
Economist: The Federal Reserve will pause interest rate cuts for a long time, and should theoretically raise interest rates

Mohamed El-Erian, former chief executive of Pimco and dean of Queen's College, Cambridge, said the Fed might not cut interest rates "for quite some time" in the face of higher-than-expected inflation data, and might even tolerate higher inflation to protect economic growth.

2025-02-13 04:41:23
Opinion: The guessing game surrounding the path of the Federal Reserve's monetary policy has left the market confused

Erian, a prominent columnist and dean of Queen's College, Cambridge, said the current guessing game over the path of the Federal Reserve's monetary policy is causing market volatility. US Treasuries have already suffered a sharp sell-off after a strong September non-farm payrolls report prompted traders to quickly downgrade bets on the Federal Reserve's future sharp interest rate cuts. The decline since Friday has pushed yields on benchmark two-year and 10-year Treasuries above 4% for the first ...

2024-10-08 15:58:23
Web3 education platform and incubator EasyA receive funding from the Web3 Foundation

EasyA, a Web3 education platform and incubator founded by graduates of Cambridge University and Wharton Business School, has announced an undisclosed amount of funding through the Web3 Foundation's "Decentralized Futures Grant" to host live hackathons in cities including San Francisco, London and Singapore to attract more Polkadot developers, in addition to launching a new education program "EasyA x Polkadot University".

2024-09-25 05:22:25
Analysts: Bank of Thailand's increase in gold reserves indicates that the country is preparing to use CBDC cross-border settlement project mBridge

On June 19, gold market analyst Jan Nieuwenhuijs said that the continuous purchase of gold by the Bank of Thailand may indicate that the country is preparing to use the CBDC cross-border settlement project mBridge to address the imbalance of the CBDC-dominated trading system. Analysts said that the release of the minimum viable product (MVP) by mBridge comes just days after China and Thailand signed a bilateral cooperation framework for local currency transactions. China and Thailand are the two...

2024-06-19 12:51:59

6月19日消息,黄金市场分析师Jan Nieuwenhuijs表示,泰国央行不断购买黄金可能表明该国正在准备使用 CBDC 跨境结算项目 mBridge 来解决 CBDC 主导的交易系统的不平衡问题。分析师表示,mBridge 发布最低可行产品(MVP)的前几天,中国和泰国签署了双边本币交易合作框架,中国和泰国是 mBridge 平台的两个首批成员。

2024-06-19 12:51:59
The cross-border CBDC project Mbridge has entered the minimum viable product (MVP) stage

On June 7, the cross-border central bank digital currency (CBDC) trading platform Project Mbridge has entered the minimum viable product (MVP) stage, and its infrastructure is now fully functional. According to a press release issued by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the project, which began piloting in 2021 in collaboration with the Bank of Thailand, the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates, the People's Bank of China (PBOC), and the HKMA (HKMA), is now ready for intermediate...

2024-06-07 03:49:39

6月7日消息,跨境央行数字货币(CBDC)交易平台 Project Mbridge 已进入最小可行产品(MVP)阶段,其基础设施现已具备基本功能。 根据国际清算银行(BIS)发布的新闻稿,该项目于2021年在泰国银行、阿拉伯联合酋长国中央银行、中国人民银行(PBOC)和香港金融管理局(HKMA)的合作下开始试点,现已准备好进行中间实际价值交易。

2024-06-07 03:49:39
Saudi Arabia joins BIS 'CBDC project mBridge as a full participant

The Saudi central bank has joined the Swiss-based Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in announcing project mBridge on Wednesday, a cross-border experiment aimed at using central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) for international trade.

2024-06-06 22:12:03


2024-06-06 22:12:03

香港金管局宣布,mBridge项目已进入最简可行产品(MVP)阶段,项目团队将继续优化平台各范畴,并进一步扩大公营及私营机构参与度。 mBridge项目旨在研究...

