
Blockchain Association Urges Gary Gensler to Stop Crypto Enforcement Actions

Kristin Smith, executive director of the Blockchain Association, commented that the Securities Exchange Commission's (SEC) regulatory actions against the crypto industry have caused U.S. businesses to pay more than $400 million in legal defense costs. The data highlights the excessive regulation of the crypto industry during the tenure of SEC Chairperson Gary Gensler. According to the latest Blockchain Association and HarrisX...

2024-11-19 19:58:57
区块链协会敦促 Gary Gensler 停止加密执法行动

区块链协会(Blockchain Association)执行董事 Kristin Smith 发表评论,指出美国证券交易委员会(SEC)对加密行业的监管行动已导致美国企业支付超过 4 亿美元的法律防御成本。该数据突显了 SEC 主席 Gary Gensler 任期内对加密行业的过度监管。 据区块链协会与 HarrisX 最新...

2024-11-19 19:58:57
Blockchain Association CEO: SEC's fiscal year 2024 will end on September 30, and more enforcement actions are expected within the month

Kristin Smith, CEO of cryptocurrency lobbying group Blockchain Association, said on Thursday that the SEC's fiscal year 2024 ends on September 30 and expects to see more similar actions in the coming weeks. Previously, eToro agreed to pay $1.50 million to settle with the SEC and will stop most of its crypto asset trading activities.

2024-09-13 12:11:16
Blockchain Association CEO:SEC的2024财年将于9月30结束,预计月内会有更多执法行动

加密货币游说组织Blockchain Association首席执行官Kristin Smith于X谈及eToro同意支付罚款一事表示,SEC的2024财年将于9月30日结束,预计在接下来的几周内将看到更多类似的行动。 此前消息,eToro同意支付150万美元与美SEC达成和解,并将停止大部分加密资产交易活动。

2024-09-13 12:11:16
Blockchain Association CEO: Optimistic about Kamala Harris' support for cryptocurrencies

Blockchain Association CEO Kristin Smith said Kamala Harris' emergence as the presumptive nominee for the Democratic presidential nomination offers a new opportunity to reshape cryptocurrency policy. Smith believes that a young candidate who understands California's tech economy could lead to new policies. The Blockchain Association has contacted the Harris team but has not yet received a response. Multiple crypto advocacy groups have called on Harris to engage in an "open dialogue" and support ...

2024-07-26 08:34:22
区块链协会 CEO:对 Kamala Harris 支持加密货币持乐观态度

区块链协会CEO Kristin Smith表示,Kamala Harris成为民主党总统候选人presumptive nominee为重塑加密货币政策提供了新机会。 Smith认为,一位了解加州科技经济的年轻候选人可能带来全新政策。区块链协会已联系 Harris 团队,但尚未收到回应。 多个加密倡导组织呼吁Harris进行"开放对话"并在党纲中支持加密货币。然而,加密社区对 Harris 能否改变拜登政府的加密政...

2024-07-26 08:34:22
The White House will nominate CFTC Commissioner Kristin Johnson as the US Treasury Secretary

According to a person who requested anonymity, the White House will nominate Kristin Johnson, a commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), as the US Treasury secretary.

2024-05-10 06:23:43
白宫将提名CFTC委员Kristin Johnson担任美国财政部长

据一位要求匿名的人士称,白宫将提名美国商品期货交易委员会 (CFTC) 委员 (Kristin Johnson) 担任美国财政部长。

2024-05-10 06:23:43

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