
MinRes will terminate operations at the Yilgarn iron ore mine in Western Australia

Gold Ten Futures, June 21, according to foreign media reports, Mineral Resources of Western Australia (Mineral Resources) will terminate its iron ore production in Western Australia's Yilgarn mine by December 31, 2024. The company said it was mainly affected by financial aspects and the development life limit of mines in the region, in addition to taking into account the subsequent cost of developing new iron ore. The Irgan mine is expected to reduce production in phases over the next six months...

2024-06-21 06:40:31

金十期货6月21日讯,据外媒报道,西澳矿产资源集团(Mineral Resources)将于2024年12月31日前终止其西澳伊尔干矿区(Yilgarn)铁矿石生产。该公司表示,主要受财务方面影响以及区域内矿山可开发寿命限制,此外考虑到开发新铁矿的后续成本所限。预计在未来六个月内,伊尔干矿区将分阶段减产,预计到今年年底前还将生产400万吨的铁矿石,2025年年初开始进入维护阶段。MinRes西澳伊尔干区拥有五个独立矿山,包括Koolyanobbing、Mt Jackson、Windarling、Deception 和 Parker Range,2023年共计生产铁矿石800.6万吨。伊尔干矿区停产后,MinRes将会把重点转向其西澳另一个铁矿昂斯洛项目(Onslow Iron)的开发,该项目产能预计每年3500万吨,这极大保障了MinRes铁矿生产。

2024-06-21 06:40:31

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