
"Nezha 2" has become the first domestic "10 billion movie", and the market forecasts that the box office is expected to enter the global TOP5!

"Nezha 2" has become the first domestic "10 billion movie", and the market forecasts that the box office is expected to enter the global TOP5!

2025-02-13 11:14:24
Nezha 2 tops the list of people who watched movies in Chinese film history

February 9th news, according to the cat's eye professional version of the data, the movie "Nezha's Devil's Child" viewing number (including pre-sale) broke through 160 million, exceeding the "Wolf Warrior 2" viewing number, and topped the list of Chinese film history viewing people!

2025-02-09 09:50:06
Class A shares of light media 20% limit, the share price hit a new high in nearly 4 years; after the film "Nezha's devil child" topped the box office of Chinese film history.

Class A shares of light media 20% limit, the share price hit a new high in nearly 4 years; after the film "Nezha's devil child" topped the box office of Chinese film history.

2025-02-06 06:37:04
The movie box office in 2025 broke 11 billion

February 4 news, according to the network platform data, the 2025 annual film box office (including pre-sale real-time) broke through 11 billion.

2025-02-04 06:46:27
The 2025 Spring Festival file continues to set new records for the number of movie viewers in film history

February 4th news, according to the Lighthouse Professional Edition, as of 10:00 on February 4th, the total number of people in the 2025 Spring Festival file (January 28-February 4) broke through 170 million, breaking the highest record in the history of Chinese film.

2025-02-04 02:44:14
2025 Spring Festival movie box office hits a record

On February 3rd, according to the statistics of the National Film Administration, as of 18:30 on February 3rd, the box office of the Spring Festival film in 2025 reached 8.257 billion, setting a new historical record.

2025-02-03 11:40:03
The movie box office in 2025 broke 9.50 billion

On February 3rd, according to the real-time data of the network platform, as of February 3rd, the total box office (including pre-sale) of the 2025 film exceeded 9.50 billion yuan.

2025-02-03 03:38:58
The movie box office in 2025 broke 9 billion

On February 2nd, according to the data of the network platform, as of 18:44 on February 2nd, the box office of 2025 (including pre-sale real-time) broke 9 billion. The box office of "Nezha's Devil Child" broke through 3 billion and temporarily ranked first in the annual movie box office list.

2025-02-02 10:49:27
Break 6.50 billion! 2025 Spring Festival movie box office hits a new high

On February 2nd, according to online platform data, as of 12:16 on February 2nd, the total box office (including pre-sale) of the 2025 Spring Festival film (January 28th - February 4th) broke through 6.50 billion and reached a new high. In addition, the cumulative box office of the Chinese film market in 2025 exceeded that of North America and ranked first in the world.

2025-02-02 04:25:46
In 2025, the box office of the movie Spring Festival reached a new high during the same period

February 2 news, according to the Lighthouse Professional Edition, the cumulative film box office from the first day of the new year to the fourth day of the new year in 2025 exceeded 5.74 billion yuan, exceeding the cumulative box office (5.733 billion yuan) from the first day to the fourth day of 2021, becoming a new high in the box office of the Spring Festival in history.

2025-02-02 01:16:25
Break the fastest record! 2025 Spring Festival movie pre-sale breaks 100 million

On January 19, the pre-sale of the 2025 Spring Festival film opened today. As of 14:27, the total box office of the pre-sale of the schedule exceeded 100 million, breaking the record of the fastest pre-sale of the Spring Festival file in the history of Chinese film!

2025-01-19 06:33:58
OKX releases a movie trailer for "A Different Western Town", advocating for a self-hosted future

On January 3rd, OKX released a new movie trailer "A Different Western Town", with a profound western story as the theme, telling a contest about trust and control. The film vividly demonstrates the importance of self-custody through a tense and exciting narrative, conveying the core concept of "Not Your Keys, Not Your Crypto.", aiming to call on more users to pay attention to the self-custody of digital assets...

2025-01-03 09:33:04
2024 annual movie box office 42.502 billion yuan

On January 1st, according to the statistics of the State Film Administration, the box office of the film in 2024 is 42.502 billion yuan. Among them, the box office of domestic films is 33.439 billion yuan, accounting for 78.68%; the number of people watching movies in city theaters is 1.01 billion.

2025-01-01 01:27:02
2024 New Year's Eve movie box office broke 2 billion

On December 22, according to the data of the online platform, as of 16:17 on December 22, the box office (including pre-sale) of the 2024 New Year's Eve (November 22 - December 31) broke through 2 billion.

2024-12-22 08:19:40
Meta unveils AI model that can make realistic movies with sound

On October 4, Meta unveiled a set of artificial intelligence models called "Movie Gen", capable of generating realistic movies up to 16 seconds long, complete with sound effects and background music. Movie Gen is not the first multimodal AI model capable of generating video and audio from simple text prompts, but it appears to demonstrate state-of-the-art capabilities. The researchers responsible for developing the app claim it outperforms rival systems in human testing.

