Alex Thorn, head of research at Galaxy Digital, shared Satoshi's early views on the X platform. It is believed that Satoshi Nakamoto published a sentence in January 2009. He said: "In case it [bitcoin] catches on, it might make sense to buy some. [It might make sense just to get some in case it catches on]"
Todd Sohn, ETF strategist at Strategas, said the launch of bitcoin ETF options could trigger new funds of these options, explaining: "Grayscale has applied for covered calls, funds, and I'm sure BlackRock will apply, and then the relevant market will get a cushion, and then it will get any other trend-following strategies that people think of, and I think the crypto options ecosystem will really start to take off here."
Alex Thorn, head of research at Galaxy Digital, pointed out in the X post that Memecoin exists at a combination of concerns about a lack of successful crypto use cases, and young people's despair about the bleak economic outlook
According to hk01, the Western District Police District of Hong Kong has carried out an anti-fraud operation code-named "Thrill" in the past month. 41 cases of various types of fraud were detected and 53 people were arrested, involving 78 million Hong Kong dollars. Among them, the "fake customer service" fraud case soared. The police also found that a criminal group "invested" more than 100,000 Hong Kong dollars in rent in Wan Chai and opened a cryptocurrency physical exchange shop, defrauding t...
Binance announced it had hired Grant Thornton, a UK accounting firm, to advise the exchange on accounting and taxation. The firm will also help Binance prepare for audits, but will not act as an auditor for the exchange. Binance previously worked with Mazars, an audit firm that suspended its work with the exchange in December 2022. Grant Thornton previously worked with stablecoin issuer Circle.
Alex Thorn, head of research at Galaxy Research, wrote on the X platform to analyze Vice President Harris' crypto stance, and the selection of her advisory team indicates that she will continue to implement the Biden administration's strict regulatory policy on cryptocurrencies. Harris has worked with key anti-cryptocurrency officials such as Brian Deese and Bharat Ramamurti, two former point persons in the Biden administration pushing for cryptocurrency regulation. Deese has published articles ...
On July 5th, Alex Thorn, head of research at Galaxy, wrote on the X platform that for the 47,228 BTC transferred from Mt. Gox wallet in Mentougou today, Alex Thorn speculated that the transfer was transferred to one of the distribution agents. If correct, we may see more similar transfers, totaling about 100,000, unless the custodian unnecessarily realigns the internal wallet as on May 27th. I still believe that Mt. Gox's bitcoins are more held for a long time than sold.
Alex Thorn, head of research at Galaxy, wrote on the X platform that creditors have been trapped in the Mt. Gox bankruptcy case for more than a decade, and BTC and BCH in-kind compensation are expected to start in July, but the final number of tokens distributed will be less than people thought, and the Bitcoin selling pressure caused by Mt. Gox will be smaller than expected. Mt. Gox lost about 940,000 bitcoins that year, worth 4....