
Vitalik Releases Milady Chinese Name "Milady"

Ethereum co-creation Vitalik Buterin released the Chinese name of Milady as "Milady" after asking for the Chinese translation of Milady on the X platform.

2025-01-24 16:24:27

以太坊联创Vitalik Buterin在X平台询问Milady中文译名后,发布Milady中文名称为“米莱迪”。

2025-01-24 16:24:27
List of important developments at noon on January 19

7:00-12:00 Keywords: TRUMP, TikTok, Milady, Upbit 1. Coinbase adds TRUMP to its listing roadmap; 2. Market news: TikTok is no longer available in the United States; 3. Vitalik changed the personal photo of the X platform to the image of Milady; 4. Arkham: The Trump team did not sell $500 million TRUMP; 5. The US SEC is suing Nova Labs for alleged fraud and registration violations. 6. South Korean authorities found more than 500,000 KYC violations by Upbit, with fines of up to $34.30 billion.

2025-01-19 04:03:13

7:00-12:00关键词:TRUMP、TikTok、Milady、Upbit 1.Coinbase将TRUMP增至上币路线图; 2.市场消息:TikTok已无法在美国使用; 3.Vitalik将X平台个人照片更改为Milady形象; 4.Arkham:特朗普团队并未出售5亿美元TRUMP; 5.美国SEC起诉Nova Labs涉嫌欺诈和注册违规行为; 6.韩国当局发现Upbit存在50多万起KYC违规行为,罚款或达343亿美元。

2025-01-19 04:03:13
Vitalik changed the personal photo of the X platform to Milady's image

According to the X platform information, Vitalik changed the X platform personal photo to Milady's image.

2025-01-18 23:41:42


2025-01-18 23:41:42
Zhao Changpeng commented on the "buy low and sell high" view: only bought bitcoin once in the 2014 bear market, and finally succeeded

Commenting on Lady of Crypto's opinion on "making a lot of money by buying low and selling high in a bull market", Changpeng Zhao said that his own experience was buying bitcoin at the beginning of a long bear market (2014), but because there was no additional fiat currency to buy on the dip, and because of the long bear market, there was no profit to take, but it finally succeeded, and said that this method is not recommended. "In other words, I only made one purchase," Changpeng Zhao said.

2024-12-11 05:59:17
赵长鹏评论「低买高卖」观点:仅在 2014 年熊市买入一次比特币,最终获得成功

赵长鹏针对 Lady of Crypto 关于“在牛市中通过低点买入和高点卖出赚取大量资金”的观点评论称,他自己的经历是在长期熊市开始时(2014 年)买入了比特币,但由于没有额外的法币可以逢低买入,也由于长期熊市所以没有利润可拿,但最终成功了,并表示并不推荐这种方法。赵长鹏表示“换句话说,我只做了 1 次买入。”

2024-12-11 05:59:17
Remilia Corporation Confirms It Will Launch CULT Tokens, Reason for Delay Undisclosed

According to Decrypt, on June 13, the Milady Cult Twitter account announced the pre-sale of the MEME token CULT. According to the Milady website, the financing raised $20.53 million. The funds have been transferred to the multi-signature Gnosis wallet. The wallet currently holds 21.40 million dollars, mainly Ethereum and USDT. But as of now, the token has not been released yet, and the community has expressed dissatisfaction. Scorched Earth Policy, chief of staff at Remilia Corporation, is accep...

2024-12-06 14:13:40
Remilia Corporation确认将发布CULT代币,延迟原因未透露

据 Decrypt 报道,6 月 13 日,Milady Cult 推特账户宣布预售 MEME 代币 CULT。据 Milady 网站称,此次融资筹集了 2053 万美元。这些资金已被转移到多重签名 Gnosis 钱包中。该钱包目前持有 2140 万美元,主要是以太坊和 USDT。但截至目前,该代币目前仍未发布,社区表示不满。 Remilia Corporation 的幕僚长 Scorched Earth Policy 在接受 Decrypt...

2024-12-06 14:13:40
CULT, the Meme coin project initiated by the founder of Milady, announced the official telegram channel

The CULT official of the Meme coin project initiated by the founder of Milady said in a post on the X platform that the telegram channel for the CULT community has been opened. Previously, according to many community members, the CULT token with a pre-sale of ETH worth 20 million US dollars may be released soon.

2024-07-27 11:17:52


2024-07-27 11:17:52
The Meme coin CULT issued by the founder of Milady has completed the pre-sale, raising a total of 5861.8 ETH.

On June 13th, the pre-sale Meme project CULT pre-sale issued by the founder of Milady (Charlotte Fang) has been completed, raising a total of 5861.8 ETH, about 20.45 million US dollars.

