
Due to the market volatility caused by DeepSeek, the bitcoin futures basis turned negative for the first time since August last year

On January 28th, Vetle Lunde, head of research at K33, said that yesterday's slump in Nvidia's share price had a ripple effect on the cryptocurrency market, with traders on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) quickly avoiding risk. Bitcoin futures basis fell to negative for the first time since August 2023, while nominal non-position squaring contracts saw their largest ever one-day decline, falling as much as 17,225 bitcoins. It is reported that the futures basis is the price of the futures c...

2025-01-28 13:22:31

1 月 28 日消息,K33 研究主管 Vetle Lunde 表示,昨天英伟达股价暴跌对加密货币市场产生了连锁反应,芝加哥商品交易所 (CME) 交易员迅速规避风险。比特币期货基差自 2023 年 8 月以来首次跌至负值,而名义未平仓合约则出现了有史以来最大单日跌幅,跌幅高达 17,225 比特币。 据悉,期货基差是期货合约价格与标的资产...

2025-01-28 13:22:31
K33 Research: Traders are still waiting for NYSE and Nasdaq to launch spot bitcoin ETF options

Vetle Lunde, head of research at K33 Research, said in an interview with CNBC that futures unpositioned squaring contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange derivatives exchange have hit a record high, which is how most U.S. institutions currently buy bitcoin futures contracts, but many traders have been waiting for spot bitcoin ETF options on major exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq because it can enhance liquidity and provide hedging tools. Vetle Lunde added that demand ...

2024-11-26 01:41:53
K33 Research:交易员仍在等待纽交所和纳斯达克推出现货比特币ETF期权

K33 Research研究主管Vetle Lunde在接受CNBC采访时表示,芝加哥商品交易所衍生品交易所的期货未平仓合约创下历史新高,这是目前大多数美国机构购买比特币期货合约的方式,但很多交易员一直在等待纽约证券交易所和纳斯达克等主要交易所的现货比特币ETF期权,因为它可以增强流动性并提供对冲工具。Vetle Lunde补充称,市场对比特币和以太币的杠杆多头敞口的需求正在攀升,Volati...

2024-11-26 01:41:53
Bitcoin ETP saw its second largest single-day net outflow this year yesterday, amounting to 8,352 BTC.

Vetle Lunde, head of research at K33 Research, released data showing that bitcoin exchange-traded products (ETPs) yesterday recorded the second largest single-day net outflow of 8,352 bitcoins this year. A single-day net outflow of 11,964 bitcoins was recorded on May 1 this year, the highest for the year. Lunde said the large outflow may be related to investors' risk aversion to the US election. Nonetheless, he stressed that net inflows over the past five days remained strongly positive at 14,15...

2024-11-05 10:30:49
比特币 ETP 昨日出现今年第二大单日净流出,达 8352 枚 BTC

K33 Research 研究主管 Vetle Lunde 发布数据显示,比特币交易所交易产品(ETP)昨日出现今年以来第二大单日净流出,达 8352 枚比特币。今年 5 月 1 日记录了 11964 枚比特币的单日净流出,为年内最高。 Lunde 表示,这一大规模流出可能与投资者对美国大选的风险规避有关。尽管如此,他强调过去 5 天的净流入仍保持强劲正值,达 14157 枚比特币。

2024-11-05 10:30:49
K33 Analyst: Bitcoin Futures Premium Climbs to 5-Month High

Bitcoin futures unpositioned squaring contracts (OI) on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) reached a record 172,430 bitcoins yesterday, a new all-time high, said Vetle Lunde, senior analyst at K33, in a post on the X platform. Current institutional preferences suggest they are increasing their long positions. Futures premiums also climbed to a five-month high as unpositioned squaring contracts surged, an increase driven mostly by active market participants rather than inflows into futures-bas...

2024-10-16 14:39:19

K33 高级分析师 Vetle Lunde 在 X 平台发文称,芝加哥商品交易所(CME)的比特币期货未平仓合约(OI)昨日达到了创纪录的 172,430 枚比特币,创下新的历史最高点。当前的机构偏好表明他们正增加多头头寸。随着未平仓合约的激增,期货溢价也攀升至 5 个月高点,这一增长主要由活跃的市场参与者推动,而非资金流入基于期货的 ETF。过去三天内,未平仓合约增加了 19,...

2024-10-16 14:39:19
K33 Research researcher: CME bitcoin futures unpositioned squaring contract hit a nominal record high yesterday

Vetle Lunde, a senior researcher at K33 Research, said CME bitcoin futures unpositioned squaring contracts hit a nominal all-time high yesterday at 172,430 BTC. Futures premiums have climbed to a five-month high with a significant increase in unpositioned squaring contracts. Vetle believes the increase in unpositioned squaring contracts is being driven by active/direct market participants, rather than inflows from futures-based ETFs.

2024-10-16 11:05:11
K33 Research 研究员:CME 比特币期货未平仓合约昨日创名义历史新高

K33 Research高级研究员Vetle Lunde表示,CME比特币期货未平仓合约昨日创下名义历史新高,达到172,430枚BTC。随着未平仓合约的大幅增加,期货溢价已攀升至5个月高点。Vetle认为,未平仓合约量增长是由活跃/直接的市场参与者推动的,而不是基于期货的ETF的资金流入。

2024-10-16 11:05:11
K33 analyst: FTX payouts may start at the end of the quarter and continue until the beginning of the first quarter of 2025

K33 analysts Vetle Lunde and David Zimmerman estimate that payments will begin at the end of the quarter and continue until the beginning of Quarter 1, 2025, within 60 days of the court's effective date, which is still uncertain, but expected in mid-November. Of the $14.40 billion to $16.30 billion payout vaccine, analysts estimate that $3.90 billion has been purchased by credit funds and is unlikely to return to the market, with about 33% of the remaining compensation being paid by sanctioned c...

