
Arkham: Nucleus Marketplace Darknet Wallet Awakens After 9 Years of Hibernation, Transferring $77.50 million Worth of Bitcoin

According to Arkham monitoring data, the Nucleus Marketplace wallet woke up early this morning after nine years of silence and transferred $77.50 million worth of bitcoin to three new wallets. At present, the Nucleus Marketplace wallet still holds $365 million worth of bitcoin. The transfer has attracted market attention, but the specific reason is not clear.

2025-03-08 04:01:03
Arkham:休眠9年的Nucleus Marketplace暗网钱包苏醒,转移价值7750万美元比特币

Arkham监测数据显示,Nucleus Marketplace的钱包在沉寂9年后于今日凌晨突然苏醒,将价值7750万美元的比特币转移至3个新钱包。目前,Nucleus Marketplace的钱包仍持有价值3.65亿美元的比特币。此次转移引发市场关注,具体原因尚不明确。

2025-03-08 04:01:03
Vulnerability management firm Nucleus Security completes new round of financing, with participation from Dcode Capital

Vulnerability management company Nucleus Security has announced the completion of a new round of financing, with the participation of Dcode Capital, backed by JPMorgan Asset Management. The specific amount and valuation have not been disclosed. Nucleus Security provides unified vulnerability management services for organizations that require decentralized cyber security tools and federations. It supports a comprehensive overview of vulnerabilities and simplifies the analysis, classification and ...

2024-08-22 10:05:43
漏洞管理公司Nucleus Security完成新一轮融资,Dcode Capital参投

漏洞管理公司Nucleus Security宣布完成新一轮融资,摩根大通资产管理公司支持的Dcode Capital参投,具体金额和估值暂未披露。Nucleus Security主要为需要去中心化网络安全工具和联邦组织提供统一漏洞管理服务,支持全面概述漏洞,简化跨各种系统的分析、分类和补救流程,新资金将用于增强其平台功能。

2024-08-22 10:05:43

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