As monitored by Spot On Chain, F2Pool & Stakefish founder Chun Wang (@satofishi) has sold 2.50 million LDOs in the last 14 days for $4.50 million in USDT. After a 10 1/2 month break since his return on November 21, 2024, he has sold 6.10 million LDOs at around $1.708 in exchange for 10.42 million USDTs, and the selling activity has picked up. He was an initial member of the Lido DAO, earned 20 million LDOs, and now holds only 2.50 million ($3.88 million).
据Spot On Chain监测,F2Pool&Stakefish创始人Chun Wang(@satofishi)于过去14天内以450万美元的USDT卖出了250万枚LDO。自2024年11月21日回归以来,经过10个半月的休整,他以约1.708美元的价格卖出了610万枚LDO,换回了1042万枚USDT,卖出活动有所回升。 他曾是Lido DAO的初始成员,获得了2000万枚LDO,现在只持有250万枚(388万美元)。
According to Spot On Chain, F2Pool co-founder and Stakefish founder Chun Wang (@satofishi) just sold 600,000 LDOs for $667,000 10 months later. As an initial member of the Lido DAO, he received 20 million LDOs on December 17, 2020. Currently, he holds 8 million LDOs ($8.69 million). Note that he is the fourth initial Lido DAO member to return and sell tokens this November.
据Spot On Chain监测,F2Pool 联合创始人、Stakefish 创始人Chun Wang (@satofishi)刚刚在 10 个月后再次以 66.7 万美元的价格卖出了 60 万枚LDO。 作为Lido DAO 的初始成员,他在 2020 年 12 月 17 日获得了 2000 万枚LDO。目前,他持有 800 万枚LDO(869 万美元)。请注意,他是今年 11 月第四位返回并出售代币的初始 Lido DAO 会员。
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On April 2nd, it was reported that Ethena's official post on Discord stated that they have learned about the situation where the number of ENA airdrops on Liqufi is lower than the number displayed on Ethena's claim page. We are currently investigating these differences and ensuring that users will receive the amount of ENA they deserve. We will provide the latest update today.