
OKG Research: 21 states in the United States have proposed bills related to bitcoin reserves, with Utah making the fastest progress

According to OKG Research, there are currently 21 states in the United States that have proposed bills related to the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve (SBR). Among them, Utah, Oklahoma and Arizona have made the fastest progress. Utah is expected to become the first state to implement the SBR. Its bitcoin reserve bill has been voted by the House Economic Development Committee on January 28 and is currently awaiting consideration by the Senate. If passed, it will take effect as soon as May 7 this year. I...

2025-02-12 08:21:10
OKG Research:美国已有21个州提出比特币储备相关法案,犹他州进展最快

据OKG Research数据,目前美国已有21个州提出了与Strategic Bitcoin Reserve(SBR)相关的法案。其中犹他州、俄克拉荷马州和亚利桑那州进展最快。犹他州有望成为首个实施SBR的州,其比特币储备法案已于1月28日通过众议院经济发展委员会的投票,目前正等待参议院审议,若获通过,最快将于今年5月7日生效。此外,俄克拉荷马州和亚利桑那州的相关立法进程也紧随其后。

2025-02-12 08:21:10
OKG Research: The US public and private sectors together hold about 10% of the world's bitcoin

On January 20th, according to OKG Research, the US public and private sectors currently hold about 10% of the world's bitcoin, of which the private sector accounts for about 9%. Although the US government has not directly included bitcoin in the strategic reserve, the deep involvement of private companies such as Tesla and Microstrategy has gradually attracted attention to the potential of bitcoin as an alternative reserve asset. In comparison to the United States' share of gold (23% of the worl...

2025-01-20 09:02:58
OKG Research:美国公共和私营部门共持有全球约10%的比特币

1月20日消息,据欧科云链研究院OKG Research分析,目前美国公共和私营部门共持有全球约10%的比特币,其中私营部门占比约9%。尽管美国政府尚未直接将比特币纳入战略储备,但特斯拉、微策略等私营企业的深度参与使比特币作为替代储备资产的潜力逐渐受到关注。 相比美国在黄金(全球23%)和石油(全球15%)储备中的占比,比特币的地位正在财政赤字和债务压力加剧...

2025-01-20 09:02:58
OKG Research: In the past 7 days, about 6.74 billion US dollars have flowed out of the Bitcoin large chain, and the total holdings of the Top100 Bitcoin rich have declined

According to OKG Research, according to OKLink's on-chain data, a total of 16,178 BTC (referring to the outflow from the chain to the centralized exchange) flowed out of the BTC chain in 24 hours, and 0 BTC flowed in. The total net outflow of large amounts on the BTC chain in the past seven days was 116,214, estimated according to the average price of the week, which was about 6.74 billion US dollars, an increase of 3% over the previous 7 days. In addition, the total holdings of the top 100 bitc...

2024-08-09 11:10:09
OKG Research:近7日比特币大额链上流出约67.4亿美元,Top100比特币富豪总持仓有所下降

据欧科云链研究院OKG Research分析称,根据OKLink链上数据,24小时内BTC链上大额(500万美元及以上)流出总计达16,178枚BTC(指从链上流出至中心化交易所),流入0枚BTC。累计近七日内的BTC链上大额净流出总计116,214枚,按照本周平均价格进行估算,约为67.4亿美元,比上一个7日累计增长了3%。 此外,Top 100的比特币富豪总持仓量从前7天的15.63%降至15.55%,其中Top10的比特币富豪持仓占比不变,To...

2024-08-09 11:10:09
OKG Research: Putting aside the influence of project parties and market makers, the large net inflow of Ethereum on the chain in the past 24 hours was 15,705 ETH.

On July 31st, according to OKG Research analysis of OkLink Cloud Chain Research Institute, according to OKLink data, the large amount of Ethereum (worth 5 million US dollars and above) inflows into the chain (exchange transfer to the chain address) in 24 hours is 80,036 ETH, Ethereum large outflows 69,381 ETH, and the large net inflow on the chain is 10,655 ETH, which is about 32.90 million US dollars; and leaving aside the influence of the project party and the market maker (specifically Winter...

2024-07-31 05:12:50
OKG Research:抛开项目方和做市商影响,过去24小时以太坊的链上大额净流入为15,705枚ETH

7月31日消息,据欧科云链研究院OKG Research分析称,根据OKLink数据,24小时内以太坊大额(价值500万美元及以上)流入链上(交易所转入链上地址)为80,036枚ETH,以太坊大额流出69,381枚ETH,链上大额净流入为10,655枚ETH,约为3290万美元;而抛开项目方以及做市商(特指Wintermute)影响外,大额流出为64,331枚ETH,链上大额净流入15,705枚ETH,约5143万美元。

2024-07-31 05:12:50
OKG Research: On the eve of the listing of the Ethereum spot ETF, a large amount of funds on the chain saw a net outflow of 5,607 ETH today.

