At the MetaConnect event in California on September 25, Zuckerberg showcased Orion for the first time, which uses a tiny projector built into the eyeglass arm to create a head-up display that appears as if it were on a real-world object. Zuckerberg held up the new AR glasses and said: "Right now, I think the right way to look at Orion is as a time machine." He added: "These glasses do exist, they're great, they let us...
在9月25日加州举行的MetaConnect活动上,扎克伯格首次展示了Orion,它利用眼镜臂内置的微型投影仪创建平视显示屏,让显示效果如同出现在现实世界的物体上。 扎克伯格举起新款AR眼镜说道:“现在,我认为看待猎户座的正确方式是将其视为一台时间机器。”他补充道:“这些眼镜确实存在,它们非常棒,它们让我们...
Bosera International has announced a partnership with MetaComp. After this partnership, MetaComp will promote the Bosera HashKey Bitcoin and Ethereum ETF jointly launched by Bosera International and HashKey Capital to investors in Singapore and other regions. In addition, the two parties also plan to explore the seamless integration of Bosera International's asset management solutions into MetaComp's CAMP platform, and expand digital payment token services to Bosera International's business. It ...
博时国际宣布与MetaComp达成合作,本次合作后MetaComp将向新加坡和其他地区的投资者推广博时国际与HashKey Capital联合推出的博时HashKey比特币和以太币ETF,此外双方还计划探索将博时国际的资产管理解决方案无缝集成到MetaComp的CAMP平台中,并将数字支付代币服务拓展到博时国际业务中。据悉,MetaComp是一家获得新加坡金融管理局(MAS)许可、专注于区块链技术和数字...
据知情人士透露,自去年被 Ripple 以 2.5 亿美元收购以来,Metaco 大部分高管和营销团队成员已离职,目前已失去了首席技术官 Angel Nunez、销售主管 Craig Perrin 和产品营销主管 Mei Li Powell,以及营销官 Gene Peterson 和 Rahul Mudgal。
Ripple's cryptocurrency custody company Metaco stated that cryptocurrency payment company BCB Group has integrated the management of its digital asset custody business into its platform. The two companies stated in a statement that BCB Group has migrated its business from a third-party digital asset technology provider and is currently using Metaco's custody coordination platform. This move enables the payment company to integrate its hosting technology onto a platform to ensure the security and...