
Former White House National Economic Council deputy director: Fed should strongly consider cutting interest rates by 50 basis points in September

Bharat Ramamurti, a former deputy director of the White House National Economic Council, said the Fed had "made a mistake" by not cutting rates in July and that "the possibility of a 50 basis point cut in September should be strongly considered". He said the risks to price stability and inflation were much more serious than those facing the job market. "If you look at the data on hiring, quitting, claiming unemployment benefits, there is data that the labor market is under pressure right now, an...

2024-08-23 03:04:21

前白宫国家经济委员会副主任Bharat Ramamurti表示,美联储7月份没有降息是“犯了一个错误”,“应该强烈考虑9月份降息50个基点的可能性”。他说,物价稳定和通胀方面的风险比就业市场面临的风险严重得多。“如果你看一下招聘、辞职、申领失业救济这些数据,就会发现有数据表明劳动力市场现在存在压力,我不认为就业市场会跌落悬崖。...

2024-08-23 03:04:21

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