
The SEC has revoked the registration of Lufkin Advisors for fraudulent cryptocurrency activities

The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) filed an administrative complaint against Lufkin Advisors LLC on Wednesday following a settlement offer from Lufkin Advisors, which the SEC has accepted. The SEC found that Lufkin Advisors engaged in fraudulent activities, including mismanagement of cryptoassets, undisclosed investments by employers associated with the spouse of the company's principal, and improper accounting practices. The company also failed to monitor the value of investments and comp...

2024-06-28 10:05:42
美SEC因欺诈性加密货币活动撤销Lufkin Advisors的注册

美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 于周三对Lufkin Advisors LLC提起行政诉讼。此前,Lufkin Advisors提出了和解要约,SEC已接受该要约。SEC发现,Lufkin Advisors从事欺诈活动,包括加密资产管理不善、与公司负责人配偶有关联的雇主进行未披露的投资以及不当的会计做法。该公司还未能监控投资价值并遵守法定要求,包括资产保管、报告准确性和顾问记录维护。因此,SEC 永...

2024-06-28 10:05:42