
Michael Saylor: Never sell your bitcoin

MicroStrategy founder Michael Saylor wrote on X: Never sell your Bitcoin. (Never sell your Bitcoin.)

2025-02-02 14:46:44
Decentralized financial infrastructure Nevermind completes $4 million seed round, led by Generative Ventures

Nevermind announced the completion of a $4 million seed round of financing led by Generative Ventures, with participation from Polymorphic Capital, Halo Capital, NEAR Protocol, Factor Capital, FLyrik Ventures, and Arca. The new funds will support its construction of a decentralized financial infrastructure that supports AI commerce, and develop protocols that turn every AI interaction into a permissionless economic transaction, allowing each AI agent to become a sovereign economic actor that can...

2025-01-14 01:53:52
去中心化金融基础设施Nevermind完成400万美元种子轮融资,Generative Ventures领投

去中心化金融基础设施Nevermind宣布完成400万美元种子轮融资,Generative Ventures领投,Polymorphic Capital、Halo Capital、NEAR Protocol、Factor Capital、FLyrik Ventures、以及Arca等参投,新资金将支持其构建支持AI商务的去中心化金融基础设施,并且开发将每个 AI 交互转变为无需许可即可进行经济交易的协议,让每个AI代理都成为可以为其服务定价并参与计算经济的主权经济参与者。

2025-01-14 01:53:52
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to Lai Qingde's "non-subordinate" argument: Taiwan can never become a country!

On October 10, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning hosted a regular press conference. A reporter asked questions about the remarks of Taiwan leader Lai Qingde. Mao Ning said that Lai Qingde's speech deliberately cut the historical connection between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, replaying the rhetoric of "non-subordination to each other" and "upholding sovereignty", changing tricks to sell the fallacy of "Taiwan independence", once again exposing his stubborn "Taiwan independence" posit...

2024-10-10 07:55:55
Crypto trading platform Neverless completes $6.70 million financing

Three former Revolut executives launched Neverless, an app that allows commission-free crypto trading and investing in an automated investment account. Neverless allows users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies with zero fees. It is reported that a few months ago, the company was registered with the Bank of Spain as a virtual asset service provider (VASP).

2024-08-29 07:10:41
加密交易平台 Neverless 完成 670 万美元融资

三名Revolut前高管推出的Neverless完成670万美元融资,该应用程序可以进行免佣金的加密交易,并投资于一个自动化投资账户。Neverless 允许用户以零手续费进行加密货币的买卖。 据悉,几个月前,该公司已在西班牙央行注册为虚拟资产服务提供商 (VASP)。

2024-08-29 07:10:41
Iranian Foreign Ministry: Haniyeh's blood "will never be shed in vain"

On July 31, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanani said in a statement that the blood of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh "will never be shed in vain" and that his attack will strengthen the deep and unbreakable ties between Iran, Palestine and the resistance, and the details of the incident are still being investigated.

2024-07-31 05:20:08
Wu Qing: Chasing after the violations of laws and regulations in the delisting process to the end, we will never allow fish in troubled waters or retreat

On June 19, Wu Qing, chairperson of the China Securities Supervision Commission, said at the 2024 Lujiazui Forum on June 19 that the Securities Supervision Commission has a very clear attitude towards the protection of investors involved in delisting, and the violations of laws and regulations must be pursued to the end. Strictly punish all relevant responsible personnel according to law, and never allow them to fish in troubled waters and retreat.

2024-06-19 02:14:31
Former US President Trump: Never ban TikTok

According to reports, former US President Donald Trump said he would "absolutely not" ban social platform apps TikTok. The report pointed out that this is a major reversal for Trump, because he tried to ban the app during his presidency in 2020. The report believes that Trump's change of tone is against the background of his efforts to attract young voters, who are mostly active users of TikTok. According to the report, Trump has recently...

2024-06-16 06:55:00
Spider-Verse Producer Promises to Never Use Generative AI in Franchise
Spider-Verse Producer Promises to Never Use Generative AI in Franchise

'Spider-verse' producer Chris Miller said he doesn't want to "steal the generic plagiarized average of other artists’ work.”