2024-10-08 11:47:54

K33 分析师 Vetle Lunde 和 David Zimmerman 估计,支付将在本季度末开始,一直持续到 2025 年第一季度初,在法院生效日期的 60 天内,该日期仍不确定,但预计在 11 月中旬。在 144 亿至 163 亿美元的赔付疫苗中,分析师估计 39 亿美元已被信贷基金购买,不太可能重返市场,剩余赔偿中约有 33%由受制裁国家/地区、内部...

2024-10-08 11:47:54
K33 Analyst Vetle Lunde: Market clearing data has been seriously underestimated in the last three years, and major crypto exchanges have reported that clearing data has lost its trading reference value

On August 30th, K33 analyst Vetle Lunde said that the clearing data of the exchange is much lower than the actual clearing volume of the market. In order to provide a "fair trading environment" (Bybit, September 2021) and "optimize user data flow" (Binance, April 2021), Binance and Bybit changed their clearing WebSocket API to push clearing once per second instead of reporting all clearing. OKX also pushes up to one order per second for each contract, and their data does not represent the total ...

2024-08-30 10:46:01
K33分析师Vetle Lunde:最近3年市场清算数据被严重低估,主要加密交易所报告清算数据失去交易参考价值

8月30日消息,K33分析师Vetle Lunde发 X 称,交易所的清算数据远低于市场实际清算量。为了提供“公平的交易环境”(Bybit,2021 年 9 月)和“优化用户数据流”(Binance,2021 年 4 月),Binance 和 Bybit 更改了其清算 WebSocket API,每秒推送一次清算,而不是报告所有清算。OKX 还为每个合约每秒推送最多一个订单,他们的数据并不代表清算的总数。这...

2024-08-30 10:46:01
K33: Norway's sovereign wealth fund holds 2,446 BTC indirectly

Vetle Lunde, senior analyst at K33 Research, noted on Tuesday that the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund (NBIM) holds 2,446 BTC indirectly, an increase of 938 BTC from December 31, 2023. The increase in indirect exposure stems from: MicroStrategy exposure increased, from 0.67% to 0.89%. MicroStrategy increased its BTC exposure by 37,181 BTC in the first half of 2024. Marathon Digital exposure increased from 0% to 0.82%. - Coinbase exposure increased, from 0.49% to 0.83%. - Block Inc exposure incre...

2024-08-14 08:29:42

7x24 快讯

06:38 2025-03-25
3月25日消息,据《金融时报》报道,渣打银行数字资产研究主管GeoffKendrick表示,以太坊正处于中年危机,仍在技术升级中摸索着前进,以提升对更广泛受众的吸引力。在过去三个月中ETH价格下跌了40%,包括特朗普和阿根廷领导人米莱推广的代币都使用Solana区块链。 Kaiko研究分析师Adam McCarthy认为,以太坊对大多数人来说并不有趣,如果将其...
06:17 2025-03-25
06:11 2025-03-25
某投资者购买 3 月底 2200 美元以太坊看跌期权,共计 10000 枚 ETH
06:11 2025-03-25
Arthur Hayes:ETH将先涨至5000美元,随后SOL涨至300美元
06:05 2025-03-25
欧易OKX将上线NAVI Protocol(NAVX)
05:59 2025-03-25
Mt.Gox地址于10分钟前向Kraken充值0.000017 BTC或用于测试
05:55 2025-03-25
05:43 2025-03-25
Mt. Gox热钱包转出893枚BTC,价值逾7736万美元
3月25日消息,链上数据显示,北京时间13:30,Mt. Gox热钱包(1Jbez)向地址1FodPLS4pkAqh8vtyLteDkTtD1yLfb28DB等转出893.417枚BTC,按当前价格约合7736万美元。
05:40 2025-03-25
美联储宣布放缓缩表后,比特币自 83000 美元下方反弹并短暂突破 88000 美元,有分析师认为,市场波动可能很快平息,许多利空因素可能已被市场消化。21st Capital 联合创始人 Sina G.表示,围绕关税和政府支出的市场不确定性可能在未来几周内得到解决,市场焦点可能转向减税、放松监管和降息,这些政策可能吸引更多资本流入比特币和数字资产领域。 N...
05:22 2025-03-25
彭博高级大宗商品策略师Mike McGlone表示,比特币相对于黄金的价格可能已经达到顶峰,现在可能即将迎来一次大重置,他分析指出2024 年比特币与黄金的比率(即多少盎司黄金等于1枚BTC)达到峰值40倍,这意味着一枚比特币的价值是一盎司黄金的40倍。然而McGlone似乎认为这种情况可能无法持续并且2025年很可能会逆转。 总体而言,McG...
05:13 2025-03-25
05:04 2025-03-25
Binance宣布BNSOL超级质押将上线第七期项目Solv Protocol (SOLV)
3月25日消息,据官方消息,Binance宣布BNSOL超级质押将上线第七期项目Solv Protocol(SOLV)。2025-03-2700:00(UTC)至2025-04-1023:59(UTC)期间,在币安账户或币安钱包中持有BNSOL或将SOL质押为BNSOL的用户将分别获得SOLV APRBoost空投奖励。