
Data: 12 U.S. state pension funds collectively hold about $330 million in Strategy shares

According to cryptocurrency analyst Julian Fahrer, by the end of 2024, state pension funds or treasuries in 12 North American states held shares in Strategy (formerly Microstrategy), worth a total of about $330 million. The California Teachers' Retirement Fund is the largest holding institution, holding 285,785 shares worth approximately $83 million, according to a 13F filing with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) on February 14. In addition, the fund also holds 306,215 shares of Coinbase...

2025-02-17 11:37:09

据加密货币分析师Julian Fahrer报道,截至2024年底,北美12个州的州立养老基金或国库持有Strategy(前身为微策略)公司股票,总价值约3.3亿美元。 加利福尼亚州教师退休基金是持仓最多的机构,根据2月14日向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交的13F文件显示,该基金持有285,785股,价值约8,300万美元。 此外,该基金还持有306,215股币安美国(Coinbase)股票,价值约7,...

2025-02-17 11:37:09
KIP Protocol: LIBRA is not a Rug, there will be a Space soon

On February 15, KIP Protocol co-creator Julian tweeted: "Hi everyone, I'm Julian Peh, CEO of KIP Protocol. This is not Rug, there will be a Space soon."

2025-02-15 16:10:58
KIP Protocol联创:LIBRA不是Rug,很快会有一场Space

2月15日消息,KIP Protocol 联创 Julian 发推表示:“大家好,我是 KIP Protocol 的首席执行官 Julian Peh。这不是Rug,很快就会有一场 Space。”

2025-02-15 16:10:58
KIP Lianchuang: Did not profit from LIBRA and will not hide

On February 15, KIP Protocol co-founder Julian said on social media that he is also the CEO of KIP Protocol, and his team has not profited from LIBRA. The wording of the previous announcement is indeed inappropriate, but in order to maintain transparency, it will not be deleted. He is not hiding and does not need to be tracked.

2025-02-15 15:46:45

2月15日消息,KIP Protocol联合创始人Julian在社交媒体上表示,自己兼任KIP Protocol的CEO,其团队并未从LIBRA上获利,此前发布的公告措辞确实不当,但为了维护透明度,将不会删除。自己没有躲藏起来,无需进行追踪。

2025-02-15 15:46:45
KIP Protocol: The complete plan for LIBRA tokens will be released, it will take some time

KIP Protocol co-founder and CEO Julian posted on the X platform to announce that the complete plan for LIBRA tokens will be released, with partners responsible for different parts of the project, which will be fully communicated, but it will take some time.

2025-02-15 15:25:31
KIP Protocol联创:将发布LIBRA代币完整计划,需要一些时间

KIP Protocol联合创始人兼首席执行官Julian在X平台发文宣布,将发布LIBRA代币完整计划,有合作伙伴负责该项目的不同部分,将进行充分沟通,但需要一些时间。

2025-02-15 15:25:31
New Montana Act Authorizes Investment of Up to $50 million in Bitcoin

According to crypto KOL Julian Fahrer, Montana House Bill 429 will authorize the state treasurer to invest up to $50 million from the general fund in "digital assets with a market capitalization of more than $750 billion," i.e. Bitcoin, until July 15, 2025. These investments must be held by a qualified custodian or made through a trading platform-traded fund.

2025-02-09 12:46:55

据加密 KOL Julian Fahrer 披露,美国蒙大拿州第 429 号众议院法案将授权到 2025 年 7 月 15 日之前,州财政部长需要从一般基金中投资最多 5000 万美元于「市值超过 7500 亿美元的数字资产」,即比特币。 这些投资必须由合格的托管人持有或通过交易平台交易基金进行。

2025-02-09 12:46:55
Brazilian MPs Warn of Drex CBDC Risks, Refuse to Repeal Cash Bill

Julia Zanatta, a member of the Brazilian Congress, has expressed concern about the impact of the implementation of digital currency (drex) on the lives of citizens. Julia Zanatta emphasized that physical money may come to an end as the country moves forward with the implementation of drex (digital currency of the national central bank). In a recent interview, Julia Zanatta explained that the use of drex should be voluntary rather than mandatory, as it could become a tool to exert control over Br...

2024-12-29 13:50:02
巴西国会议员对Drex CBDC风险发出警告,拒绝废除现金法案

巴西国会议员Julia Zanatta对实施数字货币(drex)对公民生活的影响表示担忧。Julia Zanatta强调,在国家推进实施drex(国家中央银行数字货币)时,实体货币可能终结。在最近的一次采访中,Julia Zanatta解释说,drex的使用应该是自愿而不是强制性的,因为它可能成为对巴西人施加控制的工具,她已经计划建立多个后备措施以阻止这种情况的发...

2024-12-29 13:50:02

dYdX 创始人 Antonio Juliano 于 X 发文表示:所有 perps(永续合约)产品基本上都千篇一律,我对此感到厌倦。市场感觉停滞不前,零和博弈。我们可以竞争,试图将用户从 CeFi perps 转移到 DeFi perps,但我现在发现这没有抓住重点。我相信是时候回到根本,重新想象 DeF...

2024-11-03 15:14:24
The founder of dYdX has returned to the CEO position, saying he will "completely restart" the project's operations

In a conversation with Empire co-host Jason Yanowitz, dYdX founder Antonio Juliano announced his return to the CEO role five months after leaving the company. "After thinking about it for a while, I now have a very clear idea of what we need to do. I basically want to completely restart everything and run the company again as a founder." According to DeFiLlama data, in October last year, DEX perpetual contract trading volume was 33 billion US dollars, of which dYdX accounted for 80% of the marke...

2024-10-22 21:33:19

dYdX创始人Antonio Juliano在离职5个月后宣布重返CEO职位。在与Empire联合主持人Jason Yanowitz的对话中,其表示:"经过一段时间的思考,我现在非常清楚我们需要做什么。我基本上要彻底重启一切,以创始人模式重新运营公司。" 据DeFiLlama数据显示,去年10月,DEX永续合约交易量为330亿美元,其中dYdX占据80%的市场份额。而在今年9月,DEX永续合约总交易量增长至1350亿美元,但dYdX...

2024-10-22 21:33:19