
Jupiter Lianchuang Meow: Still don't know why the X account was stolen, but it seems to be different from the Pumpfun account attack

Jupiter Lianchuang Meow posted on the X platform that it still does not know why the X account was stolen. Strong/unique passwords, 2FA, all devices are also around, and only two applications are connected. Even a SIM Swap attack requires password entry. Even if other sessions are deleted, the attacker still posts again (probably before). Fortunately, the fraudulent tweet has only been sent for a minute, and the reason why the X account was attacked is still unknown. The X accounts of Jupiter an...

2025-03-05 16:02:04

Jupiter联创Meow在X平台发文称,目前仍不知X账号为何被盗,设置了强/唯一密码、2FA,所有设备也都在身边,只连接了两个应用,就算是SIM Swap攻击也需要密码输入,即便删除了其他会话,但攻击者仍然再次发帖(可能之前就做过)。所幸的是欺诈推文只发了一分钟,目前依旧不知道X账户遭到攻击的原因。Jupiter和Pumpfun的X账户也遭到过攻击,但那是一次完整的账...

2025-03-05 16:02:04
The X account of Jupiter Lianchuang Meow has been stolen, and users should be vigilant against related scams

Jupiter DAO core working group member Slorg posted on social media that the X account of Jupiter Lianchuang Meow has been stolen and posted a scam Meme-related tweet (which has now been deleted). Users should be alert to related scams.

2025-03-05 15:04:48

JupiterDAO 核心工作组成员 Slorg 在社交媒体上发文表示,Jupiter 联创 Meow 的 X 账号已经被盗,并发布了骗局 Meme 相关推文(目前已删除),用户需警惕相关骗局。

2025-03-05 15:04:48
Jupiter founder: Meteora Lianchuang Ben resigns, has hired an independent third-party law firm to issue a LIBRA investigation report

I am also a co-founder of Meteora. First of all, I would like to reiterate my confidence that neither Jupiter nor Meteora is involved in any insider trading or financial wrongdoing, or improperly received any tokens. Secondly, we hired an independent third party (Fenwick & West).

2025-02-18 09:48:44

Jupiter 创始人 Meow 在社交媒体发文表示,我同时也是 Meteora 的联合创始人。首先,我要重申我的信心,Jupiter 和 Meteora 没有人参与任何内幕交易或金融不法行为,或不恰当地收到任何代币。 其次,我们聘请了一家独立的第三方(Fenwick & West...

2025-02-18 09:48:44
Jupiter Lianchuang: Expected to provide a preview and overview of Jupnet-related technologies in early April

On February 14th, Jupiter Lianchuang Meow published a document saying that Jupnet is a full-chain network being built to achieve the goal of'aggregating everything '. Jupiter needs infrastructure to connect billions of people and trillions of tokens, so it needs: 1. A single source of truth across the chain. 2. A full...

2025-02-14 23:53:01

2月14日消息,Jupiter 联创 Meow 发文称,Jupnet 是正在构建的全链网络,旨在实现‘聚合一切’的目标,Jupiter 需要基础设施来连接十亿人和数万亿个代币,因此需要: 1、一个跨链的单一事实来源; 2、一个全...

2025-02-14 23:53:01
Jupiter Lianchuang: The CAR token deployer has re-locked the contract to ensure irrevocability

On February 10th, Jupiter co-founder meow said on the X platform that the CAR token team has verified its deployment through on-chain transactions and re-locked the contract to ensure irrevocability. The team redeployed the original cancelable contract and tracked key transaction records from minting to hedging, while destroying 0.06942 SOL to verify address ownership. In addition, the tokens have been locked as planned, including national development, charity, public offering distribution and t...

2025-02-10 12:25:54

2月10日消息,Jupiter联合创始人meow在X平台表示,CAR 代币团队已通过链上交易验证其部署情况,并重新锁定合约,以确保不可撤销。团队重新部署了最初可取消的合约,并追踪了从铸造到锁仓的关键交易记录,同时销毁 0.06942 SOL 以验证地址所有权。此外,代币已按计划锁定,包括国家发展、慈善、公募分配及团队份额,其中国家发展资金现已改为不可撤销。所有锁仓情况可通过 Str...

2025-02-10 12:25:54

Jupiter 联合创始人 meow 于 X 就中非共和国总统推出 Meme 币一事发文表示:“由于这是其首款此类代币,我们已联系 CAR 办公室,以进一步确认该代币的有效性。我们将实时更新收到的任何信息。 团队暂时验证了 CAR,以防止用户购买错误的代币,但还有很多我们不知道的信息,包括代币的来源、对锁定的质疑等。请当心风险。”

2025-02-10 09:59:42
Jupiter founder: All key treasury and contract upgrades are controlled by multiple signatures, so there is no risk at all

"We have absolutely no hosting of user funds, and all of our critical treasury and contract upgrades are controlled by a globally distributed multi-signature, so there is absolutely no risk in this regard," said Jupiter founder Meow in a social media post.

2025-02-06 13:26:01

Jupiter 创始人 Meow 在社交媒体发文表示,“我们完全没有托管用户资金,我们所有的关键财库和合约升级都由一个全球分布的多重签名控制,所以在这方面完全没有任何风险。”

2025-02-06 13:26:01
Jupiter Exchange 创始人:担心负责管理 X 账号的团队成员的人身安全

2 月 6 日消息,Jupiter Exchange 创始人 Meow 发文称,项目核心成员 Mei 此前因家庭紧急事务从 Mountain DAO 返回新加坡期间,其 X 账号被一台通过飞机 WiFi 连接的安卓手机访问,目前无法与其取得联系。 Meow 表示,虽然项目资金和合约均由全球分布式多重签名控制,用户资产安全未受影响,但对 Mei 的人身安全表示担忧。

2025-02-06 13:07:42
Jupiter Lianchuang Meow apologized to the community again for the recent Jupiter load problem

On January 21st, Jupiter Lianchuang Meow once again apologized to the community for Jupiter's recent load issues. We once again apologize for the failure of our services (especially automatic mode and mobile end) to operate properly over the past few days. We are currently working hard to upgrade the system and improve key functions to deal with severe network demands and pressures. Due to the busyness caused by Jupuary activities and the load crisis of the past few days, our customer support te...

2025-01-21 19:01:31