According to The Data Nerd, five days ago, a shrewd investor, CeSo4, exchanged 251 SOLs (about $38,000) for about 52.20 million MANEKIs. A day later, he started selling 42.10 million MANEKIs and made $642,000 (about 17 times the return on investment). Now there are 10.10 million MANEKIs (about $182,000) in his wallet.
据The Data Nerd监测,5天前,一位精明的投资者CeSo4将251枚SOL(约3.8万美元)换成了约5220万枚MANEKI。一天后,他开始销售4210万枚MANEKI并赚了64.2万美元(投资回报率约17倍)。现在钱包里还有1010万枚MANEKI(约合18.2万美元)。
On April 27th, Solana Meme Coin MANEKI posted on the X platform that it has completed the airdrop for Solana Mobile Saga Genesis & Chapter2 pre-order users, with a total distribution of more than 9% of the total supply of MANEKI (worth about $20 million). The airdrop will be distributed in the slowest mode within 72 hours to absorb market sales pressure.
据@ai_9684xtpa监测,聪明钱 / 老鼠仓地址 8TG2y...W7jq8 低点建仓 MANEKI 已浮盈 1200 万美元,回报率高达 10926%。 该地址通过地址 8TG2y...W7jq8 提前两个半小时在链上买入 718 SOL,随后转移至当前地址以均价 0.0001059美元 买入 10.3 亿枚代币(现价 0.01199美元),建仓后还将代币分发至 15 个地址,目前都未卖出或转移,已浮盈 77,575 枚 SOL。
据@ai_9684xtpa 监测,聪明钱 25hAy...3mTDJ 交易 MANEKI 已在一小时内累计获利 1412 SOL,回报率高达 1008%,该地址在 MANEKI 上线后三分钟后花费 140 SOL 买入 4660 万枚代币,成本 0.0004596 美元;并在 27 分钟后以 8 倍价格卖出了 70%持仓,剩余 1400 万枚仍浮盈 636 SOL。