Coinbase has announced the launch of Verified Pools as a way to conduct on-chain transactions and redemptions. Verified Pools is built on top of the Uniswap v4 protocol, designed for retail and institutional participants in eligible locations, and integrates its KYC verification system, Coinbase Verifications. Verified Pools reduce counterparty risk by integrating authentication with smart contract transparency, while maintaining the openness and efficiency of the on-chain market. Its verificati...
Coinbase 宣布推出验证池(Verified Pools),作为进行链上交易和兑换的一种方式,Verified Pools 建立在 Uniswap v4 协议之上,为符合条件地点的散户和机构参与者而设计,并集成了其 KYC 验证系统 Coinbase Verifications。验证池通过将身份验证与智能合约透明度集成,降低交易对手风险,同时维护链上市场的开放性和效率。其验证池目前向美国、新加坡、荷兰、英属维尔京群岛、...
Bankless co-creator David Hoffman posted on the X platform that two projects based on Uniswap and the mainnet will soon be launched to introduce some innovative features, namely: Sorella Labs: MEV capture for LP; InfinityPools: leveraged perpetual contracts using Uniswap liquidity.
Bankless联创David Hoffman在X平台发文表示,两个基于Uniswap且主网即将上线的项目即将为其引入一些创新功能,分别是:Sorella Labs:面向LP的MEV捕获;InfinityPools:使用Uniswap流动性的杠杆化永续合约。
OdDeFi 定向流动性协议 Poolshark Protocol 宣布将于北京时间 3 月 15 日 23 点在 Poolshark 应用程序上推出 FIN 代币。初始流动性将由 FIN 代币提供,早期用户有机会以较低的价格购买该代币。