
Dohrnii Labs 指控加密货币交易所 Blynex 非法清算其代币资产

学习赚钱平台 Dohrnii Labs 已向阿拉伯联合酋长国警方提交了一份报告,指控当地加密货币交易所 Blynex 未经授权清算其代币并未能提供承诺的贷款。 根据一份声明,Dohrnii Labs 向 Blynex 存入了 12,649.99 枚 Dohrnii (DHN) 代币,价值超过 500,000 美元。3 月 23 日,该公司表示,它使用其中 8,650 枚代币作为 30 天贷款的抵押品,以换取 80,000 USDT。 Dohrnii 声称该交易所从未交付 USDT。此外,该...

2025-03-24 09:36:34
前SEC高官John Reed Stark在加密圆桌会议上反对监管改革

在美国证券交易委员会(SEC)召开的首场加密行业圆桌会议上,前 SEC 网络执法办公室主任 John Reed Stark 强烈反对为数字资产修改现有证券法规。他表示,1933 年与 1934 年证券法无需为加密货币让步,数字资产应继续被视为证券。 “购买加密货币的人不是收藏者,他们是投资者。SEC 的职责是保护投资者。”...

2025-03-21 22:32:14
The board of directors of Hong Kong Asia Holdings has undergone major changes, and the new CEO John Riggins has over 10 years of experience in the crypto industry

Hong Kong-listed company Hong Kong Asia Holdings (1723.HK) announced a series of new appointments to the board of directors and senior management positions including directors, chairperson, chief executive officer, chief financial officer and chief information officer. New CEO John Riggins said that the company's comprehensive change of directors is over, and the most important market in Asia is about to usher in big events. The announcement shows that the new CEO John Riggins graduated from the...

2025-03-15 04:34:08
港亚控股董事会大变动,新任 CEO John Riggins 拥有超 10 年加密行业经验

港股上市公司港亚控股 (1723.HK) 宣布新任命包括董事、董事长、首席执行官、首席财务官和首席信息官在内的一系列董事会及高管职位。新任 CEO John Riggins 表示,该公司董事的全面变动已结束,亚洲最重要的市场即将迎来大事件(₿ig things)。公告显示,新任 CEO John Riggins 于 2013 年毕业于阿拉巴马大学,获商业管理学士学位,主修国际经济,辅修中文。Riggins 拥有超过 10 年的加密货...

2025-03-15 04:34:08
Ohio gubernatorial candidate Vivek: Bitcoin long-term returns have become the new high-risk benchmark

On March 12, Ohio gubernatorial candidate and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy argued at the "Bitcoin For America" summit that the return on holding bitcoin for more than ten years has become the new high-risk benchmark yield. He believes that the world is returning to the "era of capital scarcity", which is the opposite of the large-scale printing of money by the Federal Reserve in the past 15 years. Ramaswamy explains that institutional investors will once again need to consider "capital...

2025-03-12 00:55:01
Reddit联创Alexis Ohanian参与竞购TikTok,并计划将其“上链”

Reddit 联合创始人 Alexis Ohanian 正考虑收购 TikTok,并计划将这款社交媒体应用“上链”。该应用计划整合 Frequency 区块链,这是一种“去中心化社交媒体协议”,旨在让用户控制自己的在线内容。Frequency 是一个基于区块链的去中心化平台,由 Project Liberty 创建,旨在提高透明度、问责制和数据所有权。 Alexis Ohanian 在...

2025-03-04 22:13:17
Federal Reserve Hamak: The Federal Reserve is likely to keep interest rates unchanged for "a considerable period of time".

Federal Reserve Hamak: The Federal Reserve is likely to keep interest rates unchanged for "a considerable period of time".

2025-02-27 18:16:19
Federal Reserve Hamak: The current stock market valuation is on the high side.

Federal Reserve Hamak: The current stock market valuation is on the high side.

2025-02-27 18:19:36
The Ohio Bitcoin Strategic Reserve Bill has passed committee consideration

Cointelegraph published a statement saying that the Ohio Bitcoin Strategic Reserve Act has passed the committee and is one step closer to approval.

2025-02-26 00:12:51
GME. N CEO Ryan Cohen increased his stake in Alibaba to $1 billion.

GME. N CEO Ryan Cohen increased his stake in Alibaba to $1 billion.

2025-02-20 20:43:01
GameStop CEO increases Alibaba stake to $1 billion

GameStop CEO Ryan Cohen has increased his personal stake in Alibaba to 7 million, worth about $1 billion. The news comes after Alibaba's fourth-quarter profit surged, with shares surging 8.1 per cent on Thursday on strong growth in cloud intelligence and ecommerce.

2025-02-20 22:41:59
GameStop CEO增持阿里巴巴股份至10亿美元

GameStop CEO Ryan Cohen 已将其个人阿里巴巴持股增至 700 万股,总价值约 10 亿美元。消息发布前,阿里巴巴第四季度利润大增,受云智能和电商业务强劲增长推动,周四股价飙升 8.1%。

2025-02-20 22:41:59
Former SEC official: SEC may end lawsuits against crypto companies such as Coinbase, Binance, and Ripple

John Reed Stark, a former SEC official, believes that the SEC's lawsuit against Coinbase could be stillborn as the regulator's newly formed cryptocurrency task force seeks to resolve previous enforcement actions against the exchange. In a post on X on February 17, Stark explained why the SEC asked for a 28-day extension to respond to Coinbase's petition for permission to appeal. It said: "...

