
Zhao Changpeng forwarded Kuai Dong's disclosure of market maker Web3Port

On March 9, Zhao Changpeng forwarded Kuai Dong's disclosure of market maker Web3Port, with highlights including: May Liu and his team built a "brokerage pipeline on Binance", from Spark Digital Capital to Web3Port to Whisper. At first, Spark operated under the name of VC, actually relying on market outsourcing + FA business, allowing VC to invest in projects and obtain free tokens by themselves. After 21 or 22 years of industry involvement, the project side was unwilling to pay for it.

2025-03-09 13:49:39
赵长鹏转发 Kuai Dong 对做市商 Web3Port 的披露文章

3月9日消息,赵长鹏转发 Kuai Dong 对做市商 Web3Port 的披露文章,文章重点包括: May Liu 及其团队建立了一条“上币安的经纪流水线”,从 Spark Digital Capital 到 Web3Port,再到 Whisper。 最初,Spark 以 VC 名义运作,实际靠市场外包+FA 业务,让 VC 投资项目,而自己获取免费代币。21、22 年行业内卷后,项目方不愿再无偿...

2025-03-09 13:49:39
Kuaishou (01024.HK) rose more than 10%, with turnover exceeding 5.10 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Kuaishou (01024.HK) rose more than 10%, with turnover exceeding 5.10 billion Hong Kong dollars.

2025-02-18 05:02:56
Hong Kong stocks strong, millet group (01810.HK), Kuaishou (01024.HK) rose more than 5%, Alibaba (09988.HK) rose more than 4%, Tencent Holdings (00700.HK) rose more than 2%.

Hong Kong stocks strong, millet group (01810.HK), Kuaishou (01024.HK) rose more than 5%, Alibaba (09988.HK) rose more than 4%, Tencent Holdings (00700.HK) rose more than 2%.

2025-02-18 02:50:58
Hong Kong short video concept stocks rose again in the afternoon, Kuaishou (01024.HK) rose more than 10%, Bilibili (09626.HK) rose more than 8%, Weimeng Group (02013.HK) rose more than 4%.

Hong Kong short video concept stocks rose again in the afternoon, Kuaishou (01024.HK) rose more than 10%, Bilibili (09626.HK) rose more than 8%, Weimeng Group (02013.HK) rose more than 4%.

2025-02-13 05:09:46

据加密KOL AB Kuai.Dong统计,币安1月份大幅减少平台自有BTC、ETH持仓,并将多数资产转换为稳定币USDC。其中,BTC持仓从46,896枚降至2,747枚(减少94.1%),ETH持仓从216,313枚降至175枚(减少99.9%),SOL持仓减少99%,USDT持仓几乎清零(减少99.9%)。 针对此现象,神鱼分析表示,上述现象或为年初计提利润所致,类似情况在2023年6月(与美国司法部达成43亿美元和解协议)和2024年2月都...

2025-02-11 06:26:31
Binance significantly reduced its BTC and ETH holdings in January and converted most of its assets to USDC.

According to the statistics of crypto KOL AB Kuai. Dong, Binance significantly reduced the platform's own BTC and ETH holdings in January, and converted most of its assets into stablecoins USDC. Among them, BTC holdings fell from 46,896 to 2,747 (a decrease of 94.1%), ETH holdings fell from 216,313 to 175 (a decrease of 99.9%), SOL holdings decreased by 99%, and USDT holdings were almost cleared (a decrease of 99.9%). In contrast, the proportion of BNB holdings is lower, only 16.6%, from 5.839 m...

2025-02-11 05:55:58

据加密KOL AB Kuai.Dong统计,币安1月份大幅减少平台自有BTC、ETH持仓,并将多数资产转换为稳定币USDC。其中,BTC持仓从46,896枚降至2,747枚(减少94.1%),ETH持仓从216,313枚降至175枚(减少99.9%),SOL持仓减少99%,USDT持仓几乎清零(减少99.9%)。 相比之下,BNB的减持比例较低,仅16.6%,从583.9万枚降至486.9万枚...

2025-02-11 05:55:58
Kuaishou (01024.HK) fell rapidly to 10%.

Kuaishou (01024.HK) fell rapidly to 10%.

2024-11-21 01:32:23
Hong Kong stocks Internet stocks fell, Kuaishou (01024.HK) fell more than 5%, Alibaba (09988.HK), Baidu (09888.HK) fell more than 3%, Tencent Holdings (00700.HK), Xiaomi Group (01810.HK) and so fell.

Hong Kong stocks Internet stocks fell, Kuaishou (01024.HK) fell more than 5%, Alibaba (09988.HK), Baidu (09888.HK) fell more than 3%, Tencent Holdings (00700.HK), Xiaomi Group (01810.HK) and so fell.

2024-10-09 03:08:42
Hong Kong stocks rose again, Kuaishou (01024.HK) rose more than 5%, Xiaomi Group (01810.HK) rose more than 4%, Alibaba (09988.HK), JD.com (09618.HK) and so on.

Hong Kong stocks rose again, Kuaishou (01024.HK) rose more than 5%, Xiaomi Group (01810.HK) rose more than 4%, Alibaba (09988.HK), JD.com (09618.HK) and so on.

