StarkWare co-founder and CEO Eli Ben-Sasson wrote on the X platform that Vitalik Buterin has led Ethereum through many crises, everything will be fine, Ethereum will survive and solve problems, although I don't know how it will happen and I'm not involved, but people need strong Ethereum.
StarkWare联合创始人兼首席执行官Eli Ben-Sasson在X平台发文阐述Starknet的下一篇章,他表示新的STARK证明器Stwo将于2025年第二季度登陆Starknet和StarkEx系统主网,有望为游戏、DeFi等提供更快的客户端证明,在所有Rollup中Starknet的用户操作平均成本最低。Eli Ben-Sasson还称,目前STRK第一阶段质押量已超过1.6亿枚,质押用户超6万个;Starknet即将成为第一个同时在比特币和以太坊上结算的...
StarkWare CEO Eli Ben Sasson told Cointelegraph during DevCon 2024 that Starknet's transaction speed is expected to increase by a factor of 4 over the next 3 months, while transaction fees will decrease by a factor of 5. This improvement is primarily due to better compilation and faster execution of its native smart contract language, Cairo. Starknet plans to increase transaction speed to over 1000 TPS, which rivals the performance of Solana. Currently, the average transaction fee on Starknet is...
StarkWare 的首席执行官 Eli Ben Sasson 在 DevCon 2024 期间对 Cointelegraph 表示,Starknet 的交易速度预计将在未来 3 个月内提高 4 倍,同时交易费用将下降 5 倍。这一改进主要来自于其原生智能合约语言 Cairo 的更好编译和更快执行。Starknet 计划将交易速度提升至超过 1000 TPS,与 Solana 的性能相媲美。目前,Starknet 的平均交易费用仅为 0.002 美元,预计这将会进...
StarkWare CEO Eli Ben Sasson said he expects OP_CAT (a major upgrade to the Bitcoin network) to go live within the next 12 months.
Starknet will be open for staking on its ecosystem by the end of 2024, StarkWare CEO Eli Ben-Sasson said at the ETHCC Summit in Brussels, Belgium. Ben-Sasson submitted a Starknet improvement proposal to the community, suggesting that users can choose whether to become a staker or not, and the participation reward is proportional to the number of staked STRK tokens. If the proposal is approved by the community, the staking testnet on Starknet will be launched soon and enter the mainnet in the las...
StarkWare 首席执行官 Eli Ben-Sasson 在比利时布鲁塞尔 ETHCC 峰会上表示,Starknet 将于 2024 年底在其生态系统上开放质押。Ben-Sasson 向社区提交了 Starknet 改进提案,建议用户可以选择是否成为质押者,参与奖励与质押 STRK 代币数量成正比。如果该提案获得社区批准,Starknet 上的质押测试网将很快推出,并在 2024 年最后一个季度进入主网。质押者必须将其代币锁定 21 天,然后才能提...
On July 3rd, StarkWare CEO EliBen-Sasson released a reflection on the STRK airdrop, saying that as of the end of the claim period on June 20th, about 500 million tokens have been claimed, leaving about 400 million STRK tokens for future rounds. EliBen-Sasson said that he is still thinking about how to better distribute STRK in future rounds, and hopes that community users will give feedback on the Starknet forum for more ideas on the token distribution mechanism.