On July 23rd, according to OKG Research, as of now, as far as ETH is concerned, the large amount of funds flowing into the centralized exchange on the chain today (more than 5 million US dollars per fund) totaled 11,264 ETH, about 39.30 million US dollars; the large amount of funds flowing into the wallet on the chain from the centralized exchange totaled 5657 ETH, about 19.65 million US dollars. The net outflow of large funds was 5607 ETH, totaling about 19.65 million US dollars. In addition, l...

2024-07-23 11:14:21
OKG Research:以太坊现货ETF上市前夕,今天链上大额资金净流出5607枚ETH

7月23日消息,据欧科云链研究院OKG Research分析,截至目前,就ETH这一个币种,今天链上流入中心化交易所的大额资金(每笔资金500万美元以上)总计11264枚ETH,约3930万美元;从中心化交易所流入链上钱包的大额资金总计5657枚ETH,约1965万美元。大额资金净流出为5607枚ETH,总计约1965万美元。 此外,回顾以太坊近期表现,上周其TVL对比再上一...

2024-07-23 11:14:21

7x24 快讯

02:37 2025-03-28
据The Information报道,三位知情人士透露,Manus AI的团队正在与包括美国风投机构在内的潜在投资者进行谈判,计划以至少 5亿美元(约合 37.5 亿人民币)的估值进行新一轮融资,这一估值比之前的估值增长了约五倍。 报道称,Manus使用Anthropic的Claude AI模型等工具,平均每项任务需向Anthropic支付2美元。新一轮融资可能使Manus向更多用户开放。对此消息,蝴蝶效应公司方面...
02:37 2025-03-28
02:25 2025-03-28
02:25 2025-03-28
02:19 2025-03-28
Sonic宣布即将推出 SonicCS 2.0
Sonic Labs 在 X 平台发文宣布即将推出 SonicCS 2.0 协议,这是一个全新共识协议,能够实现共识速度提高 2 倍减少 68%的内存。 此外,Sonic Labs(Fantom)联合创始人 Andre Cronje 表示,“在 SonicCS 2.0 协议更新前我们不会停止提高性能,直到达到物理极限”。
02:16 2025-03-28
Santiment于X平台发文表示,根据X、Reddit、Telegram、4Chan、BitcoinTalk和Farcaster等平台的数据,以下是交易者兴趣增长最快的加密货币: ...
01:58 2025-03-28
01:52 2025-03-28
总部位于旧金山的初创公司Yutori已筹集1500万美元资金,用于开发人工智能个人助理。 此轮融资于2025年3月27日宣布,由Radical Ventures的Rob Toews领投,Felicis、人工智能专家李飞飞和谷歌DeepMind首席科学家Jeff Dean参与。
01:49 2025-03-28
Meteora:下一阶段将专注于Launchpads并推出Meteora Launch Guide
3月28日消息,Meteora官方在X平台发布公告称,Meteora下一阶段将专注于帮助Launchpads(启动平台)取得成功,并推出Meteora Launch Guide,作为技术支持核心,整合相关资源和教育内容,帮助开发者和流动性提供者(LP Army)深入理解Meteora技术。 Meteora Launch Guide将涵盖不同工具的使用方式(如DLMM、Dynamic AMM、Stake2earn等)、持续更新的案例研究(如$JUP、$CLOUD等)以及面向开发者的...
01:43 2025-03-28
据链上分析师余烬监测,在币安5点上线Mubarak现货后,一个地址将1100万枚Mubarak(149万美元)转进了币安。他在Mubarak上得到了160万美元(+1075%)的收益。 他在3/14-3/16一共花费14.9万美元资金购买了1300万枚Mubarak,价格0.011美元,6天前通过Bitget以0.133美元的价格卖出了200万枚(26.6万美元);另外1100万枚在今天早上5点币安上线现货后以0.135美元的价格全部转进了币安。 总的来说,他一共...
01:27 2025-03-28
采用比特币战略的纽交所上市公司KULR Technology Group, Inc.发布2024全年财务业绩报告,其中披露已将比特币持有量扩大至668.3枚,BTC收益率达到181.1%。截至2025年3月25日,该公司的比特币购买总额达到6500万美元,加权平均购买价格为每比特币 88,824 美元,包括费用和开支。
01:27 2025-03-28