
The Bank of Korea will conduct a real transaction test of the central bank's digital currency next month

On March 24th, the Bank of Korea said today that as part of the launch of the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) wholesale comprehensive test, the bank will test the use of digital tokens converted from bank deposits in online and offline shopping malls. The test will be launched on April 1, with up to 100,000 consumers and seven major banks including Kookmin Bank, Shinhan Bank and Hana Bank participating. During the period, consumers can use deposit tokens to purchase goods and services at mu...

2025-03-24 03:59:16
"Gathering potential, no boundaries" PANDORA ecological launch conference was successfully held today in Jeju Island, South Korea

According to the official news of PANDORA Chain, the "Gathering, Unbounded PANDORA Ecological Launch Conference" hosted by the PANDORA Foundation and co-organized by the Global Supernode Support was grandly held in Jeju Island, South Korea on March 20 and successfully opened. PANDORA global developers, communities, partners, institutions, etc. witnessed this historic moment. Pandora Chain is a new generation of super public chains for complex computing. As an open, inclusive and dynamic ecosyste...

2025-03-20 01:02:15
Bank of Korea to Launch CBDC Pilot "Hangang" in April

The Bank of Korea (BOK) plans to launch a central bank digital currency (CBDC) pilot called "Hangang". The program aims to facilitate daily transactions from April to June. Once the Bank of Korea issues the digital currency to seven participating banks, the institutions will distribute deposit tokens for use in local supermarkets, online shopping malls and convenience stores. The pilot is expected to involve 100,000 local citizens.

2025-03-18 05:18:50
The Bank of Korea has never considered including bitcoin in its foreign exchange reserves

The Bank of Korea made it clear that it "has never considered including bitcoin in foreign exchange reserves". In response to a written question from a lawmaker and member of the Planning and Finance Committee, Cha Gui-geun, the Bank of Korea said on the 16th, "We believe that we need to be cautious about including bitcoin in foreign exchange reserves...

2025-03-17 00:18:28
Bank of Korea to launch CBDC retail transaction pilot involving 100,000 consumers

The Bank of Korea plans to work with the Financial Services Commission and the Financial Supervisory Service to launch a real-world transaction pilot of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) involving 100,000 consumers. The pilot will involve seven major commercial banks, including Kookmin Bank, Shinhan Bank, Hana Bank, Woori Bank, Nongxie Bank, Korea Development Bank, and Busan Bank. These banks will issue CBDC-backed deposit tokens for retail transactions at select merchants, including 7-Elev...

2025-03-11 14:59:02
South Korea Should Consider Bitcoin Reserve, Say Industry Lobbyists, Democratic Party Members
South Korea Should Consider Bitcoin Reserve, Say Industry Lobbyists, Democratic Party Members

The country’s financial experts and opposition lawmakers proposed adding crypto to a national stockpile Wednesday, as the U.S. pushes ahead.

2025-03-10 01:20:58
A Chinese man was killed while trading virtual currencies in Jeju, South Korea. The suspects are four Chinese nationals

On February 26, according to the "Modern Express" report, a Chinese man was found dead in a hotel in Jeju, South Korea, presumably killed while trading virtual currency. South Korean police have arrested four Chinese suspects, namely two women in their 30s, a man in his 30s and a man in his 60s. Four suspects have been confirmed to have fled with the victim's 85 million won, and are currently investigating the motive and process of the crime.

2025-02-26 03:21:09
ZachXBT: Stolen funds from two Bybit and Phemex incidents operated by Lazarus Group from the same address

According to ZachXBT monitoring, the North Korean hacking group Lazarus Group operated the stolen funds of the two hacking incidents of Bybit and Phemex through the same address (0x33d057af74779925c4b2e720a820387cb89f8f65), confirming the connection between the two incidents.

2025-02-22 08:47:09
Definalist: The biggest event today and tomorrow may be the two unlocks of MELANIA tokens

Definalist, a South Korean trader, posted on social media, "I think the biggest event today and tomorrow may be the MELANIA token unlock, which takes place in two days: Today (17:26 Beijing time on the 19th), there are still 5 hours left, worth 37 million US dollars MELANIA unlocked; Tomorrow (17:47 Beijing time on the 20th), the value of 27.80 million US dollars MELANIA will be unlocked. "

2025-02-19 04:37:58
Definalist: The biggest event today and tomorrow may be the two unlocks of MELANIA tokens

Definalist, a South Korean trader, posted on social media, "I think the biggest event today and tomorrow could be the MELANIA token unlock, which takes place over two days." Today (17:26 Beijing time on the 19th), there are still 5 hours left, worth 37 million US dollars MELANIA unlocked; Tomorrow (17:47 Beijing time on the 20th), the value of 27.80 million US dollars MELANIA will be unlocked. "

2025-02-19 04:37:57
List of important developments at noon on February 19

7:00-12:00 Keywords: Korea, Luna, Libra, Coinbase 1. The Supreme Court of Korea has ruled that TerraUSD and Luna are not securities. 2. Google is exploring the use of the "Google Sign in" function to log in to Bitcoin wallets; 3. Libra denied paying bribes to Millai, saying media reports were "politically motivated"; 4. Coinbase shareholders sue company executives for allegedly misleading investors about bankruptcy risks. 5. Hong Kong Securities Supervision Commission: Virtual Asset Roadmap rele...

