
DeFi agreement Shogun developer Intensity Labs completes $6.90 million seed round

Intensity Labs, developer of the DeFi protocol Shogun, raised $6.90 million in a seed round. Polychain Capital and DAO5 co-led the round, with Arrington Capital, Maelstrom, Arthur Hayes' family office, and Build-a-Bera participating, Intensity Labs said. Angel investors including Cobie, Ansem, Ser Shokunin, and Meltem Demirors also participated in the round.

2024-05-15 17:40:36
DeFi协议Shogun开发商Intensity Labs完成690万美元种子轮融资

DeFi协议Shogun的开发商Intensity Labs在种子轮融资中筹集了690万美元。Intensity Labs表示,Polychain Capital和DAO5共同领投此轮融资,Arrington Capital、Arthur Hayes的家族办公室Maelstrom和Build-a-Bera参与其中。Cobie、Ansem、Ser Shokunin和Meltem Demirors等天使投资人也参与了本轮融资。

2024-05-15 17:40:36

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