
Farcaster Launches Data Layer Snapchain Mainnet

On March 22nd, according to Theblock, decentralized social media protocol Farcaster launched a "blockchain-like" data layer Snapchain mainnet and simultaneously launched an "Airdrop Offers" incentive program to reward users who actively use the decentralized social media platform. According to co-founder Varun Srinivasan when he announced the launch of the Snapchain testnet in December, the new system can process more than 10,000 transactions per second. According to reports, the system took onl...

2025-03-22 00:24:48

3月22日消息,据 Theblock 报道,去中心化社交媒体协议 Farcaster 推出“类似区块链”数据层 Snapchain 的主网,并同步上线“Airdrop Offers”激励计划,以奖励积极使用去中心化社交媒体平台的用户。据联合创始人 Varun Srinivasan 于 12 月宣布推出 Snapchain 测试网时所说,新系统每秒可处理超过 1 万笔交易。据报道,该系统从构思到正式投入使用仅用了六个月时间。 此前消息,Farcaster计划明...

2025-03-22 00:24:48

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