2024-10-04 17:52:20

7x24 快讯

04:17 2025-03-28
CZ回应阿布扎比MGX 20亿美元投资Binance:无对赌条款和战略考量
CZ在社交媒体上回应关于“阿布扎比MGX 20亿美元投资Binance”时表示,没有对赌条款,也没啥战略(至少从我个人角度来说)。
04:02 2025-03-28
金色午报 | 3月28日午间重要动态一览
7:00-12:00关键词:Crypto.com、CoreWeave、Hyperliquid、Paul Atkins 1.美SEC已正式结束对Crypto.com的调查; 2.南卡罗来纳州撤销对Coinbase的质押诉讼; 3.CoreWeave以每股40美元完成IPO,融资15亿美元; 4.Hyperliquid优化风险管理机制并将补偿JELLY多头用户; 5.数据:目前交易者对SOL、COTI、CRV等加密货币的兴趣增长最快; 6.美国证券交易委员会主席提名人Paul Atkins承诺将进一步调查FTX崩盘事...
04:02 2025-03-28
据@ai_9684xtpa监测,今天凌晨Binance上线mubarak现货后,共三个地址向Binance充值2215万枚代币(约292万美元),若卖出将获利234万美元,其中两个地址的收益超百倍。 ·地址0x1A4...E1A3a:615万枚,获利76万美元 ·地址0xc27...e7582:1100万枚,获利92.6万美元 ·地址0x2A6...b9646:500万枚,获利66万美元
03:38 2025-03-28
美国证券交易委员会主席提名人Paul Atkins承诺将进一步调查FTX崩盘事件
美国证券交易委员会主席提名人Paul Atkins出席参议院银行委员会的确认听证会,他在证词中重点强调制定数字资产管理规则的必要性并称这对创新和投资者保护来说都是一个紧迫的挑战。Paul Atkins还对Gary Gensler任期内的某些工作提出批评,并且承诺将进一步调查FTX崩盘事件以确保该事件得到彻查,继而保护投资者、促进高效市场和促进资本形成。 Paul Atkins在回答Elizabet...
03:29 2025-03-28
管理着约158亿美元多元化资产的贝莱德全球配置基金Global Allocation Fund已通过比特币交易所交易基金IBIT增加了BTC投资敞口,根据 提交给美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的文件显示,截止2025年1月31日该基金已持有821664股IBIT(价值达4740万美元,投资组合占比0.25%),相比之下2024年一季度末时仅持有43,000股,表明贝莱德全球配置基金对比特币的投资持续呈上升趋势。
03:20 2025-03-28
欧盟保险和职业养老金管理局(EIOPA)在3月27日向欧盟委员会提交的技术建议报告中提出,要求保险公司为其加密货币持有量维持等同于其价值的资金,作为降低保单持有人风险的措施。这一提议的标准远比其他资产类别(如股票和房地产)更为严格,后者的资金要求甚至不需要达到一半。 EIOP...
03:11 2025-03-28
疑似DWF Labs做市地址于11小时前将1335万枚MOVE充值进Ceffu
据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,时隔两天,疑似DWF Labs做市地址于11小时前将这1335万枚MOVE(价值660万美元)充值进了Ceffu,暂时不会流入市场。
03:08 2025-03-28
Dolomite通过Botanix Labs的Spiderchain扩展至比特币网络
3月28日消息,去中心化借贷协议Dolomite(TVL约8亿美元)宣布通过与Botanix Labs开发的Spiderchain集成,将扩展至比特币网络。Spiderchain是一个基于比特币的Layer 2解决方案,采用专有的权益证明(PoS)共识机制,并将比特币从UTXO模式转化为类似以太坊的账户模型,从而支持智能合约。Dolomite此前已在多个以太坊兼容网络上运行,包括Polygon zkEVM、Arbitrum、Berachain和OKX的X Layer。值得注意的是,特...
03:05 2025-03-28
3月28日消息,波场TRON创始人、火币HTX全球顾问孙宇晨登上《福布斯》英文版封面。《福布斯》以《帮助特朗普家族赚得4亿美元的加密亿万富翁》为题对孙宇晨进行了采访报道,称孙宇晨“正在通过波场TRON平台加速构建一个全球支付系统,其用户已达3亿人,并且还在不断增长。” 孙宇晨是继马云后又一位登...
02:58 2025-03-28
02:58 2025-03-28
02:40 2025-03-28
美SEC专员Hester Peirce:加密工作组欢迎合理的豁免和不采取执法行动申请
美国证券交易委员会(SEC)举行首次加密货币圆桌会议后,专员Hester Peirce分享了一些要点,她指出美国证券交易委员会需要将加密交易与资产分开考虑,许多加密资产本身并不是证券,但用于融资目的的加密资产的主要发行是证券交易,因此,美SEC愿意接受有关如何以注册或豁免交易的形式进行此类发行的询问,加密工作组欢迎合理的不采取行动函或豁免救济请求(Task Force welcomes well-reasoned requests f...