2025-02-19 04:01:38
The South Korean Supreme Court has ruled that TerraUSD and Luna are not securities

According to Etoday, South Korea's Supreme Court has ruled that stablecoin TerraUSD and cryptocurrency Luna are not considered financial investment products or securities. The digital assets collapsed in May 2022, losing about $40 billion in value. The latest court decision could affect similar legal disputes in lower courts. In November 2022, a Seoul court rejected a prosecutor's request to seize the assets of Daniel Shin, co-founder of Terraform Labs, the company behind the tokens.

2025-02-19 03:34:21
South Korean FSC Chairperson: A decision on Upbit's sanctions review will be made as soon as possible

Kim Byoung-hwan, chairperson of South Korea's Financial Services Commission (FSC), announced that the regulator will soon make a decision on whether to impose sanctions on Upbit, a crypto exchange that failed to meet customer authentication requirements. The decision follows an inspection launched by the FSC's Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (FIU) at the end of August last year as part of the renewal process for Upbit's Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP) license. During the inspection, i...

2025-02-18 02:49:35
Upbit operator Dunamu acquires digital music notation company MPAG

Dunamu, the operator of South Korean crypto exchange Upbit, has acquired MPAG, the global operator of digital music notation platforms. The acquisition took place in November, and Dunamu made MPAG a subsidiary by purchasing shares. MPAG operates the MyMusic Sheet platform for global users, the Mapianist platform for Korean users, and the Kokomu platform for Japanese users.

2025-02-17 00:53:52
South Korean authorities say they are ready to lift a ban on selling short shares by the end of the quarter

South Korea's acting president, Choe Sang-mu, said on Friday that authorities will communicate with market participants and prepare to lift the ban on selling short stocks imposed in November 2023 by the end of the quarter as planned. Authorities will closely monitor financial marekt, citing high uncertainty over U.S. trade policy and global geopolitical factors.

2025-02-14 03:09:55

7x24 快讯

15:26 2025-03-25
Asia Web3 Alliance Japan提议美日合作推动代币化经济与Web3创新
Asia Web3 Alliance Japan 向美国 SEC 加密任务小组提交提案,建议建立美日代币化与 Web3 监管合作计划,联合 SEC、日本金融厅(JFSA)、经济产业省(METI)及日本银行(BOJ)参与。目标包括:1.制定统一代币分类框架,明确“代币化证券”、“实用代币”及“非证券数字资产”;2.促...
15:17 2025-03-25
14:44 2025-03-25
14:41 2025-03-25
14:16 2025-03-25
MIM Spell:愿为黑客提供被盗资金总额的20%作为赏金
MIM Spell在X平台发文称,核心贡献者和安全工程师正在深入调查该问题,并将尽快提供更多信息,每个 gmCauldron 在发布前都经过全面审计,与 GMX 核心合约使用了相同的审计者,gmCauldrons 也集成在 Abracadabra Security 基础设施的其余部分中,本次是在攻击者执行了多笔交易后,漏洞才被发现,目前已关闭了所有 cauldrons 的借贷并在评估此次攻击造成的全部损失。 M...
14:07 2025-03-25
美股上市公司 KULR 宣布以每枚 88,824 美元的价格额外购入 56.3 个 BTC,使其总持有量达到 668.3 枚。该公司的比特币储备总计花费约 6,500 万美元,平均每枚价格为 97,305 美元。
14:07 2025-03-25
芝商所拟利用Google Cloud测试数字资产基础设施以简化结算和清算
芝加哥商品交易所集团(CME Group)正在与谷歌云Google Cloud合作探索代币化,旨在通过使用 Google Cloud Universal Ledger 进行资产标记化提高资本市场的效率,两家公司计划在今年晚些时候开始与市场参与者进行直接测试,并计划在 2026 年推出新服务。
13:49 2025-03-25
3月25日消息,GMGN 联创 Haze 宣布网站安全更新,提升提款安全性。具体措施包括: 1.提币渠道调整,关闭 TG Bot 提币入口,仅支持 Web 端操作,并新增 Tron 链提款支持; 2.白名单地址管控,仅允许向已生效的白名单地址转账,提币结果及白名单更新通过登录 Bot 自动推送; 3.安全升级,提币新增谷歌二次验证(2FA),白名单地址的添加与编辑均需通过 2FA 验证。
13:31 2025-03-25
疑似Arrington Capital地址收到500万枚PARTI
据@ai_9684xtpa监测,除 Flow Traders 外,疑似Arrington Capital地址(Arkham标记显示)也从项目方合约地址处收到500万枚PARTI,占流通代币的2.14%,截至目前已将所有代币充值进了交易所。
13:31 2025-03-25
美股三大股指集体高开 特朗普媒体科技集团开涨近8%
美股开盘,道指涨0.12%,标普500指数涨0.14%,纳指涨0.11%。特朗普媒体科技集团(DJT.O)开涨近8%,其与Crypto.com合作推出ETF。明星科技股多数高开,特斯拉(TSLA.O)、Meta Platforms(META.O)涨近1.5%。
13:28 2025-03-25
据链上数据,Circle 刚刚在 Solana 网络上增发 2.5 亿枚 USDC。
13:13 2025-03-25