A U.S. federal court on Friday sentenced Brooklyn podcast host and crypto celebrity Thomas John Sfraga (TJ Stone) to 45 months in prison and $1,337,700 in fines for wire fraud. According to a Justice Department announcement, Sfraga defrauded investors of about $2 million through cryptocurrency and real estate investment scams between 2016 and 2022. He also promised an investor that his fake crypto wallet project would provide a 60% return within three months, but then misappropriated the funds t...
美国联邦法院周五判决,布鲁克林播客主持人兼加密货币圈名人 Thomas John Sfraga(TJ Stone)因电信诈骗被判处 45 个月监禁,并罚没 1,337,700 美元。司法部公告显示,Sfraga 在 2016 至 2022 年间通过加密货币和房地产投资骗局欺骗投资者约 200 万美元。他还曾承诺某投资者,其虚假加密钱包项目可在三个月内提供 60% 的回报,随后却挪用资金填补旧债和个人消费。此外,他还谎称经...
Coinbase will add support for RedStone (RED) on the Ethereum (ERC-20 token) network. If liquidity conditions are met, trading will begin on or after 9 a.m. Pacific Time on March 12, 2025.
Coinbase 将在以太坊(ERC-20 代币)网络上增加对 RedStone (RED) 的支持。如果满足流动性条件,交易将于 2025 年 3 月 12 日太平洋时间上午 9 点或之后开始。
White House official: Some Canadian petroleum products are under the USMCA, while others are not; products not included will still be subject to a 10% tariff.
According to the official announcement, Binance announced that RedStone (RED), which was originally scheduled to go live at 21:00 on March 6, 2025 (East 8th District Time), will resume live at 00:00 on March 7, 2025 (East 8th District Time).
据官方公告,Binance 宣布原定于 2025 年 03 月 06 日 21:00(东八区时间)上线的 RedStone(RED)将在 2025 年 03 月 07 日 00:00(东八区时间)恢复上线。
On March 6th, in response to community concerns, RedStone announced adjustments to the selection process and allocation of RED airdrops. RedStone has decided to allocate an additional 2% of RED's total supply from the "Ecosystem and Data Providers" on the basis of the original 5% of the total supply of Miner airdrops to compensate for the contributors missed in the initial airdrops. Eligibility for receiving additional airdrops has been re-evaluated, and eligible users have been determined based...
3月6日消息,为回应社区关切,RedStone 宣布对 RED 空投的选择流程和分配进行调整。RedStone 决定在原本 5% 总供应量的 Miner 空投基础上,额外从「生态系统和数据提供商」中分配 2% 的 RED 总供应量,以补偿初始空投中遗漏的贡献者。额外空投的领取资格已重新评估,并根据收集的参与证明确定合格用户,该 2% 份额将于 2025 年 3 月 7 日 00:00(北京时间)开放领取。 此外,RedStone 计划在 TGE 后 6...
据币安官方公告,由于 RedStone (RED) 项目方临时更改社区空投分配方案,币安已暂停原定于北京时间3月6日21:00开始的 RedStone 交易上线计划,恢复时间待定。 公告指出,RedStone 项目方原本承诺向社区空投分配总供应量的 9.5%,但现已将这一比例降低至 5%。币安表示正与项目方积极协商最终细节,以确保为用户争取最佳结果,并将在后续公告中提供更多信息。
RedStone has announced that it has opened the application and pledge of RED tokens for airdrop, and the pledgers can receive RED rewards and partner incentives, and plan to obtain real benefits from RedStone data users in the future.
DeFi 预言机 RedStone 宣布已开放 RED 代币空投申领与质押,质押者可获得 RED 奖励和合作伙伴激励,并计划未来从 RedStone 数据用户中获得真实收益。
On March 6th, crypto KOL Ice Frog posted on the social platform that Redstone's open airdrop caused doubts from the global community due to the dispute over the rules. The main points of dispute include: the sudden change of airdrop rules: the project party added "special role" qualification restrictions without advance declaration, resulting in a large number of users who completed hundreds of tasks losing eligibility; token distribution imbalance: the community estimates that 98% of the partic...
3月6日消息,加密 KOL 冰蛙在社交平台发文表示,Redstone 开放空投后因规则争议引发全球社区质疑。主要争议点包括: 空投规则突变:项目方在未提前声明的情况下新增"特殊角色"资格限制,导致大量完成数百项任务的用户失去领取资格; 代币分配失衡:社区估算 98% 参与者未获空投,实际发放地址仅约 4000 个,与宣称的 10% 社区分配比例存在显...
DeFi oracle RedStone has launched the airdrop inquiry page, enter the wallet address to inquire, and will open the airdrop collection at 20:00 tomorrow night.