据Arbitrum在X平台发文宣布,Karrat基金会将与Arbitrum共同推出Studio Chain,同时Karrat基金会还与Arbitrum基金会达成战略合作伙伴,据悉该区块链拟专注于游戏市场,同时将会把Karrat原生代币整合到Studio Chain生态系统中。
KARRAT, a decentralized gaming protocol, announced its intention to launch Studio Chain, a custom blockchain designed to enhance Web3's native entertainment capabilities (especially in gaming), allowing teams to design ecosystems that meet the specific needs of their community, industry, or product. It is reported that KARRAT intends to provide creators and developers with a decentralized platform on the new chain, providing resources, visibility, built-in communities, and even development grant...
HFT, SHDW, OMNI, and KARRAT are now available to residents of Germany, allowing users to buy, sell, convert, send, receive, or store these assets by logging into the Coinbase website, iOS, and Android apps. To access transactions, users may need to refresh their apps.
据Coinbase Assets在X平台宣布,HFT、SHDW、OMNI和KARRAT现已向德国居民开放,用户可以登录Coinbase网站、iOS和Android 应用程序购买、出售、转换、发送、接收或存储这些资产,如要访问交易,用户可能需要对其应用程序进行刷新。
Coinbase Exchange 在 X 平台宣布,KARRAT-USD 交易对在 Coinbase Exchange 和 Advanced Trade 已处于全面交易模式(full-trading mode),限价、市价和止损订单现已全部可用。
据 Coinbase Assets 在 X 平台发文宣布,Coinbase 将在以太坊网络(ERC-20 代币)上添加对 Karrat (KARRAT)的支持,如果满足流动性条件,交易将于今天晚些时候开始,Coinbase 提醒请勿通过其他网络发送此资产,否则资金可能会丢失。