthropic的Claude AI模型等工具,平均每项任务需向Anthropic支付2美元。新一轮融资可能使Manus向更多用户开放。对此消息,蝴蝶效应公司方面...
02:37 2025-03-28
02:25 2025-03-28