2024-06-03 10:05:30
Being well-prepared is a prerequisite for successful trading. This article reveals the secrets of trading masters: psychological training, strategic layout, and never sloppy money management.

Being well-prepared is a prerequisite for successful trading. This article reveals the secrets of trading masters: psychological training, strategic layout, and never sloppy money management.

2024-05-10 12:09:20

4月12日消息,符文元宇宙RuneVerse在warpcast和twitter上开启符石抽奖活动。用户进入Genify的warpcast频道或完成Genify twitter的任务即可参与。活动结束24小时内即发放符石奖励。

2024-04-12 04:12:31

4月11日消息,符文元宇宙RuneVerse已经面向所有RuneStone Holders以及Bitcoin Puppets、Ordinal Maxi Biz(OMB)开放Mint,用户可以在Genify官方网站(btc.genify.xyz)的profile页面claim所需要的passcode。同时,RuneVerse宣布在Genify的warpcast频道抽奖送出一个Runestones,用户需要在Genify频道内cast RunVerse的NFT参与。

2024-04-11 13:23:06
Blob,ink及Runestone用户可以在Guaranteed Phase免费Mint符石元宇宙RuneVerse

4月11日消息,由于收到全球多个社区的强烈建议,符石元宇宙RuneVerse NFT在btc.genify.xyz的public mint时间调整为2024年4月13日 12:00 UTC。 同时,Blob,ink及Runestone社区可以在Guaranteed Phase阶段完成mint,时间安排如下: 1)持有Blob,ink并获得WL code用户的MINT时间为2024年4月11日 20:00 UTC。 2)持有Runestone的用户Mint的时间为2024年4月12日 11:00 UTC。

2024-04-11 06:50:56
RuneVerse, a rune metaverse, will publicly release mints for free on April 11th

On April 10th, it was announced that RuneVerse, a rune metaverse, will publicly release mints for free on btc.genify.xyz at 8pm on April 11th, 2024.

2024-04-10 06:21:59

7x24 快讯

06:40 2025-03-24
币安将恢复ORCAUSDT U本位永续合约资金费率结算频率
3月24日消息,币安合约将于2025年03月24日16:00(东八区时间)恢复ORCAUSDT U本位永续合约资金费率结算频率。资金费率结算频率将由每二小时一次调整为每四小时一次。
06:28 2025-03-24
在当地即将举行选举之际,美国国家安全顾问和副总统夫人率领的代表团的访问 “极具侵略性”。点击查看...
在当地即将举行选举之际,美国国家安全顾问和副总统夫人率领的代表团的访问 “极具侵略性”。点击查看...
06:25 2025-03-24
据相关消息,OKX 总裁 Hong 确认将于 2025 年 4 月 6 日出席「2025 香港 Web3 嘉年华」主论坛,并发表主题演讲。 据悉,「2025 香港 Web3 嘉年华」由万向区块链实验室、HashKey Group 联合主办,W3ME 承办。活动将于 2025 年 4 月 6 日至 9 日 在香港会议展览中心举办,OKX Web3 是本次活动的冠名赞助商及独家 NFT 门票发行合作伙伴,通过 OKX Web3 钱包购买大会 NFT 门票,可享...
06:17 2025-03-24
06:07 2025-03-24
06:07 2025-03-24
据官方公告,Binance 将于 2025 年 03 月 28 日 14:00(东八区时间)调整统一账户 CRV、UNI、ALGO、KSM、XTZ、XEC 资产的抵押率。此更新大约在一小时内完成。
06:06 2025-03-24
06:00 2025-03-24
05:55 2025-03-24
05:54 2025-03-24
白宫正考虑对原定于 4 月 2 日执行的关税政策进行调整,拟采取更具针对性的措施,避免对特定行业加征关税,仅对贸易不平衡国家实施“对等关税”,引发市场情绪缓和。分析人士指出,尽管关税并不会直接影响加密资产价格,但市场对特朗普贸易政策带来的宏观不确定性尤为敏感。Grayscale 研究主管 Zach Pandl 表示,“政策不确定性加...
05:51 2025-03-24
05:48 2025-03-24