2024-06-05 08:33:49
The Central Bank of China participates in the mBridge project in Hong Kong and will pilot trade settlement next month

The President of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Yu Wei wen, stated at the sub forum of the Boao Forum for Asia 2024 that the Currency Bridge (referred to as the Multi Central Bank Digital Currency Cross border Network, mBridge) project, in collaboration with the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the People's Bank of China, and the Bank of Thailand, will be piloted for trade settlement next month, with the participation of 20 central banks. Yu Weiwen hopes to further improve liquidity ...

2024-03-29 08:21:06


2024-03-29 08:21:06

7x24 快讯

14:12 2025-03-26
据@ai_9684xtpa监测,Hyperliquid 金库因交易者自动清算接收的 500万美元 jellyjelly 空头仓位已浮亏 1063 万美元,对手盘如果将币价拉升至 0.17 美元附近(目前是0.16004美元),金库将面临清算并损失当前持有的 2.4 亿美元。 看起来已经有资金在故意抬升 $jellyjelly 币价了,近一小时已上涨 230%,而糟糕的是,Hyperliquid Vault 的资金似乎还在减少,这将进一步挤压爆仓价。
14:09 2025-03-26
Tether:T3 FCU已冻结与Bybit黑客相关的900万美元
3月26日消息,Tether官方发文称,T3 FCU(T3 Financial Crime Unit)今日宣布已冻结与Bybit黑客相关的900万美元。Tether 首席执行官 Paolo Ardoino表示,Tether致力于阻止不法分子的行动。通过T3 FCU、以及其他合作伙伴和全球执法部门密切合作,将确保稳定币技术不仅具有变革性,而且安全、透明且不易被利用。
14:03 2025-03-26
市场消息:稳定币法案STABLE Act预计今日将在美国众议院正式提出
据Blockworks报道,美国众议员 Bryan Steil在区块链峰会上透露,稳定币法案STABLE Act预计今日将在美国众议院正式提出,根据内容显示,该法案草案内容与GENIUS Act法案有80%相同。
13:57 2025-03-26
13:45 2025-03-26
MOVE财库地址于三小时前向疑似DWF Labs关联地址转移1335万枚代币
据@ai_9684xtpa监测,MOVE财库地址于三小时前向DWF Labs关联地址转移1335万枚代币,价值723万美元,Arkham 标记该地址或归属于 DWF,但其上级资金来源地址也曾与 Wintermute / Jump Crypto 有过资金往来,暂时无法确定属于哪个机构。
13:42 2025-03-26
伯恩斯坦预计Strategy会将比特币持有量增加一倍,达到100万枚。在披露最新增持比特币数据之后,伯恩斯坦公司已将Strategy的评级定为跑赢大盘,目标价提升75%,达到600美元。 此外,伯恩斯坦分析师预计,比特币将在 2025 年底达到 20 万美元左右的周期峰值,2029 年底达到 50 万美元,2033 年底达到 100 万美元,期间会间歇性出现为期一年的熊市。
13:33 2025-03-26
美股开盘涨跌不一 游戏驿站涨超13%
13:33 2025-03-26
13:24 2025-03-26
Binance.US 将上线 JTO/USDT 交易对
13:21 2025-03-26
Hyperliquid Vault因交易者自动清算接收500万美元JELLY空头仓位
13:05 2025-03-26
Circle在X平台发文宣布,原生USDC已在Linea上线,借助原生USDC,Linea开发人员和用户可以从受监管稳定币中获得稳定性,CCTP V2通过挂钩实现自动化,将Linea的转移时间缩短至数秒。
13:02 2025-03-26
金色晚报 | 3月26日晚间重要动态一览
12:00-21:00关键词:富达、Curve创始人、嘉楠科技、Strategy 1.市场消息:富达计划推出稳定币; 2.Michael Saylor:优先股STRF今日将在纳斯达克上市交易; 3.Curve创始人疑似再次抛售100万枚CRV,套现51.5万美元; 4.嘉楠科技第四季度总收入为8880万美元,同比增长80.9%; 5.Abracadabra已回购650万美元MIM并覆盖50%黑客攻击损失; 6.Strategy内部人士购买其最新推出的优先股,涉及公司CEO、CFO...