
Netflix's (NFLX. O) global streaming growth in paying users was 18.91 million in the fourth quarter, and the market is expected to be 9.60 million.

Netflix's (NFLX. O) global streaming growth in paying users was 18.91 million in the fourth quarter, and the market is expected to be 9.60 million.

2025-01-21 21:02:53
Musk offers $1 billion to rename Wikipedia

Elon Musk has confirmed that his proposal to pay Wikipedia $1 billion to change its current name to "Wikipedia" still counts. (Sina Finance)

2024-12-26 11:24:49
There were more than 30 attacks in the crypto sector in November: about $85.53 million in losses

According to Paidun, in November 2024, there were more than 30 hacking incidents in the cryptocurrency sector, causing about $85.53 million in losses, of which about $25.20 million was recovered. The top 5 hacking incidents are as follows: - Thala: $25.50 million ($25.20 million recovered + $300,000 bug bounty); - DEXX: 21 million USD; - Gifto: 12 million dollars; - PolterFinance: 8.70 million USD; DeltaPrime: $4.75 million.

2024-12-01 04:37:33
Trump's nominee has been threatened with violence, and the FBI has launched an investigation

The FBI said it was aware of multiple incidents of bomb threats and harassment targeting Trump's nominees for his transition team and was working with law enforcement partners to investigate the incidents. The FBI said it took all potential threats seriously and encouraged the public to immediately report any incidents they deemed suspicious to law enforcement. Earlier, President-elect Donald Trump's transition team announced that several of Trump's cabinet nominees had received violent threats ...

2024-11-27 21:02:45
The UAE Central Bank has approved AE Coin, a stablecoin pegged to the dirham.

The Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates (CBUAE) has approved AED Stablecoin in principle under its Payment Token Services Regulatory Framework. AED Stablecoin's initial licensing approval makes it the frontrunner for the UAE's first regulated dirham-pegged stablecoin issuer. If fully approved, AED Stablecoin's AE Coin could serve as a native trading pair for cryptocurrencies on exchanges and decentralized platforms, while allowing merchants to accept it to pay for goods and services.

2024-10-14 11:23:25
Fishing 1.39 million USD address is related to the previous theft of Shenyu over 32 million USD spWETH hacker

The phishing address Fake_Phish ing442846, which stole $1.39 million worth of crypto assets today, is linked to scammers who stole over $32 million worth of Spark Wrapped Ethereum (sp WETH) two weeks ago.

2024-10-14 02:29:44
OpenAI launches voice assistant service to all paying ChatGPT users

OpenAI has launched its voice assistant service to all paying ChatGPT users.

2024-09-24 22:56:25
TON: Catizen is the first consumer Web3 app with more than 1 million paying users

Catizen is the first consumer-grade Web3 app with more than 1 million paying users, and its token CATI will be officially launched on September 20. Before that, it has achieved significant growth, with more than 39 million total users and more than 18 million monthly active users.

2024-09-18 12:43:00
Pavel Durov: Telegram will introduce new features for nearby businesses

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov said that Telegram's paid users have reached 10 million. In addition, Telegram has removed the nearby people feature, which is used by less than 0.1% of Telegram users and has problems with bots and scammers. Telegram will launch nearby businesses to replace it, showcasing legitimate, verified merchants. These merchants will be able to seamlessly display product catalogs and accept payments. In addition, uploading new media to Telegraph, an independent blogging tool that...

2024-09-06 14:06:08
ChatGPT Enterprise Edition Paying Users Break Through 1 million

OpenAI said on Thursday that ChatGPT Enterprise had broken through 1 million in paid users, indicating that demand for its chatbots is still growing among businesses. The figure includes the total number of people who have signed up to use ChatGPT Team and Enterprise services for companies and university personnel using ChatGPT Edu products. OpenAI said in April that it had 600,000 enterprise ChatGPT users. OpenAI launched ChatGPT Enterprise a year ago with additional features and privacy protec...

2024-09-05 15:42:20
Witnesschain Discord server has been hacked, users should not click on any links

According to Paidun, the Witnesschain Discord server has been hacked. Users are advised not to click on any links.

2024-08-30 10:09:46
Telegram adds paid emoji reactions to posts, and Stars earned by channel owners can be converted into TON rewards

On August 15th, according to official news, Telegram has added a paid emoji reaction function for posts. Users can now perform star emoji reactions on posts to send Telegram Stars to their favorite channels and content creators. Channel owners get 100% of Telegram Stars and can convert them into Toncoin cryptocurrency rewards or subsidized ads. Channel owners who want to enable star responses on posts need to go to "Channel Settings" > "Emoji Reaction" > "Start Paid Emoji Reaction".

2024-08-15 08:40:53
Vitalik Address Transfer 83.5 ETH to Allo Protocol

Vitalik transferred 83.5 ETH (worth about $225,000) to Allo Protocol.

