
Cryptography Professor Moni Naor Joins StarkWare Science Board as Principal Investigator

StarkWare has announced that computer science professor Moni Naor has joined its scientific board as a principal investigator. At StarkWare, he will focus on topics such as Bitcoin cryptography and decentralization of Starknet. StarkWare says Moni has made pioneering contributions to computer science, including pioneering research on public key systems that are resistant to selected ciphertext attacks, non-scalable cryptography, visual cryptography, and innovative methods of authenticating human...

2024-12-11 07:53:57
密码学教授Moni Naor加入StarkWare科学委员会担任首席研究员

StarkWare 宣布计算机科学教授 Moni Naor 作为首席研究员加入其科学委员会。在 StarkWare,他将主要关注比特币密码学和 Starknet 去中心化等主题。 StarkWare 表示,Moni 对计算机科学做出了开创性的贡献,包括针对可抵御选定密文攻击的公钥系统、不可延展密码学、视觉密码学以及验证人类用户的创新方法(导致验证码概念)的开创性研究。工作量证明的首次提及是他与 Cynthia Dwork...

2024-12-11 07:53:57

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