One victim lost $397,831 by signing a "setOwner" phishing signature that changed ownership of his DSProxy, ScamSniffer said in an X post. Earlier, ScamSniffer reported in August that crypto phishing lost $63 million in August, with one victim losing up to $55 million in a proxy ownership scam.
ScamSniffer 于 X 平台发文表示,一名受害者因签署“setOwner”网络钓鱼签名而损失了 397831 美元,该签名改变了其 DSProxy 的所有权。 此前消息,ScamSniffer 8 月报告显示,8 月加密钓鱼诈损失 6300 万美元,其中一名受害者在针对代理所有权诈骗中损失高达 5500 万美元。