1. Xiaopeng MONA M03 is set to break through 30,000 units in 48 hours of listing, and the first batch of deliveries will start today. 2. Lei Jun: Xiaomi's intelligent driving has been upgraded again to achieve urban NOA. 3. German electric vehicle demand has plummeted, dragging European car sales to a standstill in July. 4. Tesla China has refuted rumors that the Shanghai Super Factory has produced a seven-seat version of Model Y. 5. Cui Dongshu: China accounted for 31% of the world's car share ...
1. 小鹏MONA M03上市48小时大定突破30000台,今日开启首批交付。2. 雷军:小米智能驾驶再度升级,实现城市NOA。3. 德国电动汽车需求暴跌,拖累欧洲7月汽车销量停滞不前。4. 特斯拉中国辟谣上海超级工厂已生产七座版Model Y。5. 崔东树:2024年7月中国占世界汽车份额31%。6. 商务部:欧盟对中国电动汽车反补贴调查是典型的保护主义行为。7. 机构:1-7月国内800V高压车型销量约39万辆,同比增长217%。8. 长城汽车:上半年实现净利润70.8亿元人民币 同比增加419.99%。9. 比亚迪深汕园区发起万人招工,行业仍存“人才缺口”。10. 小马智行获批在深圳部分高快速路上进行Robotaxi路测。11. 高合汽车母公司华人运通投资公司申请破产重整,法院已受理。12. 汽集团2024上半年实现合并营收2846.9亿元、同比下降12.8%,净利润66.3亿元。