2024-08-14 02:12:13
Nexera Security Incident Update: 32.50 million Stolen NXRA Has Been Burned

According to Shield, 32.50 million stolen NXRAs have been burned after the Nexera was hacked. Yesterday, Nexera announced that the team is investigating a vulnerability involving smart contracts containing NXRA tokens. The results of the investigation have not yet been finalized.

2024-08-08 01:44:17
UwU Lend: 4 million CRV bad debts repaid, approximately $1.20 million

On August 5, DeFi loan agreement UwU Lend announced that it has repaid 4 million CRV (approximately $1.20 million) of bad debt. Since the June 10, 2024 incident, a total of approximately $18,453,580 of debt has been repaid.

2024-08-05 04:22:27

7x24 快讯

10:22 2025-03-24
Curve 创始人约 9 小时前出售 46.8 万枚 CRV 代币
据链上分析师 Spot On Chain 监测,Curve 协议创始人 Michael Egorov 约 9 小时前以 0.508 美元的价格出售了 468,769 枚 CRV 代币,获得 238,171 USDC。
10:06 2025-03-24
市场消息:WLFI疑似在以太坊和BNB Chain发行稳定币USD1,并进行功能测试
3月24日消息,据市场消息,WLFI 项目疑似在以太坊和 BNB Chain 上发行稳定币 USD1,并正在进行多项功能测试,Wintermute 已参与其中。
10:06 2025-03-24
Polymarket上Solana ETF在2025年获得批准的可能性为87%
Polymarket用户预测,Solana ETF在2025年获得批准的可能性为87%。
09:57 2025-03-24
Aptos生态流动性质押协议Amnis Finance推出治理代币AMI
3月24日消息,Aptos 生态流动性质押协议 Amnis Finance 推出其治理代币 AMI,总量 10 亿枚。代币分配方案包括:社区奖励 20%、团队 20%、营销 15%、生态发展 16%、投资者 16%、流动性 5% 和空投 8%。
09:54 2025-03-24
dYdX :将用 25% 协议净手续费回购市场代币
据 dYdX 官方消息,去中心化交易所 dYdX 宣布启动其首个 $DYDX 代币回购计划。从即日起,平台将每月使用 25% 的协议净手续费从公开市场回购 DYDX 代币。
09:51 2025-03-24
CoinShares:上周数字资产投资产品流入总额达到 6.44 亿美元
据CoinShares最新周报数据,数字资产投资产品上周打破了连续五周的资金流出趋势,流入总额达到 6.44 亿美元。总管理资产较 3 月 10 日的低点增长了 6.3%。 比特币吸引 7.24 亿美元资金流入,结束了连续五周流出总额达 54 亿美元的局面。与此同时,短期比特币投资产品连续第三周出现资金流出,总额达 710 万美元。 山寨币市场情绪喜忧参半。以太坊遭遇了最严重的资金流出,流...
09:51 2025-03-24
据 MistTrack 监测,Tether 刚刚在四个 TRON 地址上冻结了总计 601,798.37 USDT。
09:36 2025-03-24
Dohrnii Labs 指控加密货币交易所 Blynex 非法清算其代币资产
学习赚钱平台 Dohrnii Labs 已向阿拉伯联合酋长国警方提交了一份报告,指控当地加密货币交易所 Blynex 未经授权清算其代币并未能提供承诺的贷款。 根据一份声明,Dohrnii Labs 向 Blynex 存入了 12,649.99 枚 Dohrnii (DHN) 代币,价值超过 500,000 美元。3 月 23 日,该公司表示,它使用其中 8,650 枚代币作为 30 天贷款的抵押品,以换取 80,000 USDT。 Dohrnii 声称该交易所从未交付 USDT。此外,该...
09:33 2025-03-24
原TST TOP1巨鲸建仓BUBB,已累计获利约41.7万美元
据@ai_9684xtpa 监测,原 TST TOP1 持仓巨鲸疑似已转战 BUBB,累计收益达 41.7 万美元。此前,该地址在 TST 上曾实现超 221 万美元的盈利。 数据显示,该巨鲸在 3 月 19 日至 24 日期间通过两个地址持续建仓 BUBB,当前共持有 3025 万枚,平均建仓成本为 0.009259 美元,当前价值约 44.7 万美元。其曾在三天前以 0.01785 美元的价格卖出 1627 万枚,后又以 0.02029 美元的价格买回 1292 万枚。
09:30 2025-03-24
英国3月制造业PMI初值 44.6,预期46.4,前值46.9。
英国3月制造业PMI初值 44.6,预期46.4,前值46.9。
09:30 2025-03-24
英国3月服务业PMI初值 53.2,预期50.9,前值51。
英国3月服务业PMI初值 53.2,预期50.9,前值51。
09:24 2025-03-24