
币安将恢复ORCAUSDT U本位永续合约资金费率结算频率

3月24日消息,币安合约将于2025年03月24日16:00(东八区时间)恢复ORCAUSDT U本位永续合约资金费率结算频率。资金费率结算频率将由每二小时一次调整为每四小时一次。

2025-03-24 06:40:23
Wintermute has transferred all 2.50 million ORCAs received from the project to CEX.

According to data analyst @ai_9684xtpa on the chain, Wintermute has transferred all 2.50 million ORCA (worth about $9.62 million) received from the project party to CEX. Since Wintermute received the token the day before yesterday, the price of ORCA has fallen by 29.7% ($3.642 to $2.56).

2025-03-23 04:41:54

据链上数据分析师 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,Wintermute 已将从项目方处收到的 250 万枚 ORCA(价值约合 962 万美元)全部转入 CEX,从 Wintermute 前天收到代币至今,ORCA 币价已下跌 29.7% (3.642 美元降至 2.56 美元)。

2025-03-23 04:41:54

据 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,ORCA 部署地址于 1 小时前向 Wintermute 转移价值 962 万美元的代币,或用于做市/抛售。 截至目前,Wintermute 已将部分 ORCA 充值进 Coinbase / Binance / Kucoin / Kraken 等交易平台,链上仍持有 220 万枚代币,价值 750 万美元。 距离其 22:18 首次向交易平台充值代币至今,币价已下跌 7%(3.642 美元跌至 3.39 美元);而 Wintermute 早在 2024 年 12 月就曾交互过 ORCA,似乎并非首次做...

2025-03-21 15:23:53
Binance will update ORCAUSDT U-standard perpetual contract leverage and guaranteed funds

According to an official announcement, Binance Contracts will update the leverage and guarantee ladder for ORCAUSDTU-based perpetual contracts on March 21, 2025 at 09:15 (UTC).

2025-03-21 09:27:04
币安将更新ORCAUSDT U本位永续合约杠杆和保证⾦

据官⽅公告,币安合约将于 2025 年 03⽉21⽇09:15(UTC)更新 ORCAUSDTU 本位永续合约的杠杆和保证⾦阶梯。

2025-03-21 09:27:04


2025-03-21 08:41:29
A giant whale spent $2 million to buy ACX, another giant whale spent 720,000 to buy ORCA

According to Onchain Lens, as Binance announced the listing of ACX and ORCA, a giant whale withdrew 512 ETH (worth $2 million), purchased 1,267,251 ACX with 510 ETH, and deposited it into Binance. Whale 2 spent 3,000 SOL (worth $720,000) to purchase 108,090 ORCAs and subsequently sent 18,090 ORCAs to another address.

2024-12-06 09:08:52

据Onchain Lens监测,随着币安宣布上线ACX和ORCA,某巨鲸提取了的512枚ETH(价值200万美元),用510枚ETH购买了1,267,251枚ACX,并将其存入币安。 巨鲸2花费3,000枚SOL(价值72万美元)购买了108,090枚ORCA,随后将18,090枚ORCA发送到另一个地址。

2024-12-06 09:08:52
A robot made about 27,000 SOL, about $6.80 million, by sniping MEME tokens in the past month

On November 25th, according to the monitoring of Lookonchain, an automated trading robot with the address "orcACR... TCc8" has made a profit of about 27,000 SOL (about 6.80 million US dollars) by sniping MEME tokens in the past month. Two days ago, the robot bought 57 million FATHA tokens for 2 SOL and then sold them for 4456 SOL, making a net profit of 4454 SOL (about 1.12 million US dollars), achieving 2227 times the profit. Today, it bought 58.57 million FRIC tokens for 1.75 SOL and sold them...

2024-11-25 10:12:05

11月25日消息,据Lookonchain监测,一地址为“orcACR…TCc8”的自动化交易机器人过去一个月通过狙击MEME代币获利约2.7万SOL(约680万美元)。两天前,该机器人以2 SOL购入5700万FATHA代币,随后以4456 SOL售出,净赚4454 SOL(约112万美元),实现2227倍收益。今日,其以1.75 SOL购入5857万FRIC代币,并以1646 SOL售出,获利1644 SOL(约41.8万美元),收益率高达943倍。 该机器人将利润转至地址“or...

2024-11-25 10:12:05
A certain address built a warehouse of 20700 ORCATs last night, with a current return rate of 20279%

According to on chain analyst @ ai_9684xtpa's monitoring, the smart money address B8g2G, which previously made a profit of $1.2 million from trading BOME, has made a profit of $400000 by building a low position in ORCAT last night, with a return rate of 20279%.

2024-04-01 07:38:58

据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,据@ai_9684xtpa监测,先前交易BOME获利120万美元的聪明钱地址B8g2G昨晚低点建仓ORCAT已获利40万美元,回报率20279%。 该交易者在BOMETOP1持仓地址(@SundayFundayLFG)买入后第一时间跟进,花费8.2枚SOL买入2.07万枚ORCAT,平均成本0.00007851美元,为ORCAT持仓排名第六的地址。

2024-04-01 07:38:58
Sundayfundy.sol purchased 94.55 million Orcats through two wallets, becoming the largest holder of Orcats

According to Lookonchain monitoring, sundayfundy.sol (the largest BOME pre-sale participant) spent 73 SOLs ($15000) to purchase 94.55 million Orcats (9.46% of the total supply) through two wallets, becoming the largest holder of Orcats.

2024-04-01 05:08:15

据Lookonchain监测,sundayfunday.sol(最大的BOME预售参与者)花费73枚SOL(1.5万美元)通过2个钱包购买了9455万枚Orcat(占总供应量的9.46%),成为Orcat的最大持有者。 然后他在Raydium上添加了150枚SOL和1240万枚Orcat的流动性。

2024-04-01 05:08:15

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