2024-10-07 02:11:24
Kuaishou (01024.HK) fell by more than 10% after the performance, and the turnover reached HK $920 million.

Kuaishou (01024.HK) fell by more than 10% after the performance, and the turnover reached HK $920 million.

2024-08-21 01:38:51

7x24 快讯

08:47 2025-03-23
疑似某Binance Wallet员工关联地址通过交易Meme币UUU已获利11.36万美元
3月23日消息,据 GMGN 数据,某疑似 Binance Wallet BD 员工 Freddie Ng 关联地址通过交易 BSC 的 UUU 上已实现利润 11.36 万美元,未实现利润仍约 18 万美元。 Freddie Ng 曾推文公开发布个人 0x77C1 开头地址,该地址多次与 0xEDb0 开头地址交互。三小时前,0xEDb0 开头地址花费 10 枚 BNB 以均价 0.00026 美元买入 2,410 万枚 UUU,并全部转入 0x44a 开头钱包后,以均价 0.0188 美元卖出 602 万枚 UUU,获...
08:29 2025-03-23
据Atmos研究,阿联酋的加密货币拥有率为 25.3%,采用率为 210%,尽管只有一台比特币 ATM,但仍处于领先地位。 新加坡(97.5)和 美国(85.4)分别位居第二和第三。加拿大排名第四,拥有 3,500 多台比特币 ATM。与此同时,加密货币拥有率高的土耳其 因采用率低而排名第五。 Atmos 的 Nick Cooke 表示,加密货币的采用正在重塑全球金融体系,其驱动力是可访...
08:08 2025-03-23
慢雾余弦:Coinbase曾遭GitHub Actions CI/CD机制供应链攻击,建议企业自查相关风险
3月23日消息,慢雾创始人余弦在社交媒体上发文表示,「利用GitHub Actions CI/CD机制供应链攻击Coinbase,所幸没有继续成功,否则下一个被爆的安全事件就是针对Coinbase了。在GitHub上的供应链攻击路径:reviewdog/action-设置-> tj-actions/changed-files -> coinbase/agentkit ->窃取GitHub个人访问令牌 (PAT)、云服务有关密钥等。余弦建议,如果企业用到reviewdog或tj-actions,应该进行自查。」
08:05 2025-03-23
Astherus在X平台发文称现阶段尚未发行代币,但是正在筹备代币生成活动TGE,更多细节即将公布,提醒社区保持警惕诈骗。据悉,多资产流动性中心Astherus是Binance Labs(现已更名为YZi Labs)第七季孵化项目,并且获得了Binance Labs的投资。
07:50 2025-03-23
CZ:BUSD在美国Operation Chokepoint 2.0行动中被扼杀
币安创始人CZ在X平台回应社区询问稳定币BUSD情况时表示:“BUSD是一种非常优秀的美元支持稳定币,但是在美国的Operation Chokepoint 2.0行动中被扼杀,但从好的方面来看,现在有许多新的稳定币在BSC上推出。”(注:Operation Chokepoint 2.0是一项由拜登政府主导的针对加密货币行业的清盘行动,让美国金融机构不配合或不提供加密货币项目服务。)
07:41 2025-03-23
Ethena TVL突破65亿美元,创历史新高
据 DeFilama 平台数据显示,截止 3 月 33 日,Ethena TVL 突破 65 亿美元,创历史新高,达 65.58 亿美元。其中 USDe 供应量达 54.13 亿枚,USDtb 供应量达 11.42 亿枚。
07:19 2025-03-23
据相关页面显示,Binance 投票上币榜中 BANANAS31、SIREN、Broccoli(CZ's Dog)目前暂列前三。
07:04 2025-03-23
06:40 2025-03-23
据链上分析师余烬监测,“从币安提出 200 万枚 AUCTION 巨鲸/机构”在 20 多分钟前将最后的 20 万枚 AUCTION(价值约合 490 万美元)也转进了币安。该鲸鱼/机构前段时间囤积的 200 万枚 AUCTION 已经全部转进了币安。 从今天凌晨 4 点到现在,“从币安提出 26%总量的鲸鱼/机构”向币安转移了 150 万枚 AUCTION(价值约合 4988 万美元)。 项目方地址在凌晨 3 点向币安、OKX、Gate 转移了 35.9 万枚 AUCTIO...
06:25 2025-03-23
据 Coinglass 数据,若比特币突破 8.6 万美元,主流 CEX 累计空单清算强度将达 6.51 亿。反之,若比特币跌破 8.2 万美元,主流 CEX 累计多单清算强度将达 6.72 亿。
06:00 2025-03-23
港股上市公司港亚控股(01723)发布公告,于 2025 年 3 月 20 日,该集团在公开市场进一步购入约 10 枚比特币,总代价为 667.12 万港元(约 85.85 万美元)。目前公司共持有 18.88 枚比特币,总代价 13,365,636.46 港元(约 1,720,157.41 美元)。
05:15 2025-03-23
据链上分析师 @ali_charts 监测,在 Binance 平台比特币期货交易者中 60.52% 押注比特币价格将上涨。