
Crypto KOL Ansem increases its holdings of 1 million FARTCOIN, with a total market value of 7.25 million dollars

According to @OnchainLens, the cryptocurrency KOLAnsem bought 555,860 FARTCOINs at an average price of $1.80 using 1 million USDC. Currently, Ansem holds 4.06 million FARTCOINs, with a total position market value of about $7.25 million.

2025-01-22 22:52:16
加密KOL Ansem增持价值100万的FARTCOIN,总持仓市值达725万美元

据@Onchain Lens监测,加密货币KOLAnsem以平均1.8美元的价格,使用100万USDC购入555,860枚FARTCOIN。目前,Ansem持有406万枚FARTCOIN,总持仓市值约725万美元。

2025-01-22 22:52:16