
Hunan Hanshou Public Security reminds ST0021 Protocol pledge and loan users to cooperate with the situation in a timely manner

On June 24th, according to the announcement on the official website of ST0021 Protocol, Filecoin ecology's LSD protocol ST0021 Protocol was investigated and punished by the Hanshou County Public Security Bureau of Hunan Province due to the "3.28" illegal use of information network case, and a batch of virtual coins involved in the case were seized according to law. The announcement requires the pledged users and borrowing users of the website to bring valid ID documents and related records to th...

2024-06-24 09:42:07
湖南汉寿公安提醒STFIL Protocol的质押和借贷用户及时配合反映情况

6月24日消息,据STFIL Protocol官网公告,Filecoin生态的LSD协议STFIL Protocol因涉及“3.28”非法利用信息网络案件,网站(stfil.io)被湖南省汉寿县公安局查处,并依法扣押了一批涉案FIL虚拟币。公告要求该网站的质押用户和借贷用户在2024年7月10日前,携带有效身份证件及相关记录到汉寿县公安局反映情况并提供证据材料,逾期未反映情况的虚拟币将依法处置。...

2024-06-24 09:42:07
STFIL: The core technology team is under investigation by Chinese police, and the FIL on the platform has been transferred to an unknown external address

On April 9th, it was reported that the STFIL Protocol of Filecoin Ecological LSD protocol tweeted that the core technology team is under investigation by local Chinese police. We have learned that they have hired lawyers to understand the current situation and provide legal assistance to detained individuals.

2024-04-09 13:57:00

4月9日消息,Filecoin生态LSD协议STFIL Protocol发推表示,核心技术团队正在受到中国当地警方的调查,我们了解到他们已经聘请了律师了解当前情况,并为被拘留的个人提供法律援助。 此外上周在核心技术团队被拘留的情况下,STFIL平台上的FIL被转移到一个未知的外部地址。同时在过去几天里,协议出现了异常、计划外的升级,资金被转移到其它...

2024-04-09 13:57:00