ZachXBT, a detective on the chain, said in a post on X: "SCALE, NTD, TPU, and OPSEC projects are all associated with the same person, Zopp0, who uses the many KOLs shown in the leaked messages to deceive traders. Zopp0 was involved in key decisions as an owner in private Telegram chats, including talking about the lack of technical research, while paying others to stand on OPSEC behind the scenes. Earlier this year, I reported several companies promoting these AI GPU-related scams.
Outlier Ventures and Saudi Arabia's National Technology Development Programme (NTDP) have announced the launch of the Web3 accelerator program, which will be launched later this year and will be part of Saudi Arabia's "Vision 2030" program.
Outlier Ventures 和沙特阿拉伯国家技术发展计划(NTDP)宣布启动 Web3 加速器计划,加速器计划将于今年晚些时候启动,并将成为沙特阿拉伯“沙特 2030 年愿景”计划的一部分。 该加速器的重点将是支持沙特阿拉伯的 Web3 初创公司,Outlier Ventures 将提供 Web3 产品开发、实体结构和代币设计方面的专业知识。
Outlier Ventures and Saudi Arabia's National Technology Development Programme (NTDP) have announced the launch of the Web3 accelerator program, which will be launched later this year and will be part of Saudi Arabia's "Vision 2030" program. The focus of this accelerator will be on supporting Web3 startups in Saudi Arabia, and Outlier Ventures will provide expertise in Web3 product development, physical structure, and token design. (TheBlock)
Outlier Ventures 和沙特阿拉伯国家技术发展计划(NTDP)宣布启动 Web3 加速器计划,加速器计划将于今年晚些时候启动,并将成为沙特阿拉伯“沙特 2030 年愿景”计划的一部分。该加速器的重点将是支持沙特阿拉伯的 Web3 初创公司,Outlier Ventures 将提供 Web3 产品开发、实体结构和代币设计方面的专业知识。(TheBlock)