2024-06-13 10:38:24

6月13日消息,Milady创始人(Charlotte Fang)发布的预售Meme项目CULT预售已完成,总计筹集5861.8枚ETH,约2045万美元。

2024-06-13 10:38:24
Milady founder launches MEME token CULT pre-sale, has raised 4809 ETH so far

On June 13, according to the data on the chain, Milady founder @CharlotteFang77 released the MEME token CULT pre-sale, which has raised 4809 ETH, about 16.89 million US dollars.

2024-06-13 04:36:09

7x24 快讯

04:56 2025-02-19
Dave Portnoy 于5 小时前 Dave Portnoy 用 31 万美元换取 1952 万枚jailstool
据The Data Nerd监测,5 小时前 Dave Portnoy 用 31 万美元换取了 1952 万枚jailstool。在 10 天内,他以平均 0.0157 美元的价格累积了 5,008 万枚 jailstool。
04:53 2025-02-19
据 CoinDesk 报道,美国联邦法院详细列出了 SBF 因欺诈被审判并入狱前拥有的资产规模,以及美国政府如何迅速介入,没收了约 10 亿美元的金融资产和两架飞机。 美国纽约南区地方法院于周二发布的最终没收令正式剥夺了 SBF 在一个长达数十页的财产清单中的所有权。法院文件揭示了这位曾经的亿万富翁所宣称拥有的广泛资产,包括他共同创办的交易公司 Alameda Research 的大量加密资产。 在这些涉及加密货币的众多页面中,Alameda 在 Binance 的资产包括:5600 万美元...
04:37 2025-02-19
韩国交易员Definalist在社交媒体发文表示,“我认为今天和明天最大的事件可能是MELANIA代币解锁,分两天进行: 今天(北京时间19日17:26),距离现在还有5小时,价值3700万美元MELANIA解锁; 明天(北京时间20日17:47)价值2780万美元MELANIA解锁。”
04:37 2025-02-19
韩国交易员 Definalist 在社交媒体发文表示,「我认为今天和明天最大的事件可能是 MELANIA 代币解锁,分两天进行: 今天(北京时间 19 日 17:26),距离现在还有 5 小时,价值 3700 万美元 MELANIA 解锁; 明天(北京时间 20 日 17:47)价值 2780 万美元 MELANIA 解锁。」
04:34 2025-02-19
美国财政部长贝森特表示,马斯克的政府效率部(DOGE)致力于使联邦政府更加高效,美国纳税人不必担心其个人数据的安全性。 贝森特在周二接受福克斯新闻采访时说,到目前为止,DOGE团队已经确定节省了约500亿美元。“所以这是一个很好的开始。”他补充说,削减成本的努力最终可能让“我们节省几个百分点的GDP”。 然而...
04:25 2025-02-19
香港财政司司长陈茂波在2025 Consensus大会上表示,人工智能(AI)与区块链的融合发展令人兴奋,去中心化AI可以解锁许多新应用和机会,区块链技术不只降低交易成本,亦提高市场透明度、效率和金融服务的可及性。陈茂波警告,快速技术创新并非没有挑战,当创新的速度超过监管的反应,或会创造出导致重大风险的漏洞,近年来多家加密货币交易所失败...
04:22 2025-02-19
赵长鹏在X平台发文称:“当你试图快速赚钱时,你往往会失去一切。当你慷慨解囊时,你反而会得到更多。 我向一名大学生捐赠了150BNB(约10万美元),这名学生为帮助Libra受害者投入了5万美元自己的资金。(看起来这名学生在BNB上赚了不少钱。)现在,该地址收到的BNB已超过我捐赠的数量,还收到了更多代币。 我不会保留其中的一丝一毫。我会继...
04:16 2025-02-19
04:13 2025-02-19
据彭博社报道,加密货币做市商 Wintermute Trading Ltd. 正在寻求将其业务扩展到美国,包括在纽约开设办事处并在美国提供新产品。 同时,据知情人士透露,Wintermute 最近在由腾讯控股有限公司领投的一轮融资中筹集了资金。 腾讯和 Wintermute 均未回应对此轮融资的置评请求。
04:04 2025-02-19
04:01 2025-02-19
7:00-12:00关键词:韩国 、Luna、Libra、Coinbase 1.韩国最高法院裁定TerraUSD和Luna不是证券; 2.谷歌正探索使用“谷歌登录”功能来登录比特币钱包; 3.Libra联创否认向米莱行贿,称媒体报道“出于政治动机”; 4.Coinbase股东起诉公司高管涉嫌在破产风险方面误导投资者; 5.香港证监会:虚拟资产路线图下午发布,拟允许质押及孖展贷款; 6.美国总统特朗普签...
03:55 2025-02-19