2025-02-19 00:09:53

美国 SEC 前官员 John Reed Stark 认为,SEC 对 Coinbase 的诉讼可能会胎死腹中,因为该监管机构新成立的加密货币工作组正在寻求解决此前针对该交易所的执法行动。 Stark 在 2 月 17 日 X 上的一篇帖子中解释了为什么 SEC 要求延长 28 天来答复 Coinbase 要求允许上诉的请愿书。其表示:“...

2025-02-19 00:09:53
pump.fun Lianchuang: Hope that the responsible party of the LIBRA incident will be punished, and the user's demand for creating/speculating on the chain without permission will not disappear

pump.fun co-founder Alon Cohen wrote on X: "I am disgusted by the events surrounding LIBRA over the past few days. The people behind this project have gained considerable personal benefits at the expense of many users, the ecosystem and even the entire country. I hope those responsible will be punished. I understand that the situation is still evolving, so if you are aware of any inappropriate behavior by any player in the ecosystem, regardless of the situation.

2025-02-18 01:39:33

7x24 快讯

01:43 2025-03-28
据链上分析师余烬监测,在币安5点上线Mubarak现货后,一个地址将1100万枚Mubarak(149万美元)转进了币安。他在Mubarak上得到了160万美元(+1075%)的收益。 他在3/14-3/16一共花费14.9万美元资金购买了1300万枚Mubarak,价格0.011美元,6天前通过Bitget以0.133美元的价格卖出了200万枚(26.6万美元);另外1100万枚在今天早上5点币安上线现货后以0.135美元的价格全部转进了币安。 总的来说,他一共...
01:27 2025-03-28
采用比特币战略的纽交所上市公司KULR Technology Group, Inc.发布2024全年财务业绩报告,其中披露已将比特币持有量扩大至668.3枚,BTC收益率达到181.1%。截至2025年3月25日,该公司的比特币购买总额达到6500万美元,加权平均购买价格为每比特币 88,824 美元,包括费用和开支。
01:27 2025-03-28
01:15 2025-03-28
据彭博社报道,育碧(Ubisoft)将旗下《刺客信条》《孤岛惊魂》《彩虹六号》等热门游戏IP拆分为一个估值约40亿欧元(约43亿美元)的新子公司。腾讯控股将斥资11.6亿欧元收购该子公司25%的股权,新实体将持有这些游戏的IP许可权,并通过收取特许权使用费进行运营。 此次交易预计于2025年底前完成,育碧将利用出售所得资金偿还债务,并支持其他游戏系列的发展。
01:12 2025-03-28
据Farside Investors监测,昨日美国现货以太坊ETF净流出422万美元。
01:09 2025-03-28
据Trader T监测,美国现货比特币ETF昨日净流入8903万美元。
01:06 2025-03-28
IBIT昨日净流入393 万美元
00:57 2025-03-28
某 LAYER鲸鱼将 870 万枚 LAYER转进币安,盈利 463 万美元
据链上分析师余烬监测,一个月前以 0.75 美元的价格囤积 LAYER 的鲸鱼/机构,在 20 分钟前将 870 万枚 LAYER (1114万美元) 以 1.26美元 的价格转进币安,盈利 463 万美元。 这 870 万枚 LAYER 是在一个月前从币安提出,当时 $LAYER 价格是 $0.75美元,价值 $651 万美元,20 分钟前全部转进币安,现在的 $LAYER 价格是 $1.26美元,价值 $1114 万美元,盈利 $463 万美元。
00:54 2025-03-28
Coinbase首席法务官Paul Grewal在X平台表示,南卡罗来纳州已加入佛蒙特州(的步伐),撤销了对Coinbase的质押(staking)诉讼。Grewal表示,质押服务将很快恢复对南卡罗来纳州用户开放,这不仅是Coinbase的胜利,更是美国消费者的胜利。他希望这一决定能影响仍对质押服务有限制的其他州。 Grewal补充称,由于此案,南卡罗来纳州...
00:48 2025-03-28
国际货币基金组织(IMF)发言人 Julie Kozack 周四表示,该组织正在继续评估美国总特朗普的关税计划(包括其新的 25% 汽车关税)所带来的影响,但其基线预测并未预见美国会出现经济衰退。 Kozack 在 IMF 例行新闻发布会上被问及特朗普的关税计划时称,对加拿大和墨西哥商品征收的关税如果持续,将对这些国家的经济前景产生"重大不利影响",但她...
00:42 2025-03-28
参议员沃伦在SEC主席提名听证会上猛烈抨击Paul Atkins
据CoinDesk消息,美国参议员Elizabeth Warren在Paul Atkins出任SEC主席的提名听证会上对其提出严厉批评,指责Atkins长期为亿万富翁CEO(如Sam Bankman-Fried)谋利,并帮助这些人变得更加富有。沃伦还表示:“他在美国自大萧条以来最大的金融危机前夕几乎所有判断都出错,这样的履历不值得被提拔。”
00:42 2025-03-28
OpenAI CEO:新版GPT-4o在编程、指令遵循和灵活性方面表现更佳
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman在X平台发文表示,最新版本的GPT-4o在编程能力、执行复杂指令和提供更高自由度方面有显著提升。