
Former CTO of SafeMoon Admits to 200 million Dollar Cryptocurrency Fraud

According to Cointelegraph, SafeMoon CTO Thomas Smith pleaded guilty in federal court in Brooklyn to one count of cryptocurrency fraud. Smith pleaded guilty to two counts of securities fraud conspiracy and wire fraud conspiracy, which carry a maximum sentence of 25 and 20 years, respectively. The Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission have charged Smith with participating in fraud along with SafeMoon CEO Braden John Karony and founder Kyle Nagy. Prosecutors say the thre...

2025-02-21 15:14:40

据Cointelegraph报道,SafeMoon首席技术官Thomas Smith在布鲁克林联邦法院就一项加密货币欺诈案认罪。史密斯对证券欺诈共谋和电信欺诈共谋两项指控认罪,这两项指控最高刑期分别为25年和20年。 美国司法部和证券交易委员会指控Smith与SafeMoon首席执行官Braden John Karony和创始人KyleNagy共同参与欺诈。检方称三人向投资者虚假宣称SafeMoon(SFM)代币的...

2025-02-21 15:14:40
Bitcoin miner Argo CEO Thomas Chippas resigns

Bitcoin miner Argo Blockchain has announced that its CEO Thomas Chippas will step down on February 28, 2025. The company is searching for executives to identify a successor. In the meantime, Chief Financial Officer Jim MacCallum will serve as interim CEO.

2025-01-22 19:38:24
比特币矿企Argo首席执行官Thomas Chippas辞职

比特币矿企Argo Blockchain宣布,其首席执行官Thomas Chippas将于2025年2月28日卸任。该公司正在搜寻高管,以确定继任者。在此期间,首席财务官JimMacCallum将担任临时首席执行官。

2025-01-22 19:38:24
Kraken Head of Strategy: Admission of Sovereign Wealth Funds and Others Will Drive Crypto ETF Size to $50 billion

Thomas Perfumo, head of strategy at Kraken, expects inflows into cryptocurrency ETFs to double to $50 billion by 2025. He says "ultimate allocators" such as sovereign wealth funds, endowments and pension funds will come in next year, with big asset managers already considering allocating 1-3 per cent of their portfolios to crypto assets. The data shows that the total amount of bitcoin held by 11 bitcoin ETF issuers has exceeded $90 billion, accounting for more than 5% of the total bitcoin supply...

2024-11-14 16:51:44
Kraken 策略主管:主权财富基金等机构入场将推动加密 ETF 规模至 500 亿美元

Kraken 策略主管 Thomas Perfumo 预计,加密货币 ETF 资金流入规模将在 2025 年翻倍至 500 亿美元。他表示,主权财富基金、捐赠基金和养老基金等“终极配置机构”将在明年陆续进场,大型资管机构已开始考虑将 1% 至 3% 的投资组合配置于加密资产。 数据显示,目前 11 家比特币 ETF 发行商持有的比特币总量已超过 900 亿美元,占比特币总供应量的 5% 以上。BlackRoc...

2024-11-14 16:51:44
Options Market Data Shows Traders Are "Snapping Up" Bitcoin 100,000 $Call Options

Thomas Erdösi, head of product at CF Benchmarks, said that market data shows that traders appear to be snapping up bitcoin call options at a strike price of $100,000. The 30-day constant expiration date 25 delta deviation has now breached the 5 vol threshold and is near its highest level year-to-date, meaning that demand for upside exposure is much greater. Additionally, demand for call options with a strike price of more than $100,000 is also surging, as is evident from the rise in implied vol...

2024-11-14 00:43:06

CF Benchmarks 产品负责人 Thomas Erdösi 表示,市场数据显示交易员似乎正在以 10 万美元的执行价格抢购比特币看涨期权。30 天恒定到期日 25 delta 偏差现已突破 5 vol 阈值,接近年初至今的最高水平,这意味着对上行敞口的需求要大得多。此外,执行价超过 100,000 美元的看涨期权的需求也正在激增,这从这些期权的隐含波动率上升中可以明显看出。

2024-11-14 00:43:06
Analysts: The Federal Reserve cut interest rates as scheduled, indicating independence and concern about two-way risks to the labor market

Thomas Hayes, chairperson of Great Hill Capital, said that the key to the Fed's interest rate decision going as planned this time around is that they act according to market expectations despite the poor election result. Because if they withdraw their interest rate cut expectations, they will be considered politically influenced. So they are basically saying, number one, they are a non-political organization and they will act according to plan; second, they fully recognize the dual risks associa...

2024-11-08 04:01:27

Great Hill Capital董事长Thomas Hayes表示,这次美联储利率决议按计划进行,关键在于尽管大选结果不佳,他们还是按照市场预期行事。因为如果他们收回了降息预期,就会被认为是受政治影响。所以他们基本上是在说,第一,他们是一个非政治性的组织,他们会按计划行事;第二,他们完全认识到与劳动力市场有关的双重风险,继续向中性利率移动将减轻劳动力市场崩溃的风险。”...

2024-11-08 04:01:27
Institutions: Reacting to wild market fluctuations can be a costly mistake

Thomas Gruener, founder and vice-chairperson of Gruener Fisher Investments, says historical evidence suggests that reacting to wild swings is often a mistake and can be a costly one. "We are convinced that the most important approach is the same: remain calm". He adds that it does not matter whether the market is currently in a period of correction or just wild swings. (Jin Ten).

2024-08-08 20:05:50

Gruener Fisher Investments 创始人兼副董事长 Thomas Gruener 表示,历史证据表明,对剧烈波动做出反应通常是一个错误,而且可能是一个代价高昂的错误。“我们深信,最重要的方法是一样的:保持冷静”。他还称,区分市场目前是处于调整期还是只是剧烈波动并不重要。(金十)。

2024-08-08 20:05:50
US Congressman Thomas Massie, inspired by Bitcoin, will introduce a bill to terminate the Federal Reserve

According to Bitcoin Magazine, US Congressman Thomas Massie said that after reading The Bitcoin Standard, he decided to introduce a bill to end the Federal Reserve.

2024-06-14 01:57:53
美国国会议员Thomas Massie受比特币启发将提出一项终止美联储的法案

\据 Bitcoin Magazine 披露,美国国会议员 Thomas Massie 表示,在阅读了《The Bitcoin Standard》书籍之后,他决定提出一项终止美联储的法案。

2024-06-14 01:57:53
US crypto celebrity Thomas Sfraga pleads guilty to wire fraud charges

Thomas John Sfraga, also known as TJ Stone, pleaded guilty to wire fraud charges in federal court in Brooklyn on Thursday. According to a Department of Justice release on Friday, Sfraga allegedly promised investors a return of up to 60 percent over three months, in fact for a fake cryptocurrency digital wallet. He allegedly took the funds for himself and used some of the funds to repay victims of previous scams. He faces up to 20 years in prison and $1.33 million in restitution, the Justice Depa...

2024-05-17 23:51:59