
Analyst: Bitcoin's break above $79,000 may be just the beginning, advises "don't act impulsively"

Bitcoin prices surged to $79,000 for the first time in a week since Donald Trump's re-election as US president, setting new highs several times in a row. However, traders cautioned against acting on impulse for now. "Bitcoin at $79,000 hit a new high, everyone hold on, this is just the beginning, this is the time to do it right and hold on," said Tuur Demeester, a bitcoin analyst. "There's no need to take any hasty action, HODLing will get the job done for you."

2024-11-10 06:06:35
EigenLayer Developer: 99% of metrics used by most blockchain companies to promote adoption are meaningless

EigenLayer developer Nader Dabit recently posted on X: "99% of the metrics most blockchain companies use to advertise adoption are meaningless. 500 million transactions, 10 million separate wallets (and similar data) make no sense in a world where I can automate it all in 30 seconds with ChatGPT. Unless it is at least somewhat resistant to witch aggression, it is meaningless. This raises the question of whether everyone here is just deceiving themselves while deceiving others.

2024-11-03 08:23:46

EigenLayer 开发人员 nader dabit 近日于 X 发文表示:“大多数区块链公司用来宣传采用的 99%的指标都毫无意义。 5 亿笔交易、1000 万个独立钱包(和类似数据)在这个我可以在 30 秒内利用 ChatGPT 自动完成这一切的世界中毫无意义。 除非它至少具有某种程度的抗女巫攻击性,否则它毫无意义。 这引出了一个问题,这里的每个人是否只是在自欺欺人的同时欺骗他人,还...

2024-11-03 08:23:46
EigenLayer developer: Received two airdrops, funds will be used for charity

On August 19, EigenLayer developer Nader Dabit posted on his personal social media, "I received two airdrops while working at EigenLayer. I decided to use this opportunity to do something good and donate all the funds to public goods, charities, builders, and event organizers." The first was to donate to Ethereum Mexico, Palestine Relief, and some Gitcoin funded projects. One of the reasons I chose to join EigenLayer was the integrity of the founders and team. Looking back now, I'm 100% sure I m...

2024-08-19 06:47:52

8月19日消息,EigenLayer开发人员nader dabit于个人社交媒体发文称,”我在EigenLayer工作期间收到了两次空投。我决定利用这个机会做些好事,将所有资金捐给公共物品、慈善机构、建设者和活动组织者。 首先是捐给Ethereum Mexico、巴勒斯坦救济和一些Gitcoin资助项目。我选择加入EigenLayer的一个原因是创始人和团队的正直性。从现在回头看,我100%确信自己做了正确的决定。“

2024-08-19 06:47:52
BitClout founder faces charges over $257 million fraud scheme

The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) have charged Nader Al-Naji with orchestrating a multi-million dollar crypto asset fraud scheme involving social media platform BitClout and its native token, BTCLT. The complaint from the U.S. securities regulator shows that in November 2020, Al-Naji raised more than $257 million through unregistered BTCLT offerings and sales. In the process, the executive allegedly misled investors by claiming that the funds would not ...

2024-08-03 18:29:40
BitClout 创始人因2.57亿美元欺诈计划面临指控

美国证券交易委员会(SEC)和司法部(DOJ)指控Nader Al-Naji策划了一项涉及社交媒体平台 BitClout 及其原生代币 BTCLT 的数百万美元的加密资产欺诈计划。美证券监管机构的投诉显示,2020年11月,Al-Naji通过未注册的BTCLT发售和销售筹集了超过2.57亿美元。 在此过程中,这位高管涉嫌误导投资者,声称资金不会用于他或其他 BitClout 员工的报酬。美国证券交易委员会称...

2024-08-03 18:29:40
BitClout founder charged by Securities Exchange Commission

BitClout founder Nader Al-Naji has been charged by the Securities Exchange Commission with running a multi-million dollar fraudulent crypto asset scheme involving a social media platform called BitClout and its namesake native token, BTCLT. The Securities Exchange Commission alleged that Al-Naji raised more than $257 million through unregistered BTCLT offerings and sales, while falsely claiming that the proceeds would not be used to compensate him or other BitClout employees. In fact, Al-Naji wi...

2024-07-30 15:41:43

BitClout 创始人 Nader Al-Naji 遭美国证券交易委员会指控,称其实施了一项价值数百万美元的欺诈性加密资产计划,涉及名为 BitClout 的社交媒体平台及其同名的原生代币 BTCLT。 美国证券交易委员会称,Al-Naji 通过未注册的 BTCLT 发行和销售筹集了超过 2.57 亿美元,同时谎称这些收益不会用于补偿他或其他 BitClout 员工。事实上,Al-Naji 将超过 700 万美元的投...

2024-07-30 15:41:43

Web3社交网络DeSo创始人Nader Al-Naji在社交平台上表示,社交应用Focus发布时间推迟至北京时间9月18日凌晨2:11。

2024-07-19 11:21:25

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