According to, the company has completed a $6 million seed round led by TIRTA Ventures and a16z speedrun, with participation from Factorial Funds, Y Combinator, Earthling, Hartmann Capital, FOV Ventures and New Renaissance Ventures. focuses on the intersection of artificial intelligence, games and robotics, and is committed to building the first AI agent that can test and play games, so as to promote the intelligent development of the game industry.
据 官方消息,该公司已完成600万美元种子轮融资,由TIRTA Ventures 和 a16z speedrun 共同领投,其他参投方包括 Factorial Funds、Y Combinator、Earthling、Hartmann Capital、FOV Ventures 和 New Renaissance Ventures。 专注于人工智能、游戏与机器人技术的交叉领域,致力于构建首个能够测试和游玩游戏的AI智能体,推动游戏产业的智能化发展。
Nifty Island is an Ethereum blockchain game built around user generated content. It was announced on Friday that it will launch a two part AliExpress challenge around a new game mode called "Break the Targets", where level creators and players can earn NFT rewards by participating.
Nifty Island是一款围绕用户生成内容构建的以太坊区块链游戏,周五宣布,它将围绕一种名为“Break the Targets”的新游戏模式推出由两部分组成的速通挑战,关卡创建者和玩家都可以通过参与获得NFT奖励。