
Ethereum infrastructure provider Fireblocks has been selected by Bank of Korea for a tax pilot

Ethereum infrastructure provider Fireblocks has been selected by NongHyup (NH) Bank to provide support for the crypto prototype it is building. The two companies have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, a non-binding agreement outlining their intention to cooperate. In particular, NH Bank will use the Fireblocks tokenization engine as it explores the integration of digital assets into its VAT and other tax refund processes. This also includes its intergenerational transfer tax process on capit...

2024-11-14 00:48:55
以太坊基础设施提供商 Fireblocks 被韩国银行选中进行税收试点

以太坊基础设施提供商Fireblocks已被NongHyup(NH)银行选中,为其正在构建的加密原型提供支持。两家公司签署了一份谅解备忘录,这是一份不具约束力的协议,概述了双方的合作意向。 特别是,NH 银行在探索将数字资产整合到其增值税和其他退税流程中时,将使用 Fireblocks 代币化引擎。这也包括其对后代资本转移征收的代际转移税流程。

2024-11-14 00:48:55
Bithumb与NH Nonghyup银行的合作协议延长至9月

OdBithumb 延长与 NH Nonghyup 银行的合作协议,提供实名验证存取款服务。 据业内人士透露,Bithumb 最近将其与 NH Nonghyup 银行的实名账户协议延长了六个月。Bithumb 用户将可以使用现有账户至 9 月。(Decenter)

2024-03-